When playing, I accidently delivered a quest item that I had equipped on my character and planned on using. Is it possible to have the item back at the upgrade level it was it thru support, considering quest items do not show in the item restoration page?
When the item was delivered, the quest was completed. So I imagine a GM would be able to verify that I had the item that way?
I spent long hours farming it just to have the quest take it away from my current equipped gear with no warning whatsoever.
I dont believe a GM will be able to restore something that can be obtained again.
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I had spent crests on it.
Reasonably certain the answer will still be a no.
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If the item isn’t restorable I don’t imagine that will change anything, though it is possible the item’s level will be remembered for crest discounts.
Out of curiosity, what quest item is upgradeable?
Welp at that point I might as well call it for the season because it’s extremely annoying to have something taken away from my current gear and not have the crests back either.
Pretty sure even if an item can be restored, it’s never at the upgraded level regardless if it’s restored by a player or GM.
Considering I can restore s1 items I disenchanted at 639, it might be possible.
Sadly to say, if it is a quest item, GM’s can not restore it.
Blizzard Customer Support does not assist with restoring quest items.
If you can not restore any items within the item restoration, then Blizzard would not be able to do so for you.
Kiyoko also posed a question that you may have skipped over-- what quest item allows you to upgrade it with crests and valorstones? That seems like a very unlikely outcome to me.
Quest items are generally white-quality and are specifically marked “quest item”.
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Everything I always heard is they can not restore quest items. If it is in your undelete tool you can get it back that way. But a gm can not just restore or change quest items.
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I’m mostly going out on a limb here, but I think it’s probably a prof quest or the NPC trade jobs where you take a request and send it to the NPC for rewards.
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Profession tools/accessories are green quality and can only be crafted, not upgraded with crests or stones, similar to other crafted gear.
Patron work orders makes sense, though. Which would explain why it isn’t in item restore. Though somewhat debunks the quest item angle.
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I’m also trying to figure out what quest item takes long hours to farm, but is gear and upgradeable? So confused!
Op, please come back and let us know!
Overclocked gear-a-rang, synergistic brewterializer, and burin of the candle king immediately come to mind as being turnins for the stonevault mechsuit. If they got the quest drop from mythic stonevault last season, the quest would still be active and the latter 2 items are now part of this seasons mythic+ rotation. The quest doesn’t discriminate it if you upgraded it or not, will take it right off your character. The quest has been turned in, there’s no unturning it in.
It was indeed this item. And contacting support got me my precious trinket back!
It would be helpful to have a warning for equipped items, though.