Resto druid mana problem

Don’t forget to save mana to do damage at the same time. Yes, I’m being sarcastic. :stuck_out_tongue:


For better or worse, our main “mana back” mechanic is omen of clarity. If you aren’t making use of those procs / keeping lifebloom up to get them regularly, that is a fair amount of lost mana over the course of an encounter/dungeon. Wild Growth and Efflo are very mana efficient spells, so focusing on those can also help out with mana issues.

As others have said, early innervating and potion use go a long way, particularly with the alchemy trinket and the potion duration embellishment.

Shadowmelding and drinking in dungeons at the tail end of trash packs is also a nice perk of playing NE.


I don’t raid heal anymore, but way back when I did you could spam rejuv all day long essentially. I think after we could no longer gear for mana regen that probably is when it started to go away? It’s interesting that they have a lot of rejuv related talents to make what should be a very spammy rejuv build, but you don’t have the mana to do that anymore.

The fact that flourish exists now is also probably a large part of why they want rejuv to be more limited than it was in the past. Maybe verdant infusion could add rejuv mana cost reduction since it’s a choice talent against flourish, and if you don’t have flourish rejuv spam shouldn’t be as problematic?

I feel like resto druids being kings in M+ (and maybe just in general?) would make people complain about them getting many buffs of any kind, even if they didn’t really impact M+.


I think if they tied mana regen/mana reduction to spells to Germination and Nourish talents it would be fine.

Nourish needs to be reduced in mana cost, and I think a few talent swap locations would be ideal, really.

Like Germination, instead of being in the last tier, it could be in the middle tier row for talents.

Also they need to fix Druid Mastery scaling because both Guardian and Resto Mastery scales terribly still. They really really need to take a look at it and fix it so it’s better. I think it’s around 340 or so points for Resto or something ridiculously high.

I think tieing Cenarion Ward against Abundance is fine, but I think Abundance should just reduce the cost of your mana spells by 5% per Rejuvenation you have active or something. That’s all healing spells, not just Regrowth.

That or going back to Germination they could make it also reduce the cost of Rejuv by 65% since you now get to have double Rejuvs per target meaning double GCDs to be used but yeah making it cost 65% less mana to use Rejuv would go a long way too or making the S4 2 or 4pc set (The Swiftmend proccing ToL form every 3rd use) making the ToL proc every 2nd cast instead of every 3rd cast.

Nourish being reduced in mana cost down to 2-3% base mana would get people choosing that talent and would actually help out a decent bit with healing per mana issue, too. Just a few GCDs into Nourish spam would be fine, then, over a 10+ second ramp time. At least in dungeons anyways, in raids you’d still ramp hard since there’s so many more people to heal.

Idk, my irl plays resto druid and has 0 mana issues in raids and m+ so clearly you are doing something wrong.

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The harder thing I think here is; is it really organized content or is it pugging content? If it’s really organized, 0 or hardly any mana issues. If it’s pugging you’re more likely to run OOM far more than with organized content.

Like you won’t know how your tank operates when you’re first joining a pug. They could pull slow/easy giving you almost infinite mana. They could pull extremely aggressively running you OOM much more likely/much higher.

Same thing with raids, too. You could have some very good raiders that do not take that much excessive damage, or you could have some very bad raiders who stand in every single bad mechanic and run you OOM.

Like I don’t think there’s a single good resto Druid who won’t run OOM, without overgearing the content, while healing all the worst raiders in a raid environment including mana pots, Innervate on CD, etc.

Id like a rework of the improved innervate talent, its useful in coordinated raids but in pugs where you cant really coordinate with other healers or keys where youre the only healer its pretty DoA. Thye tried to make it universally useful by giving the passive 5% increase but its really not worth it.

Turning it into a choice node with something similar to the innervate azerite trait would be great. One talent for organized raiding with the split innervate and 5% another for solo healing with a stacking int/mana return at the end.

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The gameplay pattern for druid to handle large scale, consistent aoe damage, which is very frequent this tier in both raids and mythics, literally requires druids to do what you’re telling them not to do just to set up a strong flourish. If you wait to start blanketing the raid until after the damage has happened, it will be too late.


Yeah especially since rejuvenation is so expensive…raids turn into a stress test every time if something goes wrong and hear my toons say “my mama is spent!”



If there is large scale consistent damage you split ramps between healers. Ex: i take first bomb on ras with ramp flourish, healer 2 takes 2nd, etc. Nothing is new about rdruid gameplay this patch, we have always ramp with flourish what are you even talking about?

Sorry, I replied to the wrong person - I meant to reply to the guy indicating it’s wasteful to prehot.

