Resto druids still way behind

No. Resto druid is my life.

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Understandable :joy:

The state of resto druids determines how bad my life is or isn’t. And right now, it’s in flames.

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Yeah, an individual enchant is not a big deal, but you have almost no enchants, or embellishments, or gems. I’m guessing that you probably don’t bother with food, flasks, or mana oil/runes either. When you add it all up, you’re actually talking about a lot of stats at that point.

But I’m not actually pointing to any of that as the specific cause of your issues. Rather, it’s more of a symptom, demonstrating that you are mostly just coasting through this game, putting forth minimal effort yet still feeling entitled to get easy invites to high-end content.

Resto Druids DO need help, absolutely. It’s important for classes to actually be balanced. But we’re not so far behind that you can’t still do good if you actually try. Not everyone who has a bad experience on a Resto Druid is a victim of bad class balancing… Many are genuinely bad players, and some are easier to spot than others :wink:

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I do all the things you mentioned, and I have a good enchant. You’re trying to make a point that because I don’t have 2 extra enchants on pieces of gear that it’s the root for all my problems, it’s not a valid basis on anything else you claimed.

You literally tried to say I got declined from M+ groups because they could see I wasn’t fully enchanted on my gear. They can’t even see that. I genuinely can’t tell if you’re being a troll or not.

Every point you try to take makes no sense.

Well, they can see it because they can easily just look you up on Armory, or if they have the Raider IO addon, they can get a link right to your RaiderIO page which shows all of that. Whether they actually look at it or not is hit or miss.

Personally not sure if you’ve tested the PTR or not but the 11.0.5 rework isn’t going to change much in terms of M+.

Forest’s Flow isn’t much of a great smart heal the issue is it prefers targets with HoTs over a true smart heal that say targets the lowest hp player.

So we are already insanely GCD locked as is, and now we further have to set up more HoTs to make sure we get full value of the ability.

Your casting regrowth on player 1, player 2 has Rejuv on them, but player 3 just got hit by a casted spell and is on 20% health due to missing an interrupt, the Nourish will go on player 2 regardless of the other players hp.

And we can talent into another 1 min cd of Nature’s Swiftness, so 2 charges but essentially have to give up another talent to do so.

The rework essentially doesn’t solve our problem entirely of countering sudden and quick bursts of damage.

You say this, but currently Resto Druid is essentially more determined on the teams overall performance and skill level rather then their own due to the fact our cds aren’t able to keep up with other healers.

I’m far from the best Healer, but I’d say im pretty decent in M+ and know my limitations of what I can heal alone and not and simply certain boss fights it’s essential impossible to heal through alone with out the team’s assistance.

We don’t have the luxury many other healers have of being able to solo fix a situation or constantly burst AoE just by ourselves, we are literally relying on other players to use defensives or utility CDs, think Evokers Zephyr due to fact none of our CDs alone are able to top up the party quickly enough to counter certain mechanics.

Currently in TWW I think Resto Druid is far more reliant on the actual team aswell to play insanely well more so the other healers, we don’t have the kit and CDs currently to heal through other players mistakes that we use to.

I’m speaking strictly from a M+ experience and only PuG’ing every key, even at one point according to Raider IO I was in the top 10 as Resto Druid on my server, which to be honest isn’t to hard of a high bar it seems as I’m mediocre at best, but now have taken it slower as really I spend more time looking for keys and getting declined rather then actually playing.

Personally and I strongly believe this change should happen to help, Convoke in player form should strictly only cast healing spells, I’ve literally had moments where players are down to 30% hp or lower and get just hit by Wild Growth, but hey lucky I casted those 6 dps spells instead. :expressionless:

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What you’re doing here is completely off-topic and trolling. The subject of this thread is the performance of Rdruid, not the OP’s individual data or performance.

Your response barely touches on the actual Rdruid situation in comparison to other classes, and instead focuses on criticizing the person raising the issue. This is textbook ad hominem—you’re attacking who they are, not the points they’re making.

You could have godlike parses, but that just tells me two things:

  1. You have a serious problem understanding the basics of a discussion. It’s so bad that even a kid could make a better argument than you. To put it bluntly—you’re not as sharp as you think.
  2. You’re not even interested in the actual topic here; you’re just trying to flex your own numbers.

Actually, we are far behind. Whether someone can “do good” or not isn’t the point—it’s about balance. If other classes can perform well with a 60 parse while Rdruids have to go purple just to keep up, that’s a clear class balance problem. It needs to be addressed and fixed, plain and simple.

People like you, who show up to class balance discussions and point fingers at individual performance instead of focusing on the broader, aggregate data, are just not thinking straight. Get off your high horse and start using your brain—it’s clearly stuck in a very shallow mode of operation.


