Resto Druid Lacking


I can pull off decent raid healing… but you basically don’t play around rej anymore. You spam swiftmend w/ wildgrowth and then regrowth when in treeform. However, for minimal effort on a evoker or shaman I can outperform my much high item level druid that is clicking like a madman. I love my druid and how it plays but why am I going full sweat mode to equal another healer that is pushing ‘halo’ or ‘echo+spell’ and doing on even or more heals for far less effort. The Warcraftlogs parsing of healing classes speaks for itself for raids and mythics. The 4% buff we got was confusing as hell to me as we are so much more behind than 4% — not asking to be #1 healer but I definitely want to be competitive and not be invited to groups because I am a resto druid, which is what is currently happening.

You can buff rej, buff tranq (tranq needs it bad to be competitive with other healer CDs as no one even uses it in mythic+ and raid is trash as it lowers past 5 people… smh), and maybe just increase regrowth’s initial heal and I honestly feel that would help a bit.

At the least, just acknowledge the issue and that a ‘buff’ is incoming—As it stands, I have a resto shaman and pres evoker and both are miles beyond my main resto druid with much lower gear. I want to play resto druid but we are literally being shunned by the LFG community.

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I have completed 10’s in Mythic +, and I have done all of Heroic raid besides Queen atm.

I will have to say it is pretty doom and gloom. In pretty much all aspects pertaining to Rdruid in all forms of content.

I have to work extremely hard to save everyone, and I got all the tools, embelish, gear 619 ilvl, and weak auras and the correct build.

Mythic +

Healing Others: It doesn’t matter if I miss a HoT uptime for even a second in a mythic + 11 / 10 someones instant dead.

Myself : With this in mind THE PLAYER the HEALER, ME is not safe as well. One bolstering shout without bearform I’m instant dead. One shout with barkskin I’m 10% HP to top that off if I get hit with RNG spell welp I’m dead.

Doing DMG: Is not streamline where I can just one tap fire breath and it applies it to the enemy pack, nor does it heal via atonement or firebreath healing (life givers flame) nor does it PROVIDE A SHIELD like a Hpally, NOR does me doing dmg just AFK heal and do DMG with healing rain?

Rdruid dmg windows are not behind 1 talent but actually like 9. You have to grab baseline dmg abilities and amplifications in the base tree then somehow snag the dmg amp talents in your spec tree to have the same functionality every other healer has in 1 singular talent.

It is beyond FRUSTATING and yet NO ONE is taking the new heart of the wild and cenarius crap just because if you do, you cant heal properly.

So we just don’t do dmg. Again, for the 12 expansion.

Burst: Ramp and Burst mitigation feels even worse, Treants were invented to mitigate burst, yet they went from a rehashed swiftmend to basically a stronger rejuvenation, essentially. Not being a burst mitigation anymore. -.-

So no this class really does not have the capability toolkit to save everyone from the burst dmg.

As a result I have been running with tankier classes, Blood DK/ Guardian Druid, Rdruid (me), Lock, DK, Dk/Aug.

Just to successfully time because I cannot heal weaker dps like a squishy hunter for example.

Even despite this I’m legit barely timing or over by a few min.

^ not to mention Tranquility, prob USED to be known as the highest healing Raid CD takes way too long to even heal anyone and its so bad its constantly not even takin in mythic +

It is so messed up imagine if …

Sham being like ya Healing Tide Totem ya we have to ramp that.

Evoker? Ya we have to ramp that rewind.

Priest Holy ward Salvation? Ya ramp that for 6 seconds. ( Ik they got hymn but priest has 2 aoe instant heal bursts, PoM and such they got plenty of back ups this is just a example.)



Monk? NAH REVIVAL IT REQUIRES a 5 sec cast.

^ Nope but here we are with Rdruid … with the most outdated CD in history.

Now I know tuning of the Mythic + could occur and a flatrate 10% nerf can occur.

But it won’t change the fact how awful fundamentally it is.

Rejuvenation being locked at 14 sec due to the nerfs and talent drought.

Regrowth lasting longer than Rejuvenation???

Going Wildstalker because RNG symbiotic blooms are basically ADAPTIVE SWARM and you basically are forced.

Keeper of the Grove is strictly raiding / pvp. You cannot run it in Mythic + CASUALTIES will be at a all time high.

