While im not super fond of the treant focused playstyle the current tier is promoting, ill admit i also dont really care which bonus gets chosen as long as they fix our mana problems and at least give tranq a pass so its not cooldown fodder anymore.
Id prefer season 2 if it they actually rebalance flourish to go along with it since treants are still good stand-alone in keys without the current tier, season 1s a little dull for this late in an expansion.
Kinda surprised to see the hate for our season 3 bonus here. Seeing the double lifebloom build get the push it deserves makes me happy. I have been so tired of playing raid blanket rejuve every single tier, and this build is one of the most fun i’ve played in raid in a long time. Vastly more mana efficient than rejuve spam too.
To add to this, it’s also one of the only tier set bonuses that has actually changed the way we play resto, and not just a stat buff or X spell is Y% stronger.
Season 2 voters, please remember how they absolutely took flourish out back behind the barn and gave it the old yeller treatment. Buffing a dead spell wont bring those days back lol
Season 1: Decent in all content making this a fairly good compromise between raid/m+. Season 2: Very powerful for raid and buffed due to flourish CD going down (you get the 4p more often). The 4p isn’t really relevant in m+. Season 3: Really good for m+, but pretty weak for raid.
Blizzard has said they’re going to retune the sets, it pretty much comes to down to if you want:
m+ set
raid set
compromise all-rounder set
That being said I personally dislike the sudden push towards treants away from our HoTs/Ramps and am voting for Season 1.
I feel forced to vote for the latest season’s tier set. It is unlikely they will rebuff our previous talent choices in the final season right before a new expansion.
It really is a bad feeling, like there’s really no choice at all. I’d love to see the un-nerfed S1 and S2 bonuses, but Blizzard gave no indication that they’d make adjustments to ensure that whatever was picked would be made viable again. And on a few other classes, I feel like people are choosing based on pure simming numbers without realizing that some builds are absolutely MISERABLE to play correctly and require almost perfect adherence to their rotation and burst window/cooldown priority.
I actually run the double LB build. Id love to keep one on the tank and the other on the squishy mage - and not be penalized 10% hps.
I personally think trees are fine, I have issues with the lack of burst/impactful raid CD and mana issues. If we arent spending mana in layering hots then we arent making use of our mastery and tier set.
of course you tools voted for literally the worst druid set to ever be put in the game to be the set bonus.
I had to redo my entire talent tree just to switch to nourish/treants. Absolutely absurd that we have to get stuck with the set bonus that basically shouts “the devs who made this really wanted you to see how they changed the trees UwU I hope you like it customer-senpai” except I can count on two fingers the number of druids I have EVER seen using Nourish OR the Treant talent until this set forced you to use it.
Nobody picked Nourish and Treant, so they changed it. Still nobody was picking it. So they made the entire new tier set bonus revolve around it so your only option was to literally not even have a set bonus…or rework your entire talent tree to pick a talent you don’t want and still don’t even want to use, just to sate the pride and ego of some dip developer.
The treant talent was added as a choice node on top of nourish when 10.2 dropped so you definitely would not have seen anyone using it LOL
But yes, nourish is very bad for many reasons, devs have been trying to buff it since early shadowlands I believe, and even with +200% buffs it’s still gone unused. Just type “nourish” into your talent tree search bar and you see 2 talents light up. Do the same for regrowth and half your spec and a bit of your class tree lights up. Nourish just doesn’t get the benefits like clearcasting, bonus crit, copying onto lifebloom target, etc. so there’s no reason to run it.
i would love it if they just trashed this entire voting for a tier set idea and did literally anything else for a set bonus. the amount of me wanting to hear blizzard say “jk, we’re gonna make a new tier set and just had you vote for lols” is astronomical right now. i would rather eat one of my toes than go another season with an trees/incarn set “bonus”. therefore, i’ll be setting down druid as my main after playing resto druid since wotlk and will be looking for any other class that isn’t insufferable to play. i simply cannot suffer through another season of this disappointing and terrible play style. i told myself that i’d just have to slog through this disappointing season and then things would surely get better but alas it will not. i don’t anticipate coming back to druid again, especially if they keep going in this direction with it.
Anyone who picked S3 doesn’t understand that’s why we’ve fallen off hard on the raid healing charts and now get to be bottom tier for Fated raids; guess I’ll either go straight boomy or gear my resto shaman; better than garbage tree setup
This exact thing. Its why everybody goes with Abundance to make Regrowth basically always crit and half cost.
The new Nourish build nonsense is just a bad version of the same thing where I just have treants for no real reason.
I am actually so damn excited that even one person actually saw what I said, got what I meant, and actually agrees because they see the problem of letting Blizzard strongarm us into talents just appease some dev.
I saw your whole comment, but that part in particular is what I was getting at.
Its basically the only set bonus that does that so harshly besides like…season two destro lock making you get portal or Holy having to get prism/hammer to even use their set bonuses in holy spec. The lock portal was actually just a straight up dps increase for everybody with zero effort and instant cast. The paladin one really did get done dirty though lol.
Guess I’m posting back in this thread since your other one got nuked.
So you did read the 4set right?
Clearcasting now causes your Regrowth to also cast Nourish
So you don’t need trees or nourish for a “nourish cast” to proc the 2set effect
You and your Grove Guardian’s Nourishes now heal 2 additional allies within 40 yds at 40% effectiveness.
Grove Guardians was added in 10.2
This tier set was added in 10.2
Nobody could pick grove guardians before 10.2, because… *checks notes… it wasnt in the game yet. I picked up this new talent in 10.2 that was added in 10.2 because it is natural for players to experiment with new abilities.
This just goes to show how many M + and PvP players there are on the forums. Season 3 Resto set was ONLY good in Mythic + and PvP content. It is the worst by far for raiding. There is NO fluidity in the season 3 set. GG does not benefit from ANY other druid talents in their spec so if you take away Grove Guardians altogether you aren’t missing much. The only thing they have is the amount of RANDOM healing they have for their duration and the other choice node “Nourish” Isn’t worth taking because of its INSANE mana cost.
I have been playing Restro Druid since Wrath and I have to tell you this is the worst change they’ve made to Resto Druid as far as raiding is concerned (and PVP to be honest). Trust me, I’ve seen a lot of questionable changes but this takes the cake. I just really hope this is the last season we see them so I can finally feel like a druid again and not feel like a toon reliant on random auto heals which have little to no synergy with the druid’s kit.
This is the easiest season to play Resto Druid as all you have to do is press GG 3 times and you’re doing 100k HPS, but easy doesn’t make it good.
I liked the S2 bonuses best. With un-nerfed Flourish I could maintain 50 rejuvs out on my LFR groups for a few seconds. That was hotness. I still wasn’t top, but I was a lot closer than this season.
Anyone who didnt choose season 2 are horrible Resto druids.
s1 was boring but powerful
s2 was amazing if you had any form of skill and knew how to ramp and do things
s3 is beyond boring. You just spam stupid trees and its sooooo boring. if i wanted to be a pet healer or totem healer i would go play rshammy.