Maybe you should re-read the last quote of mine in your post, because like I said, I know that we need help and I do believe that class balance is very important.

But right now it’s just a bit too easy for some people to blame class balance when they are simply not playing well. Those people would likely still be doing terrible even if we were S-tier again, they just wouldn’t have the easy scapegoat excuse like they do right now.

What in the flying goose is this comment LOL

Nobody is pulling up each resto druid that applies for their M+ group

And again, that doesn’t matter. The subject of this discussion is the overall performance of Rdruid compared to other classes, based on aggregated data—not whether John or Mary would magically perform better if the class were S-tier. It’s honestly baffling that you’re still missing the point here.

First, even someone who isn’t particularly skilled at playing a class can still raise valid concerns about it. That’s why focusing on who is making the argument, rather than what is being argued, is completely irrelevant. You’re committing two common logical fallacies here: ad hominem and argument from authority.

Argument from authority (also known as “appeal to authority” or argumentum ad verecundiam) - When an argument is based on the position of an authority or person, without considering the validity of the argument itself.

Second, aggregated data—analyzing a broad set of performance metrics across many players and situations—is the only reliable way to assess class balance. Individual performance data is often unreliable because it can be manipulated. In some cases, entire raid runs are tailored just to make one player look good in the logs, skewing the data in their favor. This makes individual data untrustworthy for serious discussions about balance, aggregated data is the right way to make data analyze in almost every situation. Period.

Finally, the actual topic here is how Rdruid is performing compared to other classes, backed by the aggregated data. And right now, we’re clearly behind as shown not only by numbers but by representation itself… The class needs buffs. So stop showing up in class balance discussions and derailing them with irrelevant nonsense and fallacies…


let him COOK

While it’s definitely easier to get into groups as a meta spec, and resto druid is certainly not meta for M+ this time. I think the reason you are not getting invited is more related to your score and IO profile…

You want other people to pick you for their +8 key but you have only timed a +8 Mists which is the easiest dungeon by far, and also a single +7 timed (also on a relateively easy dungeon)… Aside from that I see a bunch of untimed +6s and +5s… Even as Resto Shaman people would not invite you to a +8 based on those metrics.

In general if you want to get into +8s you kind of need to have all or almost all +7s timed, or do well in a key then stick with the same group to run the next one.

The only real way to skip ahead is either playing with friends or pushing your own key so you get to decide who comes, in fact this is what I usually do on non-meta specs, makes the experience 10x better.


I feel like this is a total fallacy but fair enough. Still, druids need to be improved. We are definitely the worst healing class at the moment.

Hey now relax,
second off depending on server some of these enchants are 50k+ Which not everyone has unfortunately.
Some people can’t just go buy a wow token.

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I can’t tell if your reading comprehension or ability to look at data is worse.

Sincerest apologies, I guess I didn’t make it clear enough for the low IQ in this thread. We are even in terms of HPS with the other healers. You can see this clearly in Raid where HoTs have time to tick and get their full value. It’s usually a good indicator of a class’ total healing throughput, but that doesn’t mean the class is without flaws, and OP’s original post I believe was mainly about M+.

As I said, HoTs tick over 17 seconds not 5 seconds. So in things like Mythic+ Keys Resto Druid is prone to a problem where unless you can overwhelm the incoming damage, it feels very bad. Which is why the upcoming changes may help a little bit.

Feel free to look at DFS4 data where the pre-patch raid logs looked like current Preservation evoker and RDruid was gapping everyone in terms of HPS, and how RDruid was the Meta in S4 for Mythic+.

Crazy how when RDruid can completely overwhelm all healing requirements it feels good, and when it’s even with other healers it feels bad, in a mythic+ environment. In Raid where HoTs have time to tick and other healers are there to back you up and make sure others don’t die, it matters substantially less if you can vastly exceed the necessary HPS requirement of the fight. It only matters when you’re the only healer.

As stated, that’s why RDruid can wind up in a situation where they are doing as much healing as the other healers in a Raid (which they are, look at the data). But feel terrible in M+. HoTs do not fit into M+ damage and healing windows as well unless the spec is tuned to be doing vastly more HPS than it should be doing. This was solved by the Tier Set in Season 4 and is why it was requested to be made baseline so heavily. If you’re in a premade there are ways to combat this using certain techniques and the burst healing feels pretty similar to my Disc Priest, however in PUGs it will feel worse without that coordination. Most of the higher keys are done in premades so that’s probably fine but it’d be nice to remove that requirement.

Now to address the personal attacks since that’s the first thing people turn to when they don’t feel like they have a sound argument.

