Resto shaman pvp

Look specifically for people who have played arenas on private servers with no class adjustments, and have experienced TBC with the min/max try hard attitude of players today from retail. Curious if shamans got worse, or better given the new culture of wow arena?

Out of 4 healers, they will be the 3rd best healer lol


Oof, was hoping better use of their utility kit might have made them shine a little better. I feel like back in TBC we were all mostly just smashing buttons in relatively decent order.

This is true, but this doesn’t mean they don’t have their place tbh.

Druids and priests are jsut light years above the other two in terms of comp diversity.

If we are speaking 2s, as a resto shaman you truly only have one MAYBE two options… q with a ret or q with a warrior. The only reason resto shamans can get some good rating is from lucky windfury procs from big melee swings. It just works with ret better because they already a built in rng swing, and they can also cleanse you, bop you, and freedom theirselves if they need to. Warriors are a little worse with shamans because well… when they get rooted and kited there is nothing you can do.


I mean I’m sure with good players they will find “some” success, but it mostly comes down to them having no instant cast healing outside earth shield procs. You have no magic dispel, and you have no decurse, so if Lock curse of tongues you, you got slow hard casts only pretty much.

That being said, WF with a warrior always has the potential to clap someone

I’ll just paste my last post on this subject:

Highest skill cap healer but the class alone won’t carry you.

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Your success leans more heavily on your partner than with other healers. I played with a god of a warrior in actual BC that, at the time, would do things like Intervene saps. And even then we peaked at 2k (I was pretty garbage, not going to lie).

The big problem with rest shamans in a lack of an instant heal outside NS

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Wasn’t the Restoration Shaman Arena game play all about the burst DPS potential when paired with a Warrior while simultaneously Earth Shocking your opponents healer in the face?

For 2’s: Ret shaman is glad viable for sure

For 3’s: Shatter play is VERY good with shaman. Shadowplay is also amazing. Shatter is easily an S tier comp.

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They have really solid 3s comps.


Ret rsham was r1 on endless. Obviously classic TBC may be different, but it’s still a very solid comp and you will see quite a few people get glad with this.

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Resto shams are not bad, but i agree they are 3rd best in comparison. The spec is insanely fun to play and has a high skill cap, it took me awhile to get used to the tbc gameplay on a rsham, but it’s actually solid when played to the fullest potential. Rshams are the hardest healer to smash in a 1v1, a good rsham can tank melee 1v1 for a good period, rdruids need to kite melee they can’t tank melee and disc priests can’t tank melee the way rshams do. A lot of the pro BC players even say, players like uzb, they say that rshams are very tanky but have weaknesses, but they also have very viable comps. I plan to roll my shaman first to 70, and compete hard in arena. The spec gets better as the season goes on and it’s fun af to play xD.


What’s your shaman’s name

I’m anonymous on the forums :).

I wanted to remember you when I see you in arena =)

Heh you wouldn’t be the first druid who told me “see you in tbc” sorry but i dont play at 1500 mmr, we wont see eachother m8.

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See you in arena!

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I mean have 3k mmr xp but w/e. Wasn’t trying to be a wise guy just a friendly /wave