Visuals bad

Talent design bad

In raid its bad, our new pvoker just afk echoing and VE and DB and Engulf, just healing 123123123123123123123123 mil instant.

Meanwhile, I’m just overhealing, going oom, not offering a dang thing.

^ That answers your question about RWF, Rdruid is bad. They don’t like em.




Like they are the most hated class in WoW history.


I agree with everything you’re saying, I really think resto druid needs a full rework to be viable. The proposed changes so far for 11.05 seem lackluster. Two charges of nature’s swiftness? Who asked for that, what a joke. I also agree that resto druid needs SOMETHING that makes them viable to bring to high-end mythic raiding over the other healers, something that at least puts them on the map. Not exactly sure what that would look like but we’ve been lacking that for many expacs now. We used to feel mollified by our lackluster performance in raid due to our top performance in m+ but now we’re bottom in both. I love resto druid and I really hope the blizz dev team takes all the suggestions and critiques into consideration.


You know what the solution is?

Not only the rework i totally agree but.

Spring Blossoms <— ABSORB SHIELD

Cenarion Ward <----- ABSORB SHIELD


Ysears Gift <— To heal one other player and Absorb shield up to 10% of HP.

Gettin one shot in Mythic + <---- New talent you retain 50% of ur bear form HP (No this doesn’t make you retain the armor) This will match them inline with hpally having nearly 1/2 their tank HP in all specs + their avoidance and dmg reduction

Verdant Infusion <— Baseline

Double Nature’s Swiftness <— Baseline

Tranquility <---- 1.5 -2.5 sec cast and boom ramps so you can just press HoTs while its ramping.

Flourish Nerf <----- Reverted.

Consolidate talent tree. (separate flourish and photosynthesis)


MOVE CONVOKE AND AMP TALENT to the base tree. SIMILAR TO HOW DK has ABOM LIMB in BASE TREE. ( WE LIKE HAVIN A BURST CD AND INCARN, GIVE IT BACK TO US) <— You devs keep making us pick incarn over and over and over and over and over and over just because you hate convoke, and whats sad is you nerfed convoke… SO I don’t get it give it too us back. I wanna incarn and convoke again like Slands.

Master Shapeshifter Baseline

Rejuvenation 21 seconds

Germination BASELINE, FFS it was a glyph in all previous iterations and then became a talent and now they just keep throwing it in our face. BASELINE IT, IT FEELS AWFUL WITHOUT IT FOR THOSE THAT PLAYED WITH IT FOR TEN THOUSAND YEARS VIA GLYPH REJUVENATION

Lifebloom 21 seconds

Wildgrowth Instant cast

FLUID FORM baseline optional toggle off / on at trainer.

Druid fixed


Moonfire increases magic dmg /physical the target takes OG Faerie Fire <— AKA CLASSIC WOW ICONIC RDRUID THING THEY DID

Wildgrowth provides a 5% dmg reduction

Tranquility provides a ramping dmg reduction stating high fading later since it 5 stacks, 25% … 20% … 15% … 10% … 5 % … sep aura btw and it fades so no flourish wont make this dmg reduce stay for 10000 years

Efflo does enchants the players weapons and they do tiny spell power dmg to their targets.

Druid Lust/Hero – Make it a roar ( Hunters pet can lust people but we can’t? THE GOAT shapeshifter that legit inspires people with stampeding roar???)

Rebirth to make the target retain wellfed and buffs.

Rebirth Instant cast no cost in all FORMS.



Imagine if it also froze the count down also on our HoTs during the duration. Now that’s a proper Healing Cooldown.

I’ve also suggested this aswell, personally I think this is a must have change.

I could quote everything you say with agreement, especially the Rejuvenation and Lifebloom baseline being 21 seconds, personally though I still think Lifebloom should be permanent.

Master Shapeshifter AND Fluid Form both should be baseline. Talenting into QoL essentially to make the Class/Spec flow and work feels horrible.

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The world would howl in fury if lifebloom was permanent. I think make it semi perm. How about 45 sec LOL and no verdant infusion extension.

But I do be liking the one and done and lets forget about on the tanks in raid LMAO.

I do like the freezing of HoTs on tranq, but I don’t wanna invert my rotation by dumping all pre HoT then into a flourish into a tranq maybe a 2/3 timed convoke for another flourish for a eternal HoT.

