Resto shaman pvp

Yooo DrinknBlink!!! It’s me your boy, how am I finding you everywhere? Are you following me? Hahaha joking, hey… Want to hang out after work and play some DnD?

Oh thought you were tryna be a wise guy ;P… i’ll see you!

I hope they fix mages on the beta before release…

Also this thread where I put Ret/Rshaman as A-tier

Ret/Rshaman is a great comp. I don’t put too too much emphasis on Pserver metas going into S1 because most of the Endless play was using far better gear than we’re going to be starting with. But yeah, Ret/Rshaman is the best Ret 2s comp and the best Rshaman 2s comp.

Shaman get significantly better the larger the team sizes because of the heightened impact of Bloodlust and Totems. In 3vs3 Rshaman fare far better than 2vs2 and in 5vs5 either an Elemental or a Rshaman is mandatory imo. But none of that changes the fundamental issues with Rshaman going into 70s arena - Earth Shield is effortlessly dispellable, they have no other instant healing options than Nature’s Swiftness (which gets dispelled like crazy on Pservers btw), totem stomping with pets or rank 1 spells, or actual macros (hopefully not possible with the new retail API) is rampant and they’re extremely susceptible to training by things like RMX.

Resto shaman are probably going to have a pretty miserable time of it. I can see them exceling in something like Shadowplay where they can hang back, bloodlust and wait for arena points, sure. But Rshaman are meant to be offensive. 20 yard shock range, purge etc. They should be in the action. And that’s exactly where they die. It’s a catch-22 that isn’t addressed for a long time - an “offensive” healer that hides 40 yards back behind a pillar.

They’re definitely the 3rd tier healer.

Naw bro, eat 8 ice lances in a nova.

its fine.

Are you rolling shaman in TBC?

Never again. Restokin will be my main. Name is Blindmagi - Grobbulus, if you want to see if you queue into us. My partners are a sweaty rogue, a pot-head warlock and a god-tier Spriest so far, so it looks like Restokin/Subt and Rdruid Shadowplay are my comps for S1.

They are overall 3’rd not because they’re bad it’s 3rd because they have fewer R1 comps vs Priest and Druid.

Resto Shaman is still 100% R1 viable.

nice man. Have fun! Hey looking for people to wargame during prepatch. HMU!

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Also HMU for wargames prepatch!

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Of course. So is Hpal. I think people take these meta discussion a little too literally. Like no one is saying “Rshaman will never win any matches and zero of them will get high rated or titles!”. It’s more of an academic “Yeah, here are the problems and this is why they have fewer comp options and will have to play harder than some of the other specs for the same rating.

I feel like 5 Shockadins could hit Glad in 5vs5.


You can’t compare hpal and rshams… rshams are legit viable as a single healer in 3v3.

Resto shaman is abysmal in 2’s. You might as well be enhance. Resto shamans only make sense in 3’s or 5’s.

You’re clueless.


This hurts

Yea RMP openers are going to be a pain until my sham is at least full s1 with weapons… but even then it’ll still be a pain lmao.

Yea for some reason blizzard spent most of tbc nerfing hpal… really wish they got sacred shield in tbc, that would have definitely helped esp vs Druid teams in 2’s.

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Sacred Shield is one of my favorites. Cant wait for WOTLK hpala. Until then, I’m going to try my luck and make the best of it. I might even try Hpal/Rsham/Warrior to be that guy .

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