Not to be contrary, but I like trees. Resto needed a burst healing tool. That said, I’d be ok with a button that just did the same thing to the group as a HoT instead. We do need some love in raids, though. Definitely a better raid cooldown to replace the oomph we lost with flourish being gutted. Maybe make the trees cast flourish when they come out lol.
No i agree. In m+ the tress have been a great button. Its just really boring in raid. And its because we have to run incarn and incarn just isnt fun. Ever. Its not reactive or proactive healing. Its passive healing, and i want to actually play the game.
This build on top of the mana changes has made resto one of the worst specs to play, cause outside of incarn or innervate windows, you cant heal for fear of ooming by 40%. The trinket from BRH has made the mana bareable but its bandaid solution to a broken spec.
It’s wild to me how many people hate the trees. When they came into play in the end of S2 I loved using them on the mythic fight. If you play trees as basically an extra swift mend it goes pretty hard. I honestly feel unless they rebalance mana again the only set that will truely feel viable is the s3 set. The other play styles from s1 and S2 just use way too much mana.
Season 3 for me in M+ but blizz plz help Rdruid for raiding a bit!
I don’t raid mythic? I never took the grove wardens in season 2. The season 3 tier is only reason I did, and will be ditching it ASAP. I do M+ and Heroic. I hate having so much button bloat
If you believe blizz will buff our raid CD after specificaly saying they want them to be less impactful (especially considering resto is hot garbage in raid healing right now and needs it fixed and seem to be completly unwilling) then you are suffering from extreme copium.
the season 2 tier would be broken for raids since we could have 40% uptime on the 4pc with flourish being a 1 min CD now
Completely agree with you. I’ve mained resto druid since BfA and I have been feeling so bored with the weak treant playstyle. They don’t make us competitive raid healers at all. And I mean I can still orange parse but when compared to the HPS output of almost every other spec at higher skills levels, it just isn’t there. And that’s the main thing rdruids are supposed to offer is output since we have somewhat weak utility and damage. It’s no surprise rdruids didn’t see much competitive Mythic raiding and has us ranked at the bottom. It feels like Blizzard can only have one good leather healer at a time since MW was the worst healer for most of Dragonflight. Hopefully I’ll enjoy rdruid again in the next expansion
Mayhaps, but i look at the insane numbers that happen during yulon and evang ramps and cant understand why flourish was the only ramp to be gutted.
Those cds are still extremely strong so the whole “cds to be less impactful” is just not a thing. Druid is meant to be the easy ramp class, the forgiving one.
My guess is they made the hero talent tree and worked backwards to try and force the class to conform to it. And i dont like it. Make another healer if you want to make a pet healer, why ruin something people were enjoying?
Thank you! Yes!
Thank you for posting the info! You’re the MVP of this thread.
Season 2 has the greatest bump for heals. I can’t believe people are voting for Season 3 which will force you to keep taking the Grove Guardians. Total garbage.
Blizzard said they are going to balance them. The current season rdruid playstle is so much more boring than the big ramp healing style of the past. Its crazy that this many people are voting for the season 3 if you ask me.
They said that they are going to balance the sets in the original post. Its crazy that resto druids are voting for the current boring af playstyle
Yea Blizz also said they were going to do balancing passes on classes, odd that Resto is still trashcan in raid and never got a balance pass.
If you think they will put Flouish back to 100% and 8 secs, you are delusional.
My point stands. S3’s tier “bonus” is absolute garbage and we’re already dragging at the bottom for healers. As I stated before, “IDC if they didn’t clarify as to exactly how they will rework talents but surely anything is better than the crap we currently have.” What I believe will happen is that if by some miracle S2’s set bonus wins (which it doesn’t look like it will at this time) is that Blizzard will rework some stuff to make the S2 set bonus viable. As to how well it’ll perform and what talents they’ll fidget with, I’m not one to speculate there. But again, surely anything is better than the crap we currently have and make no mistake, S3’s set is pure garbage and Blizzard should be ashamed.
PS: I never said anywhere in my post that I believed that Blizzard would buff Flourish specifically. I suggest you read posts with more care in the future.
I dont like being this guy, but talk to me once you kill heroic Fryak as a resto druid, until then your opinions are virtually insignificant.
S3 tier account for 25-40% of overall healing, and is actualy very good for M+, our base skills are just awful and the flourish nerf just emphasized how that Skill was a huge crutch that baindaided our garbage mana effeciency/hps.
The most beneficial way to fix Resto is to Rework mastery or at least ad a secondary effect ie, add living seed or a “overheal = sheild” mechanic to us. this effects Raid vastly more than M+ and is an Ez fix. Unfortunately blizz seems to be full of incompetent devs lately when it comes to Druid.
I have killed heroic Fyrakk. Unlike you though, I didn’t feel the need to brandish that bit of information as it’s irrelevant to the situation. One does not need to be in heroic or mythic raiding to feel the effects of our crappy healing and lack of mana throughput. Boss kills (of any difficulty) does not make you the leading authority on resto and therefore able to tear down and diminish others’ opinions.
The points people have made in regards to the S3 tier set have been that it’s a boring/terrible playstyle, underwhelming, doesn’t help in actually getting out meaningful heals (particularly in raid), and serves to only emphasize the fact that we are now more mana starved than ever due to having to manage uptime on trees that aren’t free to cast. And, I’m not sure how you were playing in the first or the second season but for me flourish was not the crutch you’re claiming it to be for our healing. shrugs I had no problem performing in either of those seasons regardless of my flourish uptime. I certainly wasn’t dragging the bottom of the charts despite working hard to heal like I am this season. Did I struggle with mana during S1 and S2?. Yes, some but nothing like this season and even when low on mana in previous seasons I could still manage to pull meaningful heals out of my butt.
As a side note, Resto’s mastery hasn’t had any significant rework/changes across quite a few xpacs (hence us preferring crit over mastery for performance throughout SL) so I wouldn’t hold out hope that they’d change anything about it in the upcoming season or for the foreseeable future. I would most certainly love to see our mastery be actually good for raiding again.
We now lack burst healing thanks to gutting flourish. That doesnt bode well for us in S4.
A couple of things will fix R Druid without putting flourish back where it was.
- Lower our mana costs. We are very mana starved. With our tier set we still have to blanket hots OR our free nourishes with just hit our LB target (ourselves). And oh yeah… its how our freaking MASTERY works!
- Make our raid CD (Tranq) an actual real CD again instead of just a way to lower our other CDs
- Make LB an actual tank heal again. We shouldn’t be penalized 10% for using it for its original intended purpose… ya know healing people that NEED it.
Added bonus! These changes would have minimal impact to M+
Your proposal is something I’d be interested in seeing/trying and agree that those could indeed help. Though I’d like to add the following to your proposed changes. I’d love to see an avenue/option (where we aren’t pigeonholed into having to take trees/incarn to be viable) that makes a nourish/convoke build competitive with the trees/incarn build. It would cater to the player base that likes the trees play style while also allowing those of us that detest it to have an equally enjoyable alternative that lets us still perform on par with the trees/incarn build. I dare say that it’d make S4 bearable as I am not enjoying S3 atm.