Not sure, I don’t have any mana reducing talents outside of Natural Shapeshifter.
Let’s fix your extremely incorrect math. I will do this with gift.
Assuming 200 sp and being nice and giving you the 8% crit (I am level 40 and 144 int in my alt gear, I have 5.54% spell crit. So +56 INT would bring it to ~6.5% not 8%)
Regrowth heals for 492 on average plus 63 for 200 sp so 555. The hot is 578. That’s 1133 or 2.70 hpm. A crit is ((555x1.5)+578)/420 or 3.36 hpm, assuming natures seed that brings it up to ((555x1.5x1.3)+578)/420 or 3.95 hpm.
Assuming 8% crit to be nice plus the talent that’s (3.95x0.58)+(2.70x0.42) = average of 3.42 HPM.
Healing touch at rank 7 has 1:1 coefficient. Average healing of 1360 or 3.36 HPM. 0.06HPM worse but infinitely HPS better. But let’s assume you down rank to rank 5 like you should be.
That’s on average 936 or 3.47 hpm, 0.05 hpm better than regrowth+LS.
Assuming you also have 3/5 tranquil spirit(which honestly is where it should be) that’s now 3.57 hpm for rank 7 and 3.69 hpm for rank 5. That’s like 0.15 and 0.26 hpm better than regrowth+seed. And that’s not even accounting for crits. Which would bring rank 7 and 5 up to an average of 3.71 and 3.84 hpm respectively, 0.24 and 0.37 better.
Plus now you get 5 extra points to put into wrath, plus storm for free wraths to fish for dreamstate for 50% mana regen while casting which makes it even more mana efficient to not use regrowth and seed.
Nourish is like 2.96 or something if you were wondering, meaning it’s better to use eclipse and Starsurge to get even more up time on dream state unless you’re in a situation where you have 0 globals to spend on anything but heals. In which case, still just spam rank 5 HT probably. Unless the situation is dire and you need more hps and don’t care about hpm then use rank 7, or rejuv+nourish if you have the rune on.
Btw in future phases rank 5 HT is still your go to as it will only get more and more efficient. Unless it’s hps you need then it will likely be rejuv+nourish in the future.
Btw current rejuv with 200sp is 3.51hpm. you’ll see that’s better than regrowth+seed as well lol.
Edit: changed * to x cuz the forum sucks.
Yall seem to be doing fine on Warcraft logs compared to shaman. In part with mages/priest in gnomergan. Shaman not so much.
Agreed boof resto runes…lifebloom and Nourish are not worth pressing…too weak compared to other runes avaliable
I ended up being rank 164 in the world according to BFD resto logs. Healing logs are a meme, i wont disagree with that. But i think that gives me a small opinion on the matter.
There are a handful of issues, but i gotta be honest, you’re kinda overplaying your cards here. Resto generally should focus intellect and not throughput, and that solves the going oom too fast problem.
The way to use nourish is casting one lifebloom on the target, then use nourish. If you continue needing nourish, cast another lifebloom so it doesnt fall off. Then be sure to cast lifebloom one more time, and when lifebloom pops theyll get a big heal and you’ll get half the mana you spent back. It’s a lot of fun, not to mention (and i hate bringing attention to this) Wild Growth is actually busted.
Having said those things, Living Seed is worthless at the moment, and I would like to not be forced to run Dreamstate. Fix Living Seed by adding a skill book allowing hots to crit, fix dreamstate for resto by making it say Nature Spells crit instead of Damaging Spells.
God forbid the data mines are correct and we get forced into only having Improved Barkskin, gonna love hearing the complaints about that.
You’re assuming zero overheal, which realistically NEVER happens. Especially in a raid.
You also never use high ranks of HT unless you’re hitting someone who’s very low health and actually needs a huge heal.
Again, assuming absolutely zero overheal, which almost never happens.
And it really does not seem worthwhile to go deep resto just to bend over backwards to use two awful runes. A standard “restokin” will do similar healing while also putting out a ton of extra damage.
