Go for it. I know you won’t have anything of value to add. I’m sure it’d even be something along the lines of evil capitalism restricting your own personal movement upwards. Woe is you.
Really? Explain then, how gear matters in achieving upward movement for higher rating when 1900’s and below don’t regularly face anyone they have a gear disparity with until there are so few games being played. I’ll wait.
nothing is more satisfying than being david in real time. and it’s memorable to take down (a bad, very bad) goliath. sucks thats going away because SoD is run by a mob of crying kids
That’s not the only ask for me. My only ask is to remove non-participants. It doesn’t seem to make much of a difference whether the enemy team is a PuG or a Premade, non-participants sabotage their teams, while saying negative and sometimes mean things.
It’s very unproductive and upsetting;- not upsetting in the sense of “oh my feelings are hurt,” though making fun of someone for that sort of thing would be insensitive, but more upsetting in the sense of, “I’d really like to do something about this, but I am unable to.” so perhaps frustrating is more the word.
And then we read these comments on the forums which, as far as I’m concerned are obviously from people who are throwing games, quitting, and berating their teammates now asking to force me and people like me to play with them. I don’t want to play with you, and I absolutely do not want to be forced to.
Is it strange, inventing arguments and then having them with yourself? I’m talking about WoW, let me know when you’re done having whatever rant you’re having.
Nothing more fun than running the 3-4 man stomping prems over and over. That will likely go away for me and my group, meaning my 3-4 man now has to stomp pugs instead. The irony will be rich
Forming premades allows me to remove anyone who doesn’t participate or calls for non-participation right off of my team and out of my discord. I never have to interact with them again.
We currently have a relatively reasonably self-regulating system. I would absolutely want a more regulated one if you’re asking to remove power and agency from players to regulate this for themselves.
Of course I know about MMR in retail, and you’re upset that people will get gear because it’ll make matchmaking much more competitive when everyone is in a similar gearing situation at the level that vast majority of players play at.
Put another way, you find it upsetting that people will have an easier time gaining entry because…no actual reason.
In the same way that people who engage in premades are upset that a completely solved 20 year old game may move in a direction where they lose their advantage (because none of you PvP looking for fair fights. You only enjoy PvP when you have an extreme advantage.)
And now you may go back to whatever strange argument you were having about my finances and my view on economic systems.
Yeah. As long as it addresses the non-participation issue first and foremost, I’ll be fine with it. If it ignores that, and has a negative impact to tryhards in favor of quitters, then that will be a very clear and strong message that Blizzard’s devs are catering to people that I personally do not want to be in a community with.
are you exalted yet? i got 90% of my exalted from pugging. remaining 10% queueing w my healbot, raid, or “pug premades”. worst part is when babies afk in gy against another premade
i just hope they think through whatever system they implement, it has potential adverse effects downstream.
common theme with the tuning in SoD, everyone listens to whomever is the loudest and no one thinks about consequences. cant and should not tune a game for balance at lvl 25