Resto druids still way behind

I’m a returning player and have been maining resto druid since 2016. Just to clarify that I know what I’m doing. I have all the set bonuses, ilvl 613.

I came back for this expansion, determined to go full in and get the most out of the beginning of the expansion. I work from home, so I have a lot of time to throw into having fun with my friends and becoming a massive resto druid sweat.

To my unfortunate surprise… restoration druids are terrible. There’s a current cap for us. I have a 2000 io score, but anything above a +8 nobody, and I mean NOBODY will accept a resto druid, because they know we suck. People only want shamans and priests, etc. basically anything but resto druid. So I’m unable to progress at all. I can’t compete in heroic raids really. Let-alone mythic even though I have the gear and right playstyle.

I know we’ve already gotten a 8% increase, but we’re still seriously underperforming. We NEED around 20% boost from where we are now to compete with the other healers.

I’m currently being outhealed by any casual andy healer player who is 20 ilvls below me. Please blizzard, fix this. It’s destroyed my entire experience and I’ll be quitting probably after the anniversary update if it’s not fixed.


I’m not claiming that Resto Druids couldn’t use some love right now, but your comments are kind of hilarious when taken in context, after looking at your character.

Apparently not enough time to enchant your gear? The ONLY item you have an enchant on is your legs. You seriously don’t even have a weapon enchant?

When I see someone that doesn’t enchant any of their gear, that just tells me that they don’t take their role seriously and/or expect a carry. You know that they make cheap / lower quality enchants too, right?

The “right gear” apparently meaning hardly any haste, hardly any mastery, and tons of crit?

You seem like you expect to just toss on whatever gear you get regardless of stats, ignore any enchants or gems, and simply expect an instant invite due to being a healer. Entitled much? That “casual andy” that is out-healing you probably knows how to enchant their gear, and that having the correct secondary stats is actually important.

We are absolutely at a disadvantage, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t still do good. I’m doing 1.2m+ HPS on most heroic fights and parsing 99 in many cases. Knowing we’re at a disadvantage just makes it all that much more satisfying when those Shamans and Evokers get out-healed, especially when it results in some FOTM re-roller having their ego tarnished.

Try harder. Adapt. We’ll get buffed eventually. If that’s not good enough then quit now.


I always see you commenting on using outside of the box builds and pulling amazing numbers. The way I improve is by reviewing logs of high performers and seeing what I could do different. This seems to work better than class guides since many of the class writers stopped playing our class in DF. Are any of your heroic kills logged? Mind sharing with the class?

I think it’s kind of bad form of you to tear apart someone else’s gear/enchants, etc. while posting about how amazing you are and how amazing you are parsing but not even posting on your own main to prove it. Besides, even if you were parsing 1.2k+/98th percentile as an RDruid, you would be parsing 1.5k-1.9k as a top healing spec with the same performance/effort level. So, I do think crapping all over enchants and itemization of gear (in most cases, higher ilevel gear that is say Crit/Vers is going to be better than lower ilvl Haste/Mastery gear anyway) is just obfuscating and distracting from the issue.


GNR was kind of a prick in the way he said it, but he does have a point with the enchants.

the stats…less so, you could just be unlucky on your drops, i had a crapton of crit and finally got rid of some of it this week getting better statted pieces, but champion/heroic level crit piece is >>>>> veteran level piece.

You should definitely be aiming to get more haste/mastery though.

i only do heroic raids and in a more casual guild of friends than hardcore heroic/mythic raiders so I haven’t even cleared the place yet, but I do have a 99 and a 97 parse on 2 heroic fights. I’m hardly the best resto druid around but since I’m posting on my main you can look me up on warcraftlogs if you want.

I was more interested in looking at his talent builds. I generally pull purple parses for ilvl but if I can do 1.2 million healing with a secret talent build… sign me up!
I already have a ton of haste. Im starting to think mastery isnt a good stat for a 30 man raid size.

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I agree to a certain extent. At the beginning of the expansion however, when stats are the most scarce, it potentially matters the most.

Haste - I’m not advocating for straight-up stacking haste, but you do need a lot of it. You NEED to be able to get lots of heals out on the group quickly. If you don’t have enough haste, then healing feels like trying to run through a swamp - everything is just too slow and you can’t get spells out fast enough.

