Restrict battleground queue group size to 5 man

Nah. The reason I loved RBGs was because they reminded me of the epic vanilla WoW premades. Up to 40 vs 40 AVs.

Take away premade PVP raids then it takes out part of Classic. When all these solo queuers had to do was join a pug.

This is Classic WoW where there are incentives to play with other people. If you want to queue solo then expect to lose. If you want to win and get a good experience then play in a group. Changing the game to accommodate these nonsocial players is directly taking Classic down the path of retail IMO.

I played in 2004 premades were rare less than 1 in 10 games it was always pug vs pug(fair competitive PvP) you all want to premade then face other premades in your own Que. If you think smashing pugs with a 10 stack is PvP you’re wrong. You don’t seem to understand that 10 stack vs pugs is toxic. If premades weren’t fixed before AV launches every pug player would run to AV and never Que ab or wsg again and those bgs would be dead. Just because you make a team doesn’t mean a solo player should auto lose to you. That’s like me saying queing solo is harder than queing with 10 ppl in coms with healers so solo Que players should have a 200% hp and damage /healing buff because it’s a harder form of play and I should always win when I solo Que

100% agreed.

Two reasons why they were less common.

Server-only restricted bgs. There was no fully integrated cross server as there is now, and even when battlegroups were introduced it wasn’t the same as cross servers are now. Nothing close. Battlegroups were clusters of 6-10 servers. Cross server bg’s is all servers. Max server size in vanilla was 6k players for the high pops. Being generous about it, less than 10% of players were truly interested in pvp.

Second. People weren’t incentivized by being handed 1/2 faction rep with wsg in vanilla like they are here in sod for effectively doing nothing, thus there wasn’t this meta push to max out rep on a faction that no one had maxed out well until many weeks played into level 60.

When wsg was patched in. For anyone under level 60, it could take up to six hours for a queue to pop and when one did, sometimes there weren’t enough enemy players before the instance would close out. No one was doing spergy twink play then, it hadn’t even been thought of yet at that stage of entry into the game.

What I’m hearing is that you have never tried playing in a dedicated PVP group. So you don’t know the fun.

You’re saying this like “you people,” like we’re idiots, when this is a natural progression of playing PVP. Groups form and you organize tactics and plan things together. This is called socialization and fun teamplay. Way more fun than PVE raids IMO.

I’m just talking about pugs too, nothing fancy. Anybody can invite their homies and queue up. Or fill other spots if they think it helps them win.

Your calling it “toxic” again shows your lack of appreciation for Vanilla PVP.

If they could fix it in a way that pleases your “side”, it would probably be RBGs where participants get greater rewards: if not conquest points then extra honor in general, which you may object to anyway. I would be okay with that but some people might not be… it’s a big change.


It actually does work.

So there is no problem then. No one cares how long Premade Que are. We just want to do Regular BGs without Premades ruining them.

The best way to have Regular BGs is to give us Solo Que. The most requested feature for BGs over the last 10 years. Just do it! Solo Que would drastically raise PvP participation.

Imma guess Ivanka.

If people are going to throw 5 irl friends that want to play and have fun together into a queue that lengthens considerably I don’t believe that’s a viable option. So I do care how long queues may become.

But I trust the matchmaking will end up making everyone wait longer. Yay!

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so break a Premade down into 5mans and que at the same time, and get in the same BG on the same Team. This idea was tested in TBC classic, killed pvp for alot of folks, but We were still able to form premades.

I’d wait an hour to fight a non-premade. I just want the option to do Regular BGs. It’s really not asking for much. The Devs could do something special in SOD by doing Solo Que which would make SOD the most popular PvP attraction in history.

With that said the damage that Premades have done this phase and too WSG will last all of SOD. I doubt people will ever Que for WSG again in P2. Unless they actually give us Solo Que options so it would be worth doing WSG since we don’t need Rep anymore.

At least it’s WSG that is ruined. Lets face it that BG is trash anyways. Map exploits and jumps. So many things could be fixed but they didn’t and let Premades run wild ruining Regular BGs for everyone.

No you will not want to wait an hour. Stop lying and over exaggerating. Nobody believes you.

They are not doing solo q, they are doing match making.

Single digit variables are needed to open odd number games, otherwise they quite literally can never pop mathematically, and that’s why q times rise and likely is why solo q isn’t coming.

Not that it matters to you it sounds like you don’t like wsg. If I were to take a wild guess you have your excuses for AB as well.

Why don’t you just wait for AV, you can afk there and everyone else around you in a Zerg can surely mask your individual mistakes, unlike wsg (which is why people hate it-their mistakes are magnified due to smaller groups/map/and less class spread. A single warrior not where he should be or screwing up is not the same as being in AV with 16 warriors who can mask for you)


We have that option.
There’s no RBGs here.

The amount of ruffled feathers over going up against 10 other players from the same server that just hooked up via trade chat is overblown.

People can be obnoxious. On both teams. The most ticked I’ve been in wsg this season is when our own team members left myself and 3 friends to win the match for them while they lambasted us to “just let it end” “let them win” “hurry up and die i wanna requeue” and other nonsense. (This is the cleaned up verson without expletives and the requests to kys.)

People need to own their awful behavior and stop blaming facing a more coordinated team. But no and it will still happen in solo queue when one team functions and the other twists in the wind.

We didn’t win that match but the four of us didn’t quit. I’m tired of quitters.

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Anything is better than full premades… I’d like there to be no grouping at all, but I wouldn’t deny this change.

Gotcha, reported your post for spam.

And this is the part they don’t want to talk about. Pug groups get carried by small groups that are seeded with them all the time. When I q as 2-4 it’s the same story. They all give up and once we get their flag across and kill efc with a single rogue or 2 people, THEN they start playing. Funny thing about all this, is it will not change even if it was purely pug v pug solo q. Players will still give up after 1 cap, lose the first mid fight, etc. pugs act like they take the moral high ground and this doesn’t happen yet those of us that solo q and also play in groups, both small and full see this on a daily basis and they can’t cap about it.

They will never admit that - even if a solo q came, there is still a very large L2P element involved in winning. Solo q will change absolutely nothing for them, other than removing 1 excuse from the bucket that they can’t use anymore to justify throwing gsmes and trash talking their team.

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You’re part of my above post. You are exactly the type of pug player I am describing.

and you know it


Sure thing bud, whatever you say.

Right. Thanks for recognizing.

Good luck in p2. You’ll need it no matter what they do

You too bud! Hope you’re on crusader strike! :wink:

Oh I am. What does that matter? They can reduce groups to 5 and I’ll still win in 7 minutes

Lmk if you want to tag along for coaching

I get they’ve said match making and not solo queue but thanks for understanding my point: it doesn’t matter for some players what changes in bgs unless it involves purples popping out of magical boxes at the end. There will always be a scapegoat and FOMO is real.


lol but are you queueing both factions?
I was told to go Horde. Again.

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Why would I want coaching from a bad player?