Resto Shaman/ Holy Paladin Combo LF Casual Raiding Guild

I (Resto shaman) have been playing since TBC. Raided in a progression guild during TBC- MOP. Multiple top 100 parses throughout progression raiding history. Casual player since MOP. Resto/Enhance is like riding a bike for me. 30+ years old and laid back.

Holy Pally has been playing since Vanilla. Tons of raiding experience. Multiple top parses as well. Switched between DK/Pally throughout raiding career. 30+ as well.

We used to heal together back in the day during progression raids. We have been gaming together for 15 years. Two healers that do not care about numbers or high end progression anymore. We just want to heal again together in a casual fun environment while achieving AOTC.

We are looking for a 2 night a week raiding guild Mon-Thur 7-12 pm Server time. No Drama here. We do not care about loot. We just want to clear raids on heroic with friendly people when they come out before the next raid and get AOTC and if the guild wants to progress in to mythic that is cool with us. Also do not care if there is no mythic progression.

Resto shaman = zukey#11368 (Nik)
Holy Pally = chrono#1778 (Josh)

The Foreshadowing is a newly formed guild on sargeras made up of a group of people who have been raiding together for a while now. We are casual and easygoing but are looking to try and start pushing for aotc though it may or may not happen. We are non-toxic. Basically we just want people who know how to play there class and learn from mistakes (because mistakes happen). We like to have fun and joke around while we are playing. Our raid times will be Tuesday/Wednesday 7-915server. We would love to have you. If we interest you feel free respond to this post or contact me in game bnet is Crazyirish61#1337.

Thank You for your time.