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it’s only been the first month of the expansion.
as time goes on, players will get more gear, with more intellect.
that means bigger mana pools, and less need to worry about running out of mana overall.
also dps will get better and do more dps as they get better gear, meaning fights will be done in shorter time frames, and again, less strain on our mana reserves.

until this happens, we are riding the struggle bus.

oh, also, chillglobe trinket is amazing if you can find one.

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The only thing that effects max mana are 2 enchants and your character level. Mana pools don’t grow over the expansion.


This must be a raid issue. Haven’t had mana issues in dungeons. Surprised if my mana gets down to 50%, but I am just a dirty Mythic+ player who doesn’t raid. :unamused:

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Thats should be a mastery, not a talent.

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Yea this is the second expansion in a row I’ve been struggling on mana. I have to keep my hots out there, regardless of whether they tick or not. I’m using 1-2 sleepy pots a fight, innervate on CD, and chillglobe on CD. I’m still ending every fight OOM. Meanwhile, the paladin healer in my raid is out healing me without even using his CDs and ending fights at 60% to 70% mana, lol.

I actually don’t mind working this hard to manage my mana (though it feels like we could use a small buff here), it’s just the fact that it’s so imbalanced that bugs me a bit.

It was like this all of SL though, so I don’t really expect it to change. I think this is just how Blizzard wants Resto Druids to work right now. We’ve been in a fairly good place for a while now, so maybe mana is the trade off? I dunno.

This is a great idea. Honestly though, it could be baseline and it wouldn’t really make much difference.

*Edit: I mean make much of a difference between a talent and baseline. That kind of ability would absolutely be a net positive for resto druids :slight_smile:

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Right there with you. In M+ mana isn’t much of an issue outside of people playing super bad, and spiteful preventing me from ever drinking. I just hot tank>shadowmeld>drink to deal with spiteful though. I drink 2-4 times a dungeon depending on how rough it is.

Yea this is only an issue in raids. Some tyrannical bosses I start raising an eyebrow and wondering if I’m going to make it, but it’s really only a problem when fights start taking longer than 6-7 minutes, which is way more of a thing in raids.

I use potion of chilled clarity paired with Flourish/nature’s vigil which usually involves convoke.

I haven’t had too many issues, unless people are standing in fire every pull in M+ and they aren’t using defensives or interrupts.

In raid, I haven’t had any significant issues with mana. Being a pro-active healer means you need to know the fight and when the damage is going to come out. So having 10 seconds advanced notice is very useful for a quick ramp. In Raid I mitigate some of the mana cost with luxurient soil talent. Having hots that spread for free is pretty significant. You also should be innervating yourself during those big burst windows or at the start of the fight if you want to preserve your mana early. There is also, as mentioned above, pots that remove the cost, and if you run the Alchemist stone (our bis) you can get more out of your pots. The other thing that can be done is to avoid spreading rejuvs on everyone for no reason. If you run cultivation paired with blossoms in efflorence on melee/ranged, you shouldn’t have significant issues if you’re watching health bars and hitting people at 50%-60%. Using your Clear-casting Regrowths for free will also mitigate these issues with the other talents in your tree like rampant growth.

Another point worth mentioning is to use your swiftmend+Wild Growth to maximize healing, and if you use reforestation you should be able to squeeze in more than enough rejuvenations and if necessary regrowths (clear casting) with a 15+ modifier to healing. If you have the tier set 4/5, you will get significantly greater returns on efflorence and your wild regrowths.

Another point to mention is if you time your reforestation talent appropriately, you should be able to use convoke within the time window + 1 wild growth and get mastery: Harmony stacks at sufficient levels. But at a minimum you need 5 rejuvenations active, and 1 wild regrowth for mastery to increase in value. If you are good about your life bloom, you can also get significant returns on hitting the 5 sec pandemic window which is worth mentioning.

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While you do need to prep especially for things like hyrja storm in mythic plus most of your maintenance will be 2 lifeblooms (4k mana ea and talented count as 3 stacks of mastery plus photosynthesis plus clarity of omen procs) and adaptive swarm… You keep adaptive swarm (2.5k mana per) rolling and talented properly will be on most of the group doing a ton of healing, passive damage to enemy mobs and increasing all the rest of your healing by 20% on those with stacks. And in your hyrja rotation imo you should swiftmend before wild growth for soul of the forest empowerment and then hit flourish --to extend the empowered wild growth and all your hots then you can spot heal a little more judiciously thus saving mana … good time to use innervate, nature’s swiftness (free buffed regrowth) and clarity procs. Healing raid is a completely different beast/talents but while you do have to be judicious is manageable focusing on 1 min bursts and lining with damage points.

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