I have completed 10’s in Mythic +, and I have done all of Heroic raid besides Queen atm.
I will have to say it is pretty doom and gloom. In pretty much all aspects pertaining to Rdruid in all forms of content.
I have to work extremely hard to save everyone, and I got all the tools, embelish, gear 619 ilvl, and weak auras and the correct build.
Mythic +
Healing Others: It doesn’t matter if I miss a HoT uptime for even a second in a mythic + 11 / 10 someones instant dead.
Myself : With this in mind THE PLAYER the HEALER, ME is not safe as well. One bolstering shout without bearform I’m instant dead. One shout with barkskin I’m 10% HP to top that off if I get hit with RNG spell welp I’m dead.
Doing DMG: Is not streamline where I can just one tap fire breath and it applies it to the enemy pack, nor does it heal via atonement or firebreath healing (life givers flame) nor does it PROVIDE A SHIELD like a Hpally, NOR does me doing dmg just AFK heal and do DMG with healing rain?
Rdruid dmg windows are not behind 1 talent but actually like 9. You have to grab baseline dmg abilities and amplifications in the base tree then somehow snag the dmg amp talents in your spec tree to have the same functionality every other healer has in 1 singular talent.
It is beyond FRUSTATING and yet NO ONE is taking the new heart of the wild and cenarius crap just because if you do, you cant heal properly.
So we just don’t do dmg. Again, for the 12 expansion.
Burst: Ramp and Burst mitigation feels even worse, Treants were invented to mitigate burst, yet they went from a rehashed swiftmend to basically a stronger rejuvenation, essentially. Not being a burst mitigation anymore. -.-
So no this class really does not have the capability toolkit to save everyone from the burst dmg.
As a result I have been running with tankier classes, Blood DK/ Guardian Druid, Rdruid (me), Lock, DK, Dk/Aug.
Just to successfully time because I cannot heal weaker dps like a squishy hunter for example.
Even despite this I’m legit barely timing or over by a few min.
^ not to mention Tranquility, prob USED to be known as the highest healing Raid CD takes way too long to even heal anyone and its so bad its constantly not even takin in mythic +
It is so messed up imagine if …
Sham being like ya Healing Tide Totem ya we have to ramp that.
Evoker? Ya we have to ramp that rewind.
Priest Holy ward Salvation? Ya ramp that for 6 seconds. ( Ik they got hymn but priest has 2 aoe instant heal bursts, PoM and such they got plenty of back ups this is just a example.)
Monk? NAH REVIVAL IT REQUIRES a 5 sec cast.
^ Nope but here we are with Rdruid … with the most outdated CD in history.
Now I know tuning of the Mythic + could occur and a flatrate 10% nerf can occur.
But it won’t change the fact how awful fundamentally it is.
Rejuvenation being locked at 14 sec due to the nerfs and talent drought.
Regrowth lasting longer than Rejuvenation???
Going Wildstalker because RNG symbiotic blooms are basically ADAPTIVE SWARM and you basically are forced.
Keeper of the Grove is strictly raiding / pvp. You cannot run it in Mythic + CASUALTIES will be at a all time high.
Visuals bad
Talent design bad
In raid its bad, our new pvoker just afk echoing and VE and DB and Engulf, just healing 123123123123123123123123 mil instant.
Meanwhile, I’m just overhealing, going oom, not offering a dang thing.
^ That answers your question about RWF, Rdruid is bad. They don’t like em.
Like they are the most hated class in WoW history.