Responses to PvP items

Oh for sure. I genuinely hope they add a pvp stat, along with greater secondary stat options. Fixes both issues:

  1. PvE’rs won’t feel forced to get the gear because it won’t be as good in pve
  2. PvP will be the best in pvp

If I hadn’t made this clear, though, I don’t think anyone is asking for pvp gear to be like absurdly stronger than pve gear, right? Like I don’t want to 2-shot a pve player who’s in comparable (ie, gotten from the same tier of content as myself). We’re just asking the gear be just strong enough that it is better in terms of min/max’ing in pvp


I’m not asking for that, I’d be fine being literally 1% better than a pve player, honestly even equal. I just want to feel optimal doing nothing but the content I enjoy, pvp. I don’t want to be forced into content I don’t want to do. I don’t enjoy dragon killing, pve isn’t for me.

So yes, I have no problems being even just BARELY superior to a pve player. I think wod scaling would make it easier to do that than pvp stat. But hey either way you wouldn’t see a complaint from me


Get out. The door is that way


Yeah I mean I think there should be distinguishing levels for pvp, and you could do something as simple as making the pvp tiers 5 ilvls less than their pve counterparts, but then increasing them by 10 ilvls while in pvp content.

So, a 2.4k+ would be 5 ilvls less than a final-boss-mythic-level item regularly, but when engaged in pvp, the item goes up 10 ilvls, so it would net be 5 ilvls higher than a pve item.

This as an alternative to just having a pvp stat. I’m happy either way, really. Just slightly worse than pve in pve environments, just slightly better than pve in pvp environments


Pvp stat best solution


If they did this system you are requesting I would be ESTATIC!!! And they would gain a expansion long subscription from me


Did you now? That’s remarkable!


I get what you’re saying, but it’s not necessarily admitting they were wrong by conceding that our viewpoints are valid.

In a lot of ways, they’re architects, and we’re construction workers. They have an abstract design of what they want, and draw up blueprints, but eventually we get in there and we kinda start to see some flaws and we’re like “this isn’t going to work”. So, sometimes they’re straight up wrong. Other times, we can simply say “we know what you’re doing, you’re on the right track, but here’s how to make it even better”. I think it’s more of the latter than the former. At least, that’s the best way to communicate with them. If they’re straight up wrong, though, well…glares at covenants


Lol you are delusional. If you think blizzard implemented changes to this game based on your feedback, let alone even read it… you are sadly mistaken.

Based on some of your other “recollections” you seem confused about how PvP worked in the past. I’m sure 8 year old you thought you were “awesome” at PvP. :joy::joy::joy:


I waited years for these vendors. Now I don’t know how I feel about it.

I know this much. Being 2400+ rated, is considerably harder than it ever has been, or ever will be to participate in a mythic raid. I cannot even begin to fathom PvE being harder. It’s just not.

So if we’re using their own philosophy? Why does this not reward the greatest gear? I’m not suggesting that it should. When you read blizzards stance on it though?

I don’t care if Mythic raiders get better gear than me. I learned to deal with this in BC when every 2nd team was RMP with a glaive rogue wearing 4p/4p set bonus. I have learned to accept this.

I guess I need some constructive points.

  • The original Arena servers, are the greatest example you will ever have of PvP balance.
  • PvP’ers, generally, are not asking for their gear to be as good or on par with PvE.
  • We do not want PvE’ers to be able to come in, and have any advantage due to PvE gear. They should be welcome to come and compete, and they are welcome to do so equally… Legendaries etc, do not belong in a battleground.
  • We want to be able to grind a currency, to purchase gear.
  • Gear does not have to be fantastic. It just has to work for PvP.
  • We do not want to have to PvE AND, EMPHASIS ON AND PVP. We just want to PvP and be able to compete for the top PvP spots on ladders, without having to nerd up and PvE.

Just let us PvP in peace.
Do not force us into ANY PvE.
Do not allow PvE’ers to come into arena with an advantage due to PvE gear.

If you can do those three things, you’ll keep everyone happy.

Edit: Can someone show the % of players who have purchased 2200+ Elite armour - as opposed to the wealth of people with say a Mythic Ny’alotha achievement? Ha.


I agree specialized… I completely agree with you…

What is sad, as pvp players we are by far the easiest to please… We buy new expansions seriously just because of class changes, they can just keep recycling same way to gear up forever and we are thrilled. I don’t understand why they just make the pvp player happy, it’s such a simple thing!

Seriously, pvp players are so easy to please yet they resent us for some reason.

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Exactly! You’re of a similar mindset.

Blizzard/Activision = Publicly listed company.
They are well aware, that Pure PvP’ers represent a very small portion of the player base.

Honestly at this point they would be better off just bring back the S2 arena server and charging us all $15 a month to go play that.

The day those vendors disappeared, and I couldn’t just do BG’s and 3v, was the day I was sent down this path on WoW.

