Allow me to elaborate a bit. If a person finds something to be offensive, they have the option to choose not to play with the person or group they perceive as being offensive. I’m not suggesting everybody should be friends. I am saying that individuals should not be the targets of harassment and slander just because another person dislikes how they enjoy the game.
If something is in violation of the Terms of Service specified by Blizzard, report it. Otherwise, treat that person with as much respect as you would any other. I will not resort to personal attacks against anybody. I also expect the same in return. That is the level of respect we all agreed upon when accepting the social contract Blizzard recently put out (which is really just a reminder of the ToS we agreed to when we first started playing WoW).
Does Jerry Springer know about all of this? Who am I kidding? He’s probably their guild leader. smdh
I like pie, and cookies… but like pie more…
nom noms
What consequences? What actions? Please, elaborate for me.
Also, who decides what actions are negative?
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“y-you’re bad people! you g-gather everyone up and do stuff they enjoy doing!”
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We figure that out with weekly peace summits.
Idk, being an apologist for N*zi Germany is pretty negative.
Warsong Battalion, from its leadership down, strives to create a fun environment in which we all follow the guidelines Blizzard has set for behavior both in-game and on the forums. The purpose of this thread, which unfortunately has been derailed a bit, was to politely ask that everyone else follow these same guidelines so we can all enjoy the game in our own ways.
Idk how this message keeps getting misconstrued. Most fun I’ve had in WoW recently has been with WSB.
Just do don’t ask imo.
I would very much like to talk to you about something I am working on. What is a good way to contact you? I am leery about putting my info out here in the public as I was doxxed and harassed last year. Is there some way you can recommend us talking? Maybe in game at a shared spot. I still have potions in my vault that will let me understand what the Horde is saying. So that is an option too! 
do i have to be a lawyer to join warsong?
Not everyone is deserving of respect.
Live and let live , does not equal respect.