"Respect Player's Time" Doesn't Apply to Druids Apparently

I got on my Druid alt last night and got like 6 of the new forms in an hour, I think Druids will be okay if some of them require some more patience lol




If they’re gonna wait for the patch to slow down, they might as well do something else and completely forget about the druid forms. That’s not a good solution.

This patch is going to last a little while. It’s a perfect solution.

Still doesn’t feel good to get excited for a “new feature” that doesn’t have any real progression.

What sucks is I got the inscription recipe for one and stupidly learned it, but it is soulbound on craft and not available for crafting order.

What echo chamber. Just us mature people able to actually have a civilized view on certain matters instead of the usual ‘’ omgerd you want everything right away ‘’ ‘’ it’s only cosmetic, stop whining ‘’ blah blah blah.

Such a passive aggressive nature amongst a lot of the people in t his game.


It’s not a “feature” that’s supposed to have progression behind it?

They make people excited for new druid forms and then gate it behind something worse than renown. That’s what you call a let down.

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Oh I forgot about those. Too bad you mentioned them.

It’s a game, I don’t want to be patience, also I’m not saying 100% drop, hand out that people really like to twist words.

However; as a game it should have active gameplay, leaving a character hours in a spot waiting isn’t gameplay. I can be patience if you give me an actual gameplay grind.

Right but for other people who play more than I do, it doesn’t seem to be a problem and they have most of the forms already. So how do you as a Dev find a middle ground? You can’t please everyone sometimes. If they buff spawn rates the hardcore that play 12+ hours a day will have everything in one day, the casuals like me will have it in half the time. Idk how you fix this issue. Can I get some replies under this stating exactly what you guys don’t like ? Is it the spawn rates? is it the drop rates? I need more context and I can make a post about this on the Community forums and hopefully provide good feedback. What exactly do you guys dislike and what would you do to change it?

This is you doing it wrong, not Blizzard doing it wrong

Naturally there will always be people who want to speed run cosmetics though, I get it, but that’s the price you pay for trying to do it that way, I guess

How I’m doing it wrong? Explain me the right path, because it doesn’t matter if it’s this week or next expansion, if the rare respawn every 1-3 hours and even with a 99% drop, I could spend days there hitting the 1% that doesn’t provide the item without doing any active gameplay, just afk there.


explains why kennie was standing ontop of that dead panther…

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[I know some will say that it has always been this way]

But might I add that waiting around, sometimes for hours on end, for a small chance at something is not content, not fun [only for the old style rpg mmo people probably] and this whole thing could very well have been done better and in a more engaging way.

I know… hard to imagine lol


Not a druid, but as a inscription fan kinda bummed that the inscription “Mark of the Auric Dreamstag” is not available to offer via crafting order after lucking out and getting the recipe to drop. Wanted to make it for alts and guild.

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This would be perfect because since alot of people solo them your only hope to kill them is to camp there and to camp there for TWO hours for one rare is very overkill. 30-45 min is ok imo. But whatever they do dont ever make them have the HP the zaralek rares had ever again. Oh and BTW you also stand the risk of some hunter taming it, wouldnt that be something you wait for 2 hours then see some hunter tame your rare :joy:

Is there anything in the world druids won’t cry on the forums about?

yeah. about time you get it. nobody is really being hostile. you are just…I dont know, emotionally weak? You came here to present an idea, then get all surprised and offended that people poked holes in your idea…
It’s like getting offended at a comedy show. You know exactly what you signed up for so deal with it.

Your idea is just based on GIMME GIMME GIMME when it’s just an appearance.
You can still get it, and i am sure its not the first time you have had to camp out a rare for your preciouses…

So why the big problem here? Entitlement.
You want to complete your collection and now you are upset that an item is slightly obnoxious to get.
You just don’t want to admit it.
It’s fine. You aren’t the only one. You are just the only one who was silly enough to think the forums was going to do anything other than poke holes in your plan…
but if you wise up a little, you can read between the lines.

Your idea was a boat. It now has a thousand holes, but you know what caused the holes and how big.
So now you have a chance to re-present the idea with caveats and edits and all that.

Or you can keep crying about how everybody is against you for your idea, as opposed to your whinging attitude.

I used to be like you in here, wondering why people are actually are that uh…misinformed??? And now you have my trick.
Take the holes we poked in your idea, and come up with unique patches to your idea-boat.
One guy just straight up drilled a hole in there on one side, so maybe fill it in with a bit of clay to set a mold and tar it over until you can bring the ship to port.

Or keep whinging.