I think it might turn into madness IDK xDDDDDDDDDDDD

and yeah I stole ur 5% wild growth that’s why it sounds familiar.

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Well I’m still liking your suggestions, let’s hope after the RWF tuning that usually happens Resto Druid gets some significant changes and buffs.

If not my goal is just complete all 10+ keys, hit AotC and then call it for the Season.

I’m no masochist, its stressful as it is being a Healer, being a Resto Druid Healer just amplifies it.

Resto is dead, no good saves, absolute garbage talent trees in general and on the restoration side.
Under performing out put in raid and M+ and no good saves at all vs other healing specs. (In plus)
I have never had issues getting my portals each plus season, and always got into groups fast, No one will take you now.
17 Years Ive been a resto druid, this is honestly one of the lowest points its ever seen aside from vanilla.

The anniversary event changes are not enough and will not fix the spec

Please for the love of god fix us blizzard REWORKS


very very very true.

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So on the raiding side, one of the main issues is RDruid right now offers little to no reward for having to do annoying ramps to heal. Its frustrating to raid heal with due to its inherent design of being a slow ramp healer, and the fact the healing output is completely underwhelming when executed properly for how much you have to actually do. It is by far the most annoying healer to raid heal on, nothing else even comes close, yet it has the lowest healing output in the game also. There is no world where the most annoying to play, high maintenance raid healing spec should have the lowest healing output - it should have the HIGHEST healing output.

I’d like to see some sort of damage reduction added to the tranq heal over time that stacks with the tranq HoT (as people have suggested for a long time), along with having rejuv’s that overheal give some sort of absorb shield. And give back auto Rejuv spread that RDruid used to have where rejuv ticks have a chance to spread a rejuv to someone else - that is a MUST.

And for M+, RDruid’s main issue is it has next to no fast emergency recovery healing. Convoke is all and its pretty garbage and unreliable. So if you’re not prepared for a heavy damage event in a high key your group is as good as dead.


I was top heals in a world boss group, and my highest spell, at over 65% overall healing was Tranquility. Something is broken.

Not just if we are prepared, we can be prepared but still not have the healing through put to heal through certain mechanics, it’s more of “do the other players have defensives or utility up aswell so I can heal.”

This is one the biggest issue I believe currently for Resto in M+.

I’m praying Convoke gets adjustments on how it works in player form. I think there’s only really 2 solutions.

  • Convoke will only cast Healing spells if allies that are in range are damaged.


  • Simply just truly turn into strictly to healing only. You know an actual proper Healing cooldown.

If we want to use it as dps, Cat Form + Convoke is there. If your a caster and prefer to use it for extra DPS?, well we use to have Moonkin Form so unless they return it, which I hope they do, I’d rather have it strictly healing only and just Cat Form use it for added dps.

Currently Resto has a lot of issues in PvE, for M+ one of those is Convoke and how unreliable it is to be pressed as a healing cd, this needs to change.

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It would be super nice if convoke was actually completely deterministic, i.e., what you said, PLUS having strict rules like precisely what spells it will cast given the number of nearby teammates (or enemies, if you’re using its damage mode), maybe their amounts of health, etc.

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Yea…we don’t talk about the past. Cant compared pass with “now”. Resto druid needs healing BUFF!!! My 610 priest can heal better than my 618 resto druid. Even when my priest was 605…its still better. Resto druid needs big buff as of right now. If they gets too OP as the season progress just nerf them a little by then. But as of season 1 right now Resto druid struggles in M+ and Raid. Throwing rejuv while shaman/pally/evoker/priest can just cover those heal and your hots goes into over healing.

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We are getting a 5% healing buff on Tuesday. Evoker and Holy Paladin are getting nerfs.

We might even come out on top.

Still feel pretty weak…with this 5% hots. Not enough to keep anyone alive in M+ unless you are spamming heals 24/7 keeping them up.

M+ feels a little better this week, but more probably because of the dungeon nerfs than the 5% buff.

I’ve adjusted my M+ build to not focus on damage. I switched up and took improved Rejuvenation and it has helped not to feel as GCD locked. I also took Convoke because it’s easier to deal with heavy burst damage when you fall behind on ramping. Taking Liveliness can also help with throughput if Mana isn’t an issue (it really shouldn’t be in M+).