Respect Others

We all have our differences, and not everyone can be expected to get along all the time. It is a natural thing for people to split into subgroups and form rivalries with each other. This has historically been a strength of the culture of Emerald Dream. Unfortunately, there are people who seek to dismantle the diverse nature of Emerald Dream and regulate other players in an absurd and authoritarian fashion.

Many of us who choose to play with the people we have the most fun with have been the targets of ostricism and harassment over the course of this year. We are told that our brand of PvP, of RP, and of fun are all ‘wrong’ because they are not being meticulously regulated by those who wish to have control over others. This is wrong.

We all have unique ways we enjoy the game, and we should all respect each other for who we are. If you don’t like how a group plays, run yours a different way. Don’t slander the ones who are just trying to have some fun. Be positive and create a good atmosphere for others. We can return this server to its glory days. That starts with healthy rivalry, not hate.


If you associate with a group who have spent the last dozen or so years bullying everyone you should not be surprised there is a lack of respect.


That’s ironic.

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Its funny af. Don’t take the game so seriously.


Calm down Karren it’s just a game. Why can’t we all just have fun lol.

They’re the only ones doing content on the server.

What I love about this realm and game is the sandbox environment we have. That’s mostly propelled by having a variety of diverse guilds doing content the way they want. It adds flavor. I’m not a fan of people trying to regulate other guilds’ RP. Veterans of this server will remember WSB protecting a certain blood elf guild that was targetted for its RP by most of this server for not adhering to the server clique’s version of RP.

I agree with Neonette and think we should encourage other people to have fun the way they want. It’s their RP. Let them do it how they want to. Interact with them through in game mechanisms while staying in-character. It may create content for you and them!


I remember that Belf guild, we had to come help them out several times. I don’t recall the name atm (was a while back) but we got plenty of good fights on account of people’s unnecessary hatred of them. I miss those guys.

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RP is RP, just because it’s not the RP that you like to do does not mean it is not RP. Let people have fun or follow the exodus, don’t forget you all were replacements for the last batch of drama queens.



I think I should rp as a commoner, or maybe an undercover Princess.

You guys just took a big dookie on OPs message with your posts :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Everyone here is respecting one another outside of a person or two trying to call the others “sick” for their crossfaction roleplay.

They seem to have understood the message better than some.

I was there. It was funny. Good wpvp fun.

I always try to be nice and kind to people when I meet them. I think that everyone deserves love and kindness; Yes, everyone.

Oh and that guy drowning. There is a simple solution to that. Don’t go into a PVP area. It’s just that simple. If you can’t stand getting killed, then do not ever go into a PvP area or turn Warmode on.

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We were in Stormwind lol.

Lol. Until last month your guild has been absent from the community.


Olena and his group have been on this realm in one form or the other for years.

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Just drowning in all of this respect!!!

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im pretty sure this thread was geared towards those who started trying to tell everyone how they should enjoy the game and then caused a fuss when they were respectfully shown the door out.

Respect is earned, not given. The only way to earn respect is through your actions. Words, spoken or written, mean absolutely nothing if they are contradicted by your actions.

Actions have consequences and whether you agree with that concept or not is irrelevant. Negatively perceived actions will have negative consequences, period.

The irony here is that this thread is dominated by the same, small handful of players (mostly Horde). None of you wants to be held accountable for the negative consequences of your actions and you’re demanding respect that you obviously haven’t earned. Lol.

This isn’t an Emerald Dream thing because there are hundreds if not thousands of players who log into ED and go about playing this game their way and don’t offend anybody. This is an individual accountability issue.