Imagine a world where mob rule is a thing. Oh wait…
Really? So am I! And I’m betting there are plenty of other consumers who don’t want him.
Are…are you actually trying or what? Blizzard already removed him and all his voice lines. I don’t have to do or speak for anyone, their actions have already spoken for me. This is just getting sad.
I support bringing the original back. But they won’t
Even though he’s proven innocent, they’ve won now. They will continue to bring it up whenever it suits them, and Blizzard want to wash their hands of that.
Sadly, shamefully and cowardly, that’s all there is to it.
Cancel culture strikes another innocent person, it would be nice if Blizzard reversed course but didn’t they already hire someone else to take over and re-voice all of this?
You mean… consumers trying to weaponize false allegations to keep him removed from his original role?
That’d be a big yikes if so.
Look, I get that its around 1AM, but even somebody with 2 brain cells to scrape together knows that the situation has changed.
They made that choice when the allegations had the potential to be true. Now they’re proven false. So it’s time for Blizzard to reconsider.
It doesn’t take very long to know there’s more than one time zone, but I bet thinking of a “clever” insult took priority.
EDIT: Lol you tried to remove it, got called out on it, and put it back. Yikes.
People actually support cancel culture?
Ugh, as if these forums weren’t gross enough
And also, restore KTs amazing voice
I wanted to change it and be more polite. If you want me to leave it in, have it your way.
So back to your argument. You think the voice acting should stay gone because…?
How about you don’t go around ruining people’s lives you know nothing about? The only thing we KNOW is that he has been cleared of wrong doing. So stuff it.
My full support thou hast.
Just as the moral charlatans and boot-lapping troglodytes hath mine eternal disdain
This company doesn’t have the spine to do the right thing. Deep down we all know they will not bring him back. This issue will get buried soon
I will be happy to be proven wrong.
Did these allegations ever go beyond social media outlets?
shame on the folks looking to bury someone over hearsay and wiled speculation
This thread needs to be at the top of the forum 24/7.
There hasn’t been a single case of “uncancelling” yet. So it’s safe to say we’ve lost our boy Kael’Thas for good. Sad.
Hope atleast they keep old voice in TBC Classic
I read the entire google doc of all the claims against him and there’s nothing creepy about his behaviour. Just a couple of women who want to ruin his life because they’re jealous of his new wife. There’s tons of receipts of those women being complete garbage humans and obsessively stalking and harassing him, his wife, his mother, and mother-in-law. You could argue that you find it gross for a man in his 50s to flirt with women in their late 20s/early 30s, but that’s neither illegal nor creepy.
Restore him back as the voice actor. This is ridiculous retaliation against an innocent man. Cancel culture is cancer culture.
Boy, I hope Ion and company never have an allegation of misconduct used against them, because I hope they get nailed to the cross figuratively if they don’t backtrack quickly on this boneheaded decision.
Stop. Don’t bring politics or assume it where it doesn’t belong.