There aren’t any good “resto” shaman runes really. Water shield is strong, but should have been a QoL book. The strongest runes resto shammies have are the off-spec ones that happen to work for us (overload [ele], shammy rage [enh]) I think Maelstrom can be quite strong for resto, but not many healers want to be (or can be) in melee range because of either silence/interrupts or environmental dmg.
All that being said, I’d play a zero rune resto shaman over a 5-rune resto druid any day of the week for PvE. PvP though… resto shaman are near worthless.
Yeah, things are pretty tough right now in Gnomer for both Shaman and Paladins, both are sitting under mages as the weakest two healers well below druids and priests, and account for the lowest populations. I am somewhat surprised honestly as I expected Chain Heal with Overload to be a bit better so expected them to pull a bit ahead of paladins, as neither got great runes in P1 or P2. Though ignoring mages as they weren’t a healer in classic, healer runes outside of priests which seem to get crazy good runes just seem poor overall.
well if shaman runes sucks aswell make a post it for it!!! Dont say our runes are well balanced just because yours are bad too!
The argument was entirely based around using Living Seed vs sticking to FoSR for free Wrath before you got here.
So naturally the math reflected that.
Is reading hard, should I use smaller words?
I showed your math was wrong anyways so
You need to find a way to not make this conversation sound like “ I deliberately made a quad role/tri role character but I don’t like a hybrid role playstyle/runes; or my choices are limited; so it’s broken”
If you singularly like a role/playstyle then you might want to look into the classes that are more solely built on that playstyle.
There are bugged runes and there is tuning to be done for sure ; but these tri and quad role classes ARE different ; they are more flexible and fulfill hybrid roles; trying to play them / tune them as a single role is not the expectation people should have.
If you think it is; then let’s talk about warlock healing spec; or priest melee dps spec; it’s just not really a thing.
“druid is a hybrid, you’re supposed to be awful”
So why isn’t Paladin awful at everything they do?
Why isn’t shaman awful at everything they do?
This isn’t base vanilla, we’ve moved past the awful class design and are trying to balance things somewhat. This idea of “you’re a hybrid so you’re supposed to be bad” is for Era, not SoD.
“hybrid roles” are not a thing in raids. You either come as a healer or a dps or a tank. There is no “hybrid”. You cannot tank with resto talents, and vice versa.
it’s really, really funny that you make this argument when SoD literally gave us mage healers and warlock/rogue tanks
Race choice. Spells cost a % of base mana and in classic, races have different base stats.
as a priest that often heals with a druid. Agreed.
Rdruid and priest should be a strong combo, and it largely is but especially with lifebloom - make it worthwhile
True, that’s a very good explanation for it.
Although my character is a Night Elf which I would have thought had more base int than the other option of Tauren so I would have expected mine to be the higher base mana in that situation.
all i gotta say is as a priest i have to use like 6 spells to parse high and time, pre heal bounce pom effectively etc and i see druids pressing 1 button (wild growth) and essentially healing the same as priest. it’s stupid and they should reduce all resto spells by like 50% mana or more and nerf wildgrowth so yall have real healing gameplay and not have mana probs imo
except we don’t, Priests can still outheal Druids super easily. The only reason Druid heals as much as Priest is because they often forgo Circle of Healing simply because they know it’d be overlapping with Wild Growth and leading to tons of overheal.
Wild Growth is literally the only good heal druid has right now because the other runes are all trash and our base healing kit is mediocre because hybrid class. And yeah, Wild Growth has an absurd mana cost, it literally costs 14% of my mana per cast.
Blizz needs to nerf Wild Growth and buff the other 3 healing runes. It’s absurd that we’re reduced to “DPS that presses 1 heal button” simply because our healing runes are all awful.
Druids pretending like they’re underpowered as usual then I hop in game and watch a resto druid full heal 0-100 in one global on repeat.
I’m an avid “Balance druids are fine” person, but Resto is a whole different story; if you think druids are going 0-100 in a GLOBAL, you likely saw one pop a potion or get healed by someone else. The only alternative is that they used a Nature’s Swiftness max-rank Healing touch, which consumed probably 20% of their mana bar and has a several minute cooldown.
Overall their healing kit is garbage. They are in a terrible state if anything more than a Wild Growth is required of them.