Already addressed that I know my own limitations. I’m not comparing it to myself. Never was. I’m looking at the overall data, which you can’t seem to do.

Again, I was never talking about my own logs, but now that you’ve said it, I do enjoy the other 95 Resto Druids telling me how wrong I am and how bad Resto Druid is. Like I said, it’s fine in terms of overall HPS, you’re just bad and your public data says you’re bad. That’s not just my personal opinion. I bet Resto Druid will feel a lot better to you if you learn how to play it at 95% potential instead of at uh… 33.2% potential, according to your logs when I wrote this.

That would require this Druid to be my main and for me to be raiding Mythic on it. This is my alt I started working on about a week ago.

However, All Star points are based on bosses killed. During progression, especially early progression, to be in the top 100 simply means you need to be in a high ranking guild that is running a Resto Druid. Most are not because Flameshaper is broken, Guardian is good, and Shadow is terrible. This leads to most meta comps running Double Pres, Holy Priest (since it’s the least bad of the 3 bad priest specs and you need a stamina buff), and Guardian Druid since you usually rely on your healers and tanks to round out buff requirements so you can run the overpowered DPS classes… Unless one of said tanks or healers is very out of line (like Preservation). This is why Resto is not in the top 100, it is because it doesn’t fit into the meta comp at the moment so people aren’t running it. Not because it needs a healing buff.

That being said, the number one ranked public healer in the world is an RDruid at the time I am making this post.

It is working actually. That’s what the heroic and mythic logs show. And let me remind you I’m not looking at my logs. I’m talking about Resto as a whole. And Resto as a whole, is doing largely fine at the moment according to the raid data. It probably needs like a 4% courtesy buff, but usually in WoW things are doing well balance wise if everything is within 5% of each other and there’s not much to complain about.

In M+, as stated, it’s not that it lacks HPS as we can see by the Raid logs. It’s that it can’t move that HPS that occurs over 17 seconds into deadly 5 second windows like the old Tier Set could. And given the old Tier set is coming back in some capacity, let’s see how that does when it gets here because apparently Blizzard now finally sees that too, so hopefully things get better.

For the record, I made countless posts on the Beta asking specifically for changes to help Druid move its healing around and cited its weakness in an M+ environment. So I’m on your side in that regards. However, I’m not silly enough to say “Buff us by 20%!!!” when it’s clearly not needed. What’s needed is a look at RDruids healing profile so we can get out of this loop of feeling useless or completely overpowered, which is caused by low agency on when our healing actually occurs.

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This essentially… Hots won’t help much if huge dps spikes annihilate your group. I’m still waiting for at least a small damage reduction or absorb group cooldown.

Honestly, I feel it’s the opposite. M+ is definitely lacking a little bit but I feel I can heal the groups fairly well most of the time, definitely needs improved though. With raids however, I’ve noticed I’m only being out healed when the raid is like 20 people big. But raids with 10 people I have been able to keep up or even out heal others. It seems we just have bad aoe heals, while shamans just place totem and chain heal, rain and get around the whole raid, resulting in larger heals.

But really who is surprised, when we have wild growth that will heal like 6 people, other than that really all we have is single target. it’s almost like we’re being limited TO dungeons. It’s nothing to compete with shamans or priests with way better aoe. (i don’t use tranquility either because it sucks right now.)

I really wish they would make rejuvenation way better than it is, when we place treants and cast rejuvenation with the bonus increase, that’s what I want druid to feel like. Right now, our overtimes don’t do much really. My rejuvenation does 7% of my max health in 17 seconds. Put that on a tank and it’s probably like 3-4%. But with that treant bonus, man does it feel good seeing someone’s health bar climb up fast.

I think part of the problem is how much healing is locked behind efflorescence and how much movement is required these days in dungeons/raids. I’m dropping my druid unfortunately until I see changes. I love resto Druids but this version of it feels so clunky. So much work for low payoff. I guess you could just spam rejuv in raid and then do cheap regrowths but like you said you got other healers doing better and more exciting things


It’s ok that you want to throw some insults here, but can you at least try to be smarter?

If our HPS is only on par with other healers in very specific situations, and that is the case according to your own words, then we’re not “EVEN” with other healers performing better in different scenarios without downsides… LMAO

The entire OP point here is that Rdruid needs fixes. You reply to OP with very antagonizing words, talking about his parses and his individual performance, etc. But in the end, your conclusion is also that Rdruid needs fixes? What is wrong with you?

Dude… Seriously, are you this contradictory in real life too? Anyway, save your curses to your family or your relatives, because no one in their right mind would care about what you say or what you think. You’re just way too much dishonest… LOL