Mastery - This is our only stat that is multiplicative. For example, if you have 20% mastery, and you have 5 HoTs on a target, that’s 100% extra healing. Even more if one of those HoTs is lifebloom and you use Harmonious Blooming (talent), which is something that they are going to make much more viable next patch. That multiplicative bonus completely blows away any benefit you get from Crit or Vers.

Obviously these two stats are synergistic. Casting more spells due to having lots of haste, giving you more mastery stacks. Especially in small group content where you can literally saturate the group with a large number of HoTs.

You still aren’t going to say equip a 596 Haste/Mastery piece over a 610 Vers/Crit piece, because our stat valuations are closer than most other specs, and total secondary stats also matters more than ever at the start of an expansion. In general, stat itemization really only trumps ilvl when you get within about 5 ilvl - maybe more like 10 for rings/necks.

Champion-track gear can be upgraded to 619, which is the highest level that you can upgrade any piece without using Gilded Crests, so it’s a very meaningful ilvl, especially this early in the season. Champion pieces can be farmed from Delves, Normal Raid, and Mythic +2. Even if you have a higher-level heroic piece in that slot, you can then simply upgrade a different champion piece that has better stats to the same level as that heroic piece without using crests, due to the way the upgrade discount works. So it’s actually pretty rare to be stuck in a “this gear has terrible stats but it’s my highest level piece so I have to use it” situation, until you start spending gilded crests and upgrading gear past 619.

Druids have the second highest hps cap atm without cds, however you need to be under healing which noone is really doing in heroic or even the world first race due to how strong evokers are with their externals and raid cds.

They are the strongest healers in 5 man dungeons with the highest hps cap due to mastery being for more powerful. I also constantly do 200-250k dps passively with 0 cat form, the problem is they are one of the harder healer specs atm and lack large absorb or damage reduction cds that allow people to just live things.

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Without CDs is an irrelevant metric (and you didn’t even provide a source on “2nd highest HPS cap”), because CD healing is part of total healing done, and because all that means is we have terrible cooldowns - which we do. CD healing is more valuable than non CD healing on any progression fight, so this just says the spec is terrible regardless.

RDruids are absolute not the strongest healer in 5 man dungeons. Actual logs, performance, and representation of the spec at keys higher than +10 show it’s the worst M+ spec currently. Again, you posted no evidence to your “strongest in 5 mans” claim - and all available public data says the opposite.


Honestly logs are a fairly meaningless way to measure healers in M+. Healers might be excluded if they can’t heal enough, but once a healer is able to clear the minimum HPS threshold to keep the group alive, literally everything else the healer brings is what determines which healer gets the nod. Oftentimes that something else is what does the most damage, which can be seen in the logs for sure. But other times there are much harder to spot things that ultimately enable the group to save time compared to any other healer they could bring.

You’re certainly right about everything else in the list, especially representation. The top key pushers in the top keys are going to have a handle on what is best, which is why they bring the healing specs they do.

You don’t. You’ve demonstrated that in this post by your gear, your parses, and most of all just the stuff you’re saying.

Somewhat. Their Raid performance is largely fine, maybe like 3-4% behind because they’re a throughput healer so historically Blizzard likes to keep those just slightly higher, but otherwise good. The main thing RDruid suffers from at the moment is the ability to burst heal. This will hopefully be improved in 11.0.5 with the introduction of the hamstrung DFS4 Tier Set. Realistically they just need to increase the radius of a few of our spells. This isn’t really an issue in premade groups or raids, just in PUGs, which is probably why you’re feeling it. I pretty much exclusively PUG. I’m just cognizant of my class limitations and play around that instead of acting like a god and then performing terribly.

For the record, 2000 IO is pretty low. But, it’s really just Resto Shamans according to the metrics. I’m 2550~ IO on my Priest and get declined a lot. People decline me from stuff in the 7-9 range all the time because I’m not a Shaman. You’re not the only person in the world. Just because your class isn’t the meta for once doesn’t mean your suffering is greater than someone else’s.

I can tell you for a fact I get substantial amounts of invites (in addition to declines) on my RDruid. So this isn’t the issue. Perhaps your next step is you should try timing the keys you do get invited to instead of complaining on the forums.

