"Respect Player's Time" Doesn't Apply to Druids Apparently

It really is a dark spot on an otherwise enjoyable patch. It wasn’t quite as demanding and annoying last week, but now that season 3 has started the last thing I want to do is fit “camping rares” into my play time.

If they spawned fast I could pull my slot machine levers for the day and move on with my life. Or you know, I set aside time to camp them last week before the season took off and still have little to show for it because the drop rate is <5%.

It’s just really bad design and like I said in my original post, super dismissive of our time. One or the other, or at least put them on the map if they really want this dumb grind. Yes we don’t HAVE to do it, but if we want the forms we have to kill the rares as much as possible and just hope. We can’t schedule our play time around it like farming a raid/dungeon drop though because they are all over the map and have high respawn rates.


Quit crying. You know how much content we Druids got that others didn’t?

Quit crying. You know how much content we Druids got that others didn’t?

Blizz should set the drop rate to 0.001%, just think about how much content that is!

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Honestly that would be fine. With how much we druids got anyone complaining about it should instantly be set to level 1 and have to level all over again at a 70% exp penalty without being able to use group finder.

I kind of just shelved the Druid and decided to go Full PvP on my Warrior this patch. I camped for a week on a couple Druid skins and got nothing. Hit the World boss, got nothing… If I understand world bosses correctly It’s a one and done chance so it will be a long time before that comes around again if it rotates with the others.

Pretty sure the only DF world bosses that are on a rotation are the “original ones” from The Waking Shore, Ohn’ahran Plains, Azure Span and Thaldraszus. Only 1 of these are up each week. However, the Zaqali Elders from ZC are up every week. I imagine Aurostor will be up as well.

Still though, ~1% chance per week is peak clownery. As if the other rares we can camp daily weren’t terrible enough…

Last time we got this much “content” was Legion with the artifact appearances. Except those were actual content, not just AFK camping.


I feel like some people here are having a hard time understanding that its not the low droprates that are the problem its the spawn times, and the wait period between spawns that are the problem. If I farm all of them in a day you are looking at every one of them potentially being nonexistant for hours, at the same time if I were to not camp it and go do other things the mob would die too fast for me to get there. So to even get a chnace at a low droprate mark im reduced to just wasting hours of time just for a chnace to get one.

This is different from farming most mounts especailly the raid mounts where those mobs are there on demand, furthermor for mounts I can realistically farm them on multiple character reguardless of class, for marks I need to do them on only my druid alts which I have less of, while this is not everyone I would assume this is most people. To follow up on that point aswell, thats just additive to the issue of multiple hours being wasted on multiple characters of not actively playing the game. Blizzard shortening the time they spawn would just benifit everyone, as it would also allow other people playing other classes to get drops more easily aswell.


Yeah, I’m not loving this. Might have to level a few more druids just to scratch my completionist itch. For that matter, I wish the barber shop didn’t show unobtainable forms.


you mean something we should have gotten ages ago? considering every other class gets to have transmog and we dont?

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bruh my girlfriend and I wanted these skins badly and so we got her a druid up to cap lvl so we could farm them in the emerald dream. Watched a guide on how to obtain all the skins, and anything related to a rare drop chance was pure garbage. The rares are never up as they are killed as soon as they are spawned and if you get lucky the abysmal low drop rate for a mid tier skin is insanity.

Respect our time my rear. This is the old mmorpg stuff thats just garbage and actively harms the playerbase.


I’ve been playing this druid since 04 my friend. I have seen how many times druids got love while other classes did not. Heck we have gotten updates to models before a core race got an update to the player model so sitting there complaining that “OMG I CANT GET EVERYTHING IN ONE PLAY IS SO ANNOYING” is a very entitled way of looking at things. Of course they don’t want everyone getting it all instantly part of playing the game is to take time to get stuff. Just enjoy the game. Things will come with time.

… I may have tamed some of those mobs.

I’m sorry.

I notice you don’t mention how many seconds.

Focus on the ones you really want, and come back when the zone has quieted down to get the rest if you’re looking for completionism. You may consider respecting your own time, as well, if that’s an issue. If you’re a collector, there are thousands of things to collect in game that you could shift your focus to, until the rares that drop these particular items are getting killed within minutes of spawning.

There’s something about you I don’t like

Sitting at just over 220 kills between my 2 druids now, and I’ve got 1 of the rare drop skins.

Even if it took a month of dailies to farm 1 skin that would be better. Like I said, I don’t expect it to be handed to me. Just implemented in a more feasible way.

I give away rare spawns that I camp in my spare time, I know what camping is and am familiar with how long it can take. This shouldn’t be something that is along the lines of a rarespawn mount, which it is as far as time invested for many of us at this point.

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I probably have that many kills on the Lich King and still no Invincible. That’s how RNG works, welcome to MMO’s.

Why shouldn’t it be the same as a rare spawn mount?

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Because TLPD and Aeonaxx etc are 100% drop rates.

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The Mage Tower is 100% to get a druid form, so go and do that one.

you also don’t have to wait for LK to spawn for up to 2 hours, in and out and dead in significantly less time. mounts go two ways: easy spawn low drop or long spawn easy drop.

You should respect your own time. Theyre in it for a profit. That’s why you need a thing called self control.