Resto druid mana problem

Please, for the love of Elune. FIX resto druids mana problem. We burn through mana too quickly!


Yeah I don’t think any of this was thought through. In order to get high hps you NEED to layer your hots. Which means you have no choice but to pre-hot, and keep hots rolling nearly the entire time. Whether it be to blast off a quick swiftmend, to boost wildgrowth healing (due to the endless and massive AOE dmg), or to simply scale up mastery, druids have no option BUT to pre-hot.

This, of course, leads to burning through mana at a ridiculous rate.

Druids are not reactionary healers, we don’t have the tools for it.

A simple talent that returns a % of the mana spent on overheals would solve much of the problem.


That would be such a great talent.


You mean OP talent.

Have you raided this expansion on a resto druid?


No I have not.

So what do you propose to fix resto druid mana problems in raids?


Manage your cds, combat pots, inervate from boomies.

So like every other spec does, but still have mana issues after?


You need the 100% reduce mana pot, and innervate and rotate them for your ramp. You can’t spend the whole fight spamming rejuv, you have to pick the most important moments to ramp.

Practice… Seems more like a skill issue than class issue.

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Then you clearly don’t understand how druid healing works. Every other healing class is reactionary. They might have the odd shield/ward, but the majority of their hps comes in the form of: cast spell → do healing.

This is NOT how druid healing works. I HAVE to have hots up BEFORE the damage comes in, otherwise my hps is complete crap. It’s not an option.

For example, going into a Hyrja storm, I need 5 rejuvs + 1 LB (6 GCDs), then I drop efflor (7th GCD), wildgrowth (8th GCD, actually a cast about a GCD worth), into either regrowth spam or tranq. I needed 8 GCDs in order to ramp up the healing, so that mastery stacks high enough, that I can spam the real healing spell that will do the bulk of the healing. There’s no way I can wait till damage starts before I start casting 10s worth of spells; people are already dead. I need to start casting about 8s or so before people even start taking damage. Which means I cannot avoid overheal.

Druid ‘git gud’ is literally knowing how and when to overheal.


I love this idea, it would indeed solve most of our problems. Also, they should really add Innervate’s old functionality back where it replenishes your mana. I like the current Innervate mechanic, but it could have that additional function of increasing mana-per-second.


Or perhaps, bring back the conduit that turned a % of overhealing into an absorb.


You have no pot absorb embellishments or alacritous trinket. You can literally have up to 60-90 seconds of mana free casting per raid fight from potions alone if you actually utilized your resources. Sounds like a learn to play issue.

Sounds like these just cover up the actual issue.

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Ok well you rely on Blizzard giving druid a buff they don’t need and keep on with those grey parses instead of playing smart.

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yes please! :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

Potion of Chilled Clarity + potion inhibitor is your friend <3

You can also use the alchemy trinket to potentially proc an extra pot over the course of a fight.

You probably don’t even need the embellishment or the trinket, the potion is really strong on it’s own. I don’t think mana has ever been easier for rdruid.

The most important thing is to not spam Rejuvs unnecessarily. Also don’t Regrowth unless you have Clearcasting. Don’t be afraid to Innervate early in a fight, because it will be up at least twice during an encounter.

Potions are also really important, not just for Druids for every mana spending class.