We absolutely do not. We’re maybe 3-4% behind as previously stated and that’s just a courtesy because we’re a throughput healer and Blizzard usually tries to keep those slightly higher. We’re basically even with the other healers though without it. Throwing around numbers like 20% shows me you have literally no idea what you’re talking about.

What Resto Druid needs is not a numbers buff but the ability to move the healing of their hots around more effectively to cash out on anticipated damage events. The problem isn’t how much healing a Rejuvenation, Regrowth, or Lifebloom does. The problem is most dangerous damage occurs over 4 to 5 seconds and your hots occur over 17 seconds. This leads to a situation for RDruid where historically unless you can overwhelm the incoming damage with healing (DFS4), you feel like you can’t heal anything. That usually winds up in RDruid being completely overpowered beyond belief and the Meta healer, or literally unplayed. That’s different from needing numbers buffs, it’s a design failure.

The hamstrung DFS4 Tier set coming in 11.0.5 is an example of something that will help because it allows you to cash out Clearcasting for some more burst healing instead of just a mana saver. Does Resto Druid need more than that? Probably, but it’s a step in the right direction.

I can see your numbers and I can see your comments. You’re just bad. This is the epitome of a League of Legends post saying “I’m not top 100 because my teammates suck.” No, it’s because you suck.

Interesting, so you just recently started trying to get into the game more and push to higher ranks, and you think you’re a sweat… Have you ever heard of the Dunning-Kruger Effect?


You are the exception, not the rule. Stop using YOUR experience as baseline for the majority of players. You parse high 90’s, which means you are better than 95/100 Resto Druids. Now to humble you.

The fact that there are 6 Resto Druids in the top 100 Mythic Healer Rankings (don’t see your name), There are 10 Resto Druids in the top 100 Heroic Healer Rankings (don’t see your name there either). You’re #2048 with your whopping 700k-1.2m parses (although putting up the 1.2 without Regrowth spam? Gonna have to dig into your logs and learn something myself. You still have delusions of grandeur.

Keep on Rejuvenating tho, seems to be working.


All i can say is BOOP. You called it. :nail_care:t3:

All these people saying how good they are, meanwhile they don’t have enough cognitive ability to even look at data. We’re not “only” 3-4% behind, stop smoking weed…


A gear enchant is not a defining factor, like at all, it’s such a minor boost. You seem like a sweaty middle-aged man who has devoted his life to the game. You need to stop taking things so seriously, this post made me laugh in pity for you tho.

This post was so out of pocket lmao. You bring up several quotes, then your response is “NOT ENOUGH ENCHANTS YOUR BAD TRY HARDER” on each one.

Not only that, but the fact that people can’t even look at your enchants while declining your invites…
Everyone knows Rdruid is not doing great right now, these people are just ambulant contradictions. Look at this:

First, says we’re even with other healers. Next, says we’re either overpower or useless. What?

Are we even or not? Why would Rdruid needs more than that if we’re already even?

It just don’t make any sense…

Just ignore these trolls, they don’t care about Rdruid situation because they play with more than one class.


I don’t know who you are, but I have a strong feeling you have no friends.

I stated my experience as a druid which I’ve played mainly for years (as stated, and on my post btw) and didn’t know that you get declined groups on your priest makes me self-obsessed? You then spend most of your post bragging about how awesomely good you think you are. I should have asked you about your experiences with your priest before I made this post. That’s really my bad, I’ll do better.

What do you think I’ve been doing big dog?

I don’t even know what you were trying to say here, but I get 800k-1mil in raids, I’m not bad. Druid just sucks. You can disagree but like I said I know what I’m doing, and I’d say I’m in the slightly above average range of resto druids. Still being out healed by the lowest geared priests, and don’t get me started on shamans.

Funny to read. Does anyone of you think tall have a sliver of life left? xDD keyboard warrior fight.
But yeah, druid feels way weaker than my priest did back in DF. I remember needing to ramp for 15 secs and skyrocketing on the meters, where as now i ramp as much and do way more effort to barely outheal a tank lololol. Not very satisfying. Havent been kick out of raid because of that tho.