Respect the artist, and deal with consequences

I’m a simple man. I like simple things. I like when people make things.

But when people get a big head about the things they make, and feel like their work is the best thing since sliced bread, and begin singing their own praises about how great they are, or sniffing their own farts in wine glasses, talking about how great they are, and people who don’t like it are not cultured… I kinda tune out.

Like how at the core of the World of Warcraft Franchise, it was a spinoff of a successful series of Real Time Strategy game, against two distinct factions. The Humans, and the Orcs. As the series developed, so did the two core factions, and the stakes.

Now, we’re talking about exploring realms, based on abstract tangents like light and shadow, life and death, order and chaos… Someone open a window, please?

Gimmie these Mogs, and let us continue exploring Azeroth!


If you can make money consistently doing it, it’s a job.

I don’t have the personality or the technical know-how to reliably make Youtube videos or stream on Twitch, so those avenues are closed to me. Still, I find it a bit silly to point to a Youtube millionaire and say he doesn’t have a “real job” if said “real job” would result in him making far less money than he has right now. What would be the pragmatic reason for him to enter the workforce if the yield is bad?

Yes, as much as I particularly dislike Asmongold, I do believe he does, in fact, have a job.

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So why not post on the European forums? Simply curious.

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Calling it, she’s using the thread as bait, to draw in the lucrative Western-'Murican Demographic to check out her original content. :wink:

Praise the team for what they do well and criticize them when you feel they’ve failed. That is the only realistic point of view to have.

You then have unreasonable folks that shill for them and others that criticize everything they do.

I disagree with convoluted systems. They spend more time trying to fix a mess they created than they do focusing on the actual artistic part of the game. lol


And have you noticed that the only semi-new stories are coming from games now since movies have been disneyfied? movies are just remakes or rehashes. Ok so wow does borrow heavily from pop culture and its own past games but it seems like theyre at least trying to come up with new stuff.

I suppose it’s only fair to state that most artists I have met lately lack self awareness all the while being condescending. Many of us respect what WoW was and do not agree with the vision of where WoW is going, because WoW was better in the past than it is now. Personally I’ve skipped the last three expansions.

As an artist, I am free to be critical of anyones art. Players are free to be extremely critical of someone elses art when they pay fifteen dollars a month for access to that art they’re a fan of. Critiquing isn’t out of malice, it’s out of care.

What’s childish is the oozing condescension on these forums and when met with wit and a sardonic reaction immediately someone will run to the report button because their feelings got hurt. I think the irony here is players have been getting all the sets, have been getting all the mounts, and have been master of their guild and savior of the world, that’s been the bottom line the entire time.

No, a player gets to vent their frustrations when their favourite class and spec isn’t performing well. Especially when the Game Director has been rude and snobby about how he views certain playstyles as degenerate.

People are tired of borrowed power because there is a mathematically best option to balance the classes and the game. No one expects perfect balance, but every class and spec should be able to do the best content in the game. This is a very mathematical achievable problem, it actually shouldn’t be a problem.

I do not think you fundamentally understand what it means to be critical of a game, it’s not malice. No one has denied the art department, only the class design and functionality and how lack luster it has been.


Which is fine and good, if you want to be a starving artist. But I think Blizzard wants to make money, which means they can’t just focus on their artistic vision, they have to tailor their product to what people actually want to purchase.

But your advice is awesome if you want WoW to be shut down because only the devs and ten of their whitest White Knights are interested in playing it.

A threat? You consider it a threat to suggest that you consider playing another video game? Are you for real? The amount of self entitlement, arrogance, and self righteousness that exudes from your post, is both appalling And ridiculous in its nature.

Given that your name is white knight, I do not believe we have anything further that can be discussed in an intelligent manner.

My original point remains. Please, grow up and go play another game if this one is not to your tastes. Do not blame Blizzard entertainment if you cannot maintain some measure of self control over your finances.

The irony here, is that you fail to grasp that when Someone does choose to abstain from products that they do not like, the product often will change to meet the expectations of the consumer who would like to see things changed.

Thus by doing nothing and whining you do no favors for this game, and thus cannot hope to achieve the changes that you desire to make it a better one.

I agree with you that they are allowed to what they want with their art. But they can still be critiqued like all art

Nah, the real irony is that given’s Blizzard’s recent history the changes are nearly inevitable. People will make the only real meaningful choice then can and Blizz will hemorrhage subs, and then just like they have in the past they’ll slowly but surely slide toward what people wanted in the first place in an effort to bring people back. What people want is to skip the whole mediocre phase and have a good time from the start. And you call them childish for it.

This is going to be one more item in the list of classics such as:
You think you do (want classic), but you don’t.
WoD Flying
Azerite Armor


Good post OP.

First of all I love my White Knight name. I got it after an argument with Ralph several years ago and will continue to use it in GD. :slight_smile:

Now I will try to ignore those ad hominem attacks.

My point was; We are complaining about this system because we want this game to be the best it can be. And I have tried to provide as much feedback as I possibly can because I love this game. I actually believe, covenants aside, it’s looking to be a great experience. And I do believe they care about feedback, just look at their changes with Torghast and Alt leveling. We can still provide blizz with the feedback so changes can hopefully be made by 9.1

While it’s clear a ripcord won’t be pulled for 9.0.2, that’s not ideal but we’ll work with what we have.

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You can criticise a bad meal without being a Michelin star Chef.

Can criticise a bad movie without being a director.


If you write at a professional level, then you should understand the concerns.

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But should you? As an ignoramus? All your saying with your criticism is you personally dont like it, not that its objectively bad? and do we really need another opinion? in a world full of em?

That is absolutely the most tacky take I’ve replied to without a doubt.

People have explained at length of why they feel they are being hurt by this path we’re going down in Shadowlands.

Laughed out loud at this, ok Shakespeare :rofl:


Do we just have to accept a worse game because it’s the vision of the devs? These suggestions aren’t coming from malice they are from people wanting a better game.

Oh im sorry, i mistook you for someone worth talking to… carry on :slight_smile:

I’d have used " As a Philistine" instead, but that’s just me speaking.

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