Responses to PvP items

Just editing the whole thing. Basically:

Implement a pvp stat(s) and / or wod-style gear in which ilvl is increased while in pvp combat.

PvP gear is BiS in pvp, pve gear is BiS in pve.

Revert back to having a weekly conquest cap. Increasing rating increases the following week’s max weekly cap.

Eventually, all pvp’ers will be equal on gear, with exception to a pvp weapon. However, having a higher rating will allow you to gear up faster than someone who doesn’t push their rating.

2200+ 3’s rating unlocks a stronger weapon. This is the only pvp ilvl item that is rating-gated.

Otherwise, all items that are rating-gated are aesthetic (elite transmog, titles, mounts, etc).


I believe it when I see pvp stats in the game


Here’s hoping! At the very least, we have a thread confirming they understand the issue and will implement a solution. Just hope it’s the right one


I posted there to share my feedback. Very against PVP set bonuses and adding every stat combo to vendors. A stat relocation, however, I am mostly okay with.

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Dude that responded is a typical trash pver who wants an unfair advantage on people in pvp. When pvp should never be about who’s more geared like it has been it should just be able skill plain and simple.


Based on past experience, Blizz may add all the stat combination for all PVP gear available on vendors, BUT the cost to upgrade will still the same (if anything, they will increase to compensate the wide stat avaiability) and the ilvl will still be considereable lower than PVE… Yay…

Wait was this @ me? Lol.

I don’t agree with this assessment, though. If it’s not about the gear, then why should gear exist at all? Why not just have templates with no ability for player customization?

It’s very arbitrary to be okay with battleground gear but not okay with a progression system from higher rating

This post? God man. Idk. I don’t think in your history on these forums you’ve ever said anything that’s remotely within reason for me to agree with you.
If you want to “cross play” actually play the content, and you’ll get the gear.
If you have an issue with pvp vendors getting more stat options, then you can’t have an issue with a pvp-specific stat.

If you cross play, you’ll have the best gear. If you don’t, you won’t. It’s very difficult to understand your stance when you’re constantly contradicting yourself.



It always triggers me when people want gear to matter more than someones actual skill. Like imagine playing chess and being great at it then losing to some random nobody cause hes hopped up on roids lmao makes no sense right? Leave pve to where gear matters basically or do it like legion with templates if they wont give us back old vendors.


This makes no sense. Why would gear matter more than skill? In order to get the gear, you have to climb rating. You have to be skilled. If you climb from 1500-1800, you did so in 1500 gear. If you climb from 1800 - 2k, you did so in 1800 gear, etc etc.
You don’t q into 1800 players at 2.4k mmr.

You have to get better gear in pve because you’re progressively fighting harder bosses, correct? As you progress in rating, you’re progressively fighting better players. Why shouldn’t players who push high rating have the same enjoyment of gear progression as anyone else?


I like the ease of access that the games modes have right now. It doesn’t feel good to have to slog through BGs / Low rated arenas in my PVE set to earn a PVP set. Making a PVP stat or PVP set bonus would effectively force me to do that, just to be viable.

I have an issue with this because this is an MMO RPG, no one should be able to just buy basically any type of gear that they want. Furthermore, it’ll force PVEers into PVP, which is EXACTLY what you guys complain about.

I’ve already stated my issues with this, but yes, I can be against both of these options. It’s not a contradiction.

Ohhh haven’t played much of season 4 have you? :rofl:

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You are spot on Haugs as always! I nominate you as the official spokesman of the pvp players.

Ignore bloom, the guy is a complete bafoon. Don’t cast your pearls at a swine, he is a waste of your energy, he doesn’t have the mental capacity my guy just ignore him.


Because pvp shouldn’t be about who’s more geared. If they truly enjoy pvp they should get their enjoyment from beating equally skilled people not from saying “hell yea stomped that idiot 30 ilvls below me Hahahahaha”


That’s exactly why you have a pvp stat. The gear won’t be as good as pve gear, because it will be burdened by a pvp stat, so pve’rs won’t be motivated to grind pvp.

Yes, if you want to pvp and be competitive, you have to grind the gear. If you want to pve and be viable, you have to grind the gear.
And, to clarify, you’re not even correct. You could pvp in pve gear and be viable. You just won’t be the best, as you shouldn’t be. You’re not going to get 100-0’d in two seconds. You seem to have this mentality. It’s incorrect.
Pvp players want pvp gear to be the best in pvp.
You understand a 5% difference is still better, correct? No one is asking to be absurdly stronger in pvp gear than pve. We simply want it to be better
There’s a gear progression system in pve. There should be just the same in pvp.

Season 4/corruption isn’t remotely comparable to what we’re talking about here

I agree, it should absolutely be about skill. Which is why there’s a gear progression system. Get to 1800, you unlock a few pieces / are able to upgrade your gear to an ilvl that is marginally better than the 1500 pieces.

Most competitive players really aren’t as toxic as you’re making them out to be. I don’t think it’s fun to kill a lowbie, but if I’m a 2.4k + player and I decide I want to q a bg, I think it’s fair my gear is a little better than someone who just spam q’s bg’s. Don’t really see the problem in that. At 2.4k+ rating, I’ll q against people with my gear level

Think you’re right haha. That’ll be my last reply to him. Thanks!


I mean maybe but still I feel it should be about skill whether you queue bgs or arenas or rbgs if you’re better you should win. Gear shouldn’t even be a factor in the equation.


Well, if I’m 2.4k+ q’ing against people who only bg, I’m probably better than them, right? I’ll outplay them. I’ll be better geared because I put effort into much more competitive content.
People care about their gear. It’s the next progression system after hitting max level. If pvp’ers effectively had a freeze on their gear, that wouldn’t feel good. Aesthetics are great, but if I knew my ilvl wasn’t going to go anywhere after the first two weeks of playing the game, what’s the fun in that?


I feel like it’s important as a pvp community we stand together in this. Yes, we may have minor differences in opinion on rating giving advantage ect, however this is a minor issue that is currently being eclipsed by an UNPLAYABLE GAME!!! issue we are facing now. Let’s stand together for pvp power, resilience, or some kind of set bonus/ wod scaling, and after we accomplish this we can tackle minor little things like 2200 rating weapons ect.

Just on a side note, I’ve never been 2200, and I loved the old system of 2200 weapons. It gave me something to shoot for, I wanted that 2200 bad!


This is only if they add a PVP stat and all stat combinations. I still disagree with it, from a game philosophy perspective. This is an MMO RPG, not a MOBA.

No, you’re incorrect. I PVPed all the time back in the days of resil/PVP power. I would destroy anyone that was in PVP gear. I always felt bad about it too, knowing that I probably just discouraged them from ever trying PVP again.

That is the reality. Making PVP less accesible will appease the die-hards like us on the arena forums, but I suspect overall interest will be slashed by this accesbility issue. I hope I’m wrong, but I trust Blizzard to make the right decisison.

The same goes for PVE. This will segregate the community again. Interest will go down in both areas of the game, as instead of doing arenas after raid, people will just log out, discouraged from the fact that they need a PVP set in order to not die in 5 seconds.

I will continue to share my feedback both here, and in the beta forums. Hopefully, they agree with me, which they already have in the past, that’s how this all got changed in the first place.

I’d be ok with the gear bs if they just went back to the way vendors were before but they more than likely won’t do that because its basically admitting being wrong.