Transfers to populated realms have now been restricted so Horde and Alliance players that have been stuck on Pagle, Mankrik, Bene, etc. are now stuck. There’s no sign that they will allow free transfers to our factions only on these servers because one faction is so crowded. We can’t move to higher populated servers, we can’t free transfer to the growing servers… we have been properly left to die. There surely has to be a plan for the low populated factions. The queues are bad but the lack of help and communication to those that have been on servers since the start of Vanilla Classic and haven’t moved is worse than the massive queues. Big queues and they won’t funnel the players into servers that have under populated factions. Give us an option to Free transfer to a more populated growing server or force people to come balance the server.
Exactly the problem I’m having:
“Full” but Dead Servers: Whitemane, Pagle
You mentioned Benediction, but at least Horde there now have FREE transfers to Sulfuras, Old Blanchy, or Eranikus. Alliance stuck on Whitemane have nothing!
Didn’t know about the horde free transfers. That’s not fair at all. Mankrik alliance is dead as well.
These servers have been 1 sides, literally, forever. If you haven’t done it yet you had no intention of doing so.
That is simply not true. There were tons of alliance in Vanilla and even at the start of TBC.
Its not “Horde” free transfers, its free transfers on Benediction, so both Alliance and Horde on benediction could also take advantage of it to move to a different server.
Regardless, on Mankrik all recent free transfers have been Horde only.
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