Restoration Druid spec bonuses

what about 10% buff to lifebloom and rejuv? That seems like the best imo as lifebloom is our #1 heal

The main post literally says they will rebalance around the winning sets.


Do you read that as rebalance the tier set, rebalance the spec, or both? I am not sure about voting until maybe that is a little more clear. Some specs got reworked/nerfed around current tier.

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It’s okay in m+ and pvp content but in raid it’s meaningingless. Raid LB sits on yourself to buff your healing.

Whatever set you prefer, Resto suffers from a similar problem to a few other specs in S3, in that your spec was reworked to specifically function WITH the tier set for the season. The entire spec for Resto was nerfed to allow room for how strong they made Grove Guardians. To NOT play with them and the tier set that buffs them is just a flat nerf no matter which way you shake it.

If they went with S1 or S2, they would have to buff the spec back up to pre 10.2 levels and how much you want to bet they aren’t going to do that.


Ew season 3 is winning? I hate these stupid trees. Set #2 all the way so I can spec out of dumb trees

Nah, Season 3 forced me to talent into a playstyle I don’t enjoy. I hate the “Grove Warden” trees. Just another thing to cast and babysit. Also ever since they got added, it no longer displays remaining timer on my healing circle which is frustrating. I just hate them, hate Nourish, want them gone.


LOL season 1 had the best tier set why are people trolling and picking the worst and most boring tier set

Exactly, blizzard needs to clarify what rebalancing entails. i.e. reverting ability nerfs and reducing mana costs.

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Why are youse voting 3. Stop ruining the class by pretending that playing incarn is even remotely fun.


yup no clue what im voting on as a noob player here. ;/

Yeah I miss my convoke the spirits. Convoke was fun. I don’t mind incarn as the talent that 3 swiftmend = tree. But I don’t typically take it.

I hate that this tier sets force you into talents/play styles you don’t enjoy.


We had to take trees before we even got this set bonus… We’re always going to have to take trees because of blizzard forcing us into that talent numerically.

Might as well buff them instead of our now-useless flourish.

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Yeah, but this tier set will force us to continue incarn. They said they will balance the specs and currently we are second from the bottom. Why vote for bad, and then vote for unfun playstyle? They can buff trees to make them more viable without the tier set, you are aware of this right?

This vote is choose which playstyle you prefer.


because lifebloom isnt our #1 heal anymore. If youre playing right nourish will always be your top healed ability


The playstyle most of us prefer is probably an un-nerfed flourish.

S2 set will not feel good without the old flourish. It sucked at the start of s3 and felt super awkward, I have no idea why anyone wants that back.

It’s not the s2 set, it’s the early s3 version of s2 set where the convoke > flourish ramps felt like garbage.


But the point is that they will balance it so its not garbage. Your basing this all off of s3 tuning. And im just curious, do you prefer ramping with convoke or incarn? I much prefer convoke, but if you tell me you like incarn more, im happy for you to vote for s3 set. It just seems to me people are voting based on tuning when thats something that will be (or at least should be) fixed in s4.


Not everyone cares enough to look it up on wowhead/icyveins, basic information that should just be included in the post :).


I do not like the Grove Guardians playstyle at all, being basically forced into it by a tier bonus is bad design. Just let us be strong raid healers with a few tools for M+; it’s no coincidence we’ve plummeted down the healing charts with S3.


I’ve mained a resto druid since WotLK and DF’s S3 tier is the first time I’ve ever considered permanently changing what I play. Trees and Incarn has been the most crappy playing experience I’ve had with resto. I abhor this talent setup and detest this play style. Everything from it being boring and weak to play to it being overly extra makes this set “bonus” just absolute poop. I was hoping people would be taking S1 or even S2 over the S3 set but people can’t be bothered with reading enough to see that Blizz said they’d rework talents to synergize with whatever set bonus we picked. IDC if they didn’t clarify as to exactly how they will rework talents but surely anything is better than the crap we currently have. Also, for those who have already voted, you can change your vote. There’s time to vote on an actual tier set that isn’t the poop we have now.


News flash, we’re already nerfed for S3. Go take a look at resto performance vs other healers. We’re dragging down at the bottom. Anything is better than the crappy tier set we have now. Beyond the dismal performance we now have, the play style for trees is just so poopy and unenjoyable. I’ll gladly take whatever rework they do to the talents to make either of the previous tier sets usable for S4. That way I can at least enjoy playing resto even if we continue to be bottoms for performance in raiding.