Resto Druid Lacking

Resto druid Mastery is bugged or scaling very bad right now. Our mastery healing for raid needs a buff in %. Rocking 10k+ mastery and I feel like I already hit the hard cap for mastery to gain any healing per dot.


I’m running like 12k+ Mastery and that works out to about ~13% give or take. Compare that to the end of Dragonflight when a high level of Mastery would equate to 25-30%.

And that is the amount of increased healing per stack, which really amplifies the differences.

It’s not a bug or a scaling issue. It’s a gear issue. Not only did the Season just start, the entire expansion just started, so we don’t even have a previous season’s gear to use as a head-start. We’re all literally starting from the bottom of the barrel.

And of course Mastery will feel weakest in raid, since larger group sizes make it difficult to keep a large number of HoTs on each person. Even more so with haste also being less abundant at the start of the expansion.

You haven’t even reached the first soft cap of mastery. This is simply you not understanding resto druid mastery starts off low like EVERY expansion and as gear ivls increase over seasons it feels way better.

Yeah seems like great design, Druids ‘balanced’ for Season 4 gear but every other class is ‘balanced’ for Season 1 gear. Am i missing something here? (lol)


You wouldn’t balance resto druid through mastery due to how out of control it can scale. You would balance through talents and the spell coefficients themselves. When blizzard buffs druids before mythic releases I guarantee you it will have nothing to do with mastery.

Do yourself a favor and reroll to shaman. I did, resto druid is garbage right now. They removed anything which made the spec viable. Now you can only press a million buttons with no effect.

Meanwhile shaman pumps like a god

Im pretty sure haste is more crucial in raids, besides the reason for low mastery stacks other than being the beginning of the expac, you need to read your abilities. Lifebloom for example if specced right, can be cast on multiple people and counts as 3 stacks, so two lifeblooms gives you six mastery stacks. There are other things that add to this as well, for example, grove guardians- if specced correctly they can increase heals of your major healing abilities by 10% which really makes a difference so you should always have one out, always have lifebloom on two targets, and then pay attention to the other things that grant bonus stacks (guardians give nourish, Effloressence, Spring blossoms, etc).

NOW THAT BEING SAID: Resto druids ARE DEFINITELY LACKING IN RAIDS and we know this because there are ZERO resto druids in the top 300 for normal or heroic raid according to warcraftlogs AND raiderio. No good guild is running resto druids in raids because they just dont cut it compared to shaman, monk, evoker, etc. So Resto druids DO need some love but you CAN make them viable, just dont expect to compare to a shaman or monk. (or even your tank)

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Yea, druids were always designed to be built around hots, SPECIFICALLY Rejuv, and rejuv is so weak right now that most raiders who run resto are recommending to ignore rejuv completely which used to be our MAIN raid ability. Right now its pretty much grove guardians, wild growth, Rejuv yea but not as important, and regrowth, tranq, etc. Im betting they buff rejuv or give us a free Two rejuvs per cast kind of thing

hope they get nerfed.

I don’t believe that is how it works. The mastery work per individual. You don’t get 6 stacks if you have 2 different characters with lifebloom. I don’t believe that having 2 lifeblooms and 1 rejuv in each of the 5 party member is making my mastery proc with 11 stacks per individual.


Doesn’t make sense that a healer is being held back due to horrible stats scaling while other healers doesn’t even need the right stats to heal.

I love my druid but,

I’ve been playing a preservation evoker as an alt and the difference in healing output and damage output is like night and day. If I am out doing world quests on my druid it is mooonfire, wrath, wrath, wrath, wrath, heal, wrath…

On my evoker it is chronoflame, firebreath, disentergrate, dead mob. Kills take 1/4 of the time.

In battleground PVP, if I have all the trees out I can pump out some good healing on my team. But it’s over in 30 seconds and the HOTS alone just don’t pump hard enough to keep up with the damage output. If I do go all out, I run out of mana too quick. The key presses are many and endless putting out rejuv, wild growth, regrowth, lifebloom on teammates. I can put a few moonfires out but usually things die in PvP before the moonfire can do any measurable damage.

On the evoker, my heals put out so much I have time to do damage or utility spells. I am actually looking at my team thinking, wow - everyone is topped up in one cast - what can I add to this fight outside of healing. I don’t even bother looking at my mana because it seems endless.

Druid healing needs an increase by a factor of 2 or more to be useful in PvP.


Except druid has been a top tier healer in previous expansions season 1 with extremely low mastery so that completely voids your point that it is entirely a mastery issue…

I am playing my Resto Shaman alt and have experienced the same thing. My dps is much higher and healing feels a lot more effective than on the Druid. Im probably just going to switch mains at this point.

You Are right, it was worded poorly, I was talking overall, you got six stacks as in stacked up two people with three stacks instantly with two clicks is my point, you will see everywhere now puts haste as the main secondary stat for resto druids in raids and mythic plus, the increase from haste ends up being better than the .5% per stack from each pwrcent of mastery so 10% is an increase of I believe 2% for four stacks or something really low, regardless of the math, the recommendation is focus haste as there is no real diminishing returns until after lile 20k/40% and even then up until 30k haste it still better than mastery.

You dont get 6 stacks of mastery. Thats not how it works. Each target with lifebloom has 3 stacks of mastery. Its based on whats on the target not everyone as a whole…

-ticks for 6k. Tank is 11mill health.


Whenever I heal on my druid I feel like the group would have been better off 4 dps + tank because i’m not out healing anyone in the group even though i’m the only healer.

So resto druid is in a rough spot, to be sure. But if this is an accurate assessment, then either your group isn’t doing content challenging enough to require a healer at all or you are doing something very, very wrong. Resto druid is only objectively bad when comparing against other healers; it’s not incapable of keeping the average group alive unless they are WAY over their heads.


A fourth dps would out heal a druid by the virtue of damage prevented by killing faster.