I cannot even describe myself as a player anymore.
I’ve essentially spent the last three expansion packs, identifying the best way to welfare the PvE stuff so I could just PvP, but it takes SO much of your time, you never end up getting to PvP anyway. All your play time just goes down the drain doing dumb stuff.

I am 470 right now.
I have NOT stepped foot in a mythic raid this expansion.
I have not killed a boss on heroic.
I’ve done LFR and 2 PuG normal runs of Ny’alotha.
I am 470 ilvl.
The system is dumb.

15 minutes a week in M+
1 vision.
1 M+ Weekly cache.

Now… Go to my armoury, all of my gear says stuff like Mythic and Heroic all over it, it’s within 10 ilvl of your precious mythic raiders, all I’d have to do is drop 500k gold and I’d be on par with them. So why are we all pretending like that gear is at all worth something? I am a living example of how you can have a whole set of it, for nearly zero effort.

They say that PvP’ers can’t have what they want, because it will ruin the PvE system, yet the PvE system is a joke anyway?


And what’s frustrating is some of these pve players, not all some are cool, say the same stupid crap like.

“This is a pve game, go play a moba.”
“This game isn’t designed for you, go away”

It’s like… They don’t get it. They don’t get it that we love this game too. I have spent so much of my life on this game, I don’t want to just play another game. I want to play wow, I want to log in and chat with the bazillion friends I’ve made along the way thru all the duels outside of org, and bg’s and arena partners I’ve had since bc.

I want to log in, say hey guys who is up for a bg? And we que up, have some fun doing some casual pvp. Then hit up some arenas with my boy resto druid that has played nothing but resto druid for 50 years as we try and fail every season to get that 2k rating! Someday we will get it :laughing:.

They just don’t get it… This is our game too, we are a part of this wow community too. We have value, we ask so very little. The last thing on the Planet!!! I want to do is ruin their pve experience. I wish nothing but an amazing pve experience for them. I just wish as pvp players we were forwarded the same respect.


That makes absolutely no sense. You get gear to progress in the game the same way it works in PVE. If you get gear for a raid it allows you to get further into the raid or prepare for a higher difficulty. Similarly, in PVP, if you get better gear you are more prepared to fight better opponents and so on. There are rating brackets for a reason. If you cant climb out of the 1500 rating bracket in your 1500 gear then you have not earned the higher level gear. On the same note, if you have not put the time into PVP to earn the gear that helps you succeed then you need to keep grinding and practicing. I can come into BFA with a 400 ilvl and beat a lot of players at 460+ ilvl simply because I am a better player than them mechanically. It shouldn’t give an edge to the point where its unwinnable, but you should be able to earn something for your hard work and practice.

If you don’t want to progress in the game, join a tournament server and play competitively that way where the gear isn’t a factor. But in this game, gear progression is and has always been one of the main goals of the game. Get triggered all you want, but if you want a game that doesn’t have gear as a reward for time, effort, and skill, then you need to play another game.


I just really hope they make the gear from vendors objectively better in pvp. I dont want to raid on multiple characters.

For the longest time I was able to level my main who I would typically only raid on and then level an alt or two who I’d do only pvp with.

This past season has been a slog with getting 3 cloaks to max, 3 weekly clears of nya, 3 sets of weekly’s, farming visions, at minimum 3 +15s, leveling profs, and then doing arena.

Now I dont mind clearing the raid on my main and then doing a few keys across my characters during the week. Maybe some dailies or weekly quests.

What I dont want is to feel, for my character that is used in one lane of the game, a need to participate in every aspect of the game just to feel optimal in that one lane.


SO if there is a pvp-specific stat, where does that put the current plethora of stat combinations that are usually useless, and what about the current pvp stat versatility??

Why are you even posting here. No one literally no one cares about your opinion.

I don’t see why so many dragonslayers (pver’s) feel the needs to always post about issues that hardly affect them when they have no idea about pvp and play BG’s casually.

Alpha’s (PvPer’s) don’t go complain that mythic raiding gear is too good and clog up the pve side of the forums with their worthless opinions. Pvp players have been forced into doing Pve for too long now.

Go back to killing the same boss for the 100000000th time doing the same mechanics and leave the pvp discussion to the adults in the room.


There should be small overlap IMO. If you need a trinket from the raid that’s fine. And if you need a conduit from the honor vendor that’s fine too. But if you invest the time in pvp and dedicate your time to getting conquest gear then you should dumpster pve’ers in pvp who don’t bother to do the same.

The stat budget for pvp items has always made it so the pve gear was much better suited for pve. Mythic raiders could do pvp too, They did great damage but popped like a balloon and i think that’s good enough. They shouldn’t get all the benefits of being a dedicated pvp’er.

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The issue is, there is not 2200 rated weapons. Its 2400 Rated, Everything.

In that case the issue still isnt fixed, then 2400 players, which are a very very smll subset will not have to PVE to PVP, Everyone else however…

That is not a problem with a PVP stat, it is a problem with Stat Relocation.

Vers is not a PVP stat, we just use it as one.

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