"Full" but Dead Servers: Whitemane, Pagle

@Kaivax @Aggrend

Currently there are thousands of (mostly returning) players who are completely trapped on dead factions in “Full” realms that do not have FCMs - notably Whitemane (A), Pagle (H) and Mankrik (A). To recap, here is what these paying customers currently cannot do:

  • Cannot take any free transfer, including to “destination realms” Sulfuras or Old Blanchy
  • Cannot PAY to transfer to any reasonably populated realm, including Benediction, Faerlina, Grobbulus, Whitemane, Pagle, Mankrik, or now apparently Sulfuras
  • Cannot take a free or even PAID transfer to “overflow” Eranikus
  • Cannot even try a “player-made solution” like recruiting friends or guilds to transfer here, because guess what… Whitemane, Pagle, and Mankrik are all locked even to PAID transfers

What, exactly, are the players stuck on these dead factions supposed to do? Is PAYING to transfer to a low-pop PvE realm like Old Blanchy really the only option??

EDIT: All of this also applies to alts that have been left behind on these servers/factions. Now players can’t even PAY to reunite their alts/mains, especially if they were considering a main swap for Wrath.


click change realm
create new character

It’s funny to troll, but clearly you know that’s not an option. Right?

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it is an option

just not the one you want in a perfect scenario


Never thought of that - thanks! Maybe I’ll reroll on Skyfury-PvP.

Also, the cruel irony is that I’m 99% certain that Whitemane will have long queues and ultimately FCMs at Wrath launch… but because there’s a chance this doesn’t happen, there’s no incentive to continue sinking hours into my trapped characters.

what ever bruh whitemane is fine and we don’t want ur trash

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if your alliance just pay to come to westfall. its pve but you can live with it.

Not dead servers. Faction dominated. If you actually rolled there on the lesser faction, why?

Chilling on Mankrik for years and not lacking for people, nor is it full. Shrug

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The forums blaming people for mass transferring off a server causing faction imbalance while also blaming the people who stayed to keep it alive, really is peak internet.

OP if you’re not attached, transfer to a lower pop server on the list, I think they will fill up soon tbh. Only choice atm.


He worded it poorly, but he’s saying Alliance on Mankirk is dead, not that Mankirk is dead. Mankirk is just horde dominated.

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Alright, though I rolled my DK on Alliance and I have to say its not lacking for active people, in the hours I play and there are active Discords. But I understand my experience doesn’t represent everyone elses, and it’s true that I don’t see too many Alli guilds recruiting.

Level character

Join guild

Play for two months

Server dies

Rinse, repeat

I play on Pagle and have seen an uptick in the amount of Horde characters I see running around, but that doesnt mean its going to be a good experience for Horde on Pagle in the long term. its a 90+% Alliance server. Even if there is enough horde for a few raiding teams, most of the world resources are going to alliance.

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It’s an option. It’s not like they are staying for a guild or friends.

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so, they are not dead if they have thousands of players… right?.. RIGHT?

It’s not a troll. Change realm. Go some place better. It’s not like you payed real money for a bunch of gold on that character or anything right? Right?

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Don’t forget, both Benediction (H) and Faerlina (A) players were stuck like this too until last week’s “get out of jail free” card. Now they can freely go to Sulfuras, Eranikus, or Old Blanchy.

Why is Whitemane (A) uniquely trapped like this??

PVE how can you stop them?

There’s actually a very clear fix for this issue (and almost all server/queue problems): connected realms.

That way, returning players on Whitemane (A) can group with their guilds/friends that left for Benediction or Grobbulus. And this avoids the burden of processing transfers, paid or otherwise.

Why is the easy solution not being considered?

what sudden reasoning is there for people who rolled on 1:99 server needing to transfer off now?

if you picked horde on pagle you probably knew what you were doing

these servers never had free transfers before
allowing transfer to any of the 15k+ queue realms is an absolutely unacceptable solution

eranikus was made for the extreme cases of these realms being in dire need of a solution to the queue, i dont know about whitemane and mankrik personally but pagle has no queue so there is no dire need for transfer to an emergency realm like this

if you rolled on a 1:99 server that’s something you did to yourself and you still have mostly all the solutions you had before of solving it