Reset peoples gold on TBC Release

The economy won’t be ruin. No matter what. Why is that? Because as long as the gold is still circulating. A.K.A being buying and selling resources and services the economy is just fine.

On gold being stripped to 0. They will all become obsolete within the first month. With maybe the 12k gold sink that is Haris Pilton’s “Gigantique” Bag 22 slot bags.

Also, the hell are you talking about letting systems breathe? Are you talking about flying? Heroics? the attunement of raids which gold won’t affect? The high price of outlands resources (Which is going to happen regardless because there is going to be a lack of them compared to the number of players there are). Arenas? New reputations grind? If you are just talking about gold sinks… then sorry to tell you they are going to be laughable even on the fresh realms with new characters and no gold.

Oh, wait… I just read your back and forth with Pollz… you think Dailies are these new systems that need to breathe… yep that is laughable… people didn’t do dailies for gold they did them for rep and items. This is why reps that didn’t have any rewards simply weren’t done. There was no benefit to them.

I see, I didn’t play in WoD so I only have a surface knowledge of the Garrison system. Most of which was complains it was a facebook game.

Inflation happens because of raw gold farms and raiding… which is technically a minor raw gold farm. Neither of which are dailies.

Do you understand what dailies are


I’mma say it.

Unlimited flying was a mistake.

Yep, repeatable content meant to have you logging into the game daily.

You do realize that once there is enough gold in an economy, the time invested picking felweed will earn a person my gold than the time doing dailies.

You’ve literally said nothing but opinions, and insulted people who who disagree with you. You’ve still said NOTHING about how that will ruin the TBC economy. Classic most certainly has more inflation than it did in Vanilla and the economy is functioning perfectly fine.

The thing about MMO economies, at some point the items and raw materials are worth more than the time it takes to generate raw gold. The only thing inflation does is lower the value of vendoring items and buying vendored items.

But now please insult people more who disagree with your opinions.

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That generates tons of what

Think about what you said here for a second and try to convince me this isn’t the issue.


Ton of engagement with the game. Which is what the Blizzard executives are looking for.

If you are looking for me to say it generates tons of gold. You are simply wrong. It never has and never will be the thing in-game that generates the most gold.

Really now. So you can generate more than let’s say 200-300 raw gold by doing something as quick as dailies?

I don’t believe it is an issue. It is the natural way for raw gold generation to be slowed down once other things become worth more per-unit-time. That is why I believe most players will make the majority of their money trade-skilling and selling services.

You keep bringing up dailies like they mean something. But they don’t. Your argument so far has been “Dalies! And if you don’t agree with me I’m gonna insult you.”

This is incorrect, an it shows in the real world. If one person has 500g going into TBC and another has 50000 gold, guess which one sets the AH prices. If player 1 puts up item X for 10g and player 2 decides his time is worth more then that, player 2 buys 10g and the rest of all that item and price fixes it to be 20g. PLayer 1 has lost any power he thinks he had bringing his 500g over.

There is a reason Edge masters were 400g for months, and then suddenly they exploded in prices with the advent of level 60 mages raw gold farming, then boosting. Or multiple account players rigging the AH from horde and alliance side.

The fairest way for players with less then 10k gold is to start from 0 with gear carry over.


Yes, you can sell potions at a much higher rate-per-time than that. Especially with mastery procs.

The discussion is raw gold. Please you already proven yourself incompetent at discussion, you aren’t getting anymore replies.


Anything I can do now to avoid TBC dailies is a bonus and that’s the way I think of it.

Why would people generate raw gold for themselves when you get earn more gold by doing other activities?

Holy hell you are so dumb lol

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Gonna answer my question this time? Or just gonna keep insulting people who have a different opinion?

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I mean the real reason is because BWL came out and Maladath and CTS became BIS, which means you need edgemasters if you’re a “meme-race”.

The only thing more gold in an MMO economy does is devalue selling things to a merchant and buying things from a merchant. And it greatly increases the value of raw materials and trade-skill goods.

Edgemaster’s being worth 400g and edgemaster’s being 4,000g could actually be worth the exact same time/effort invested. Especially if you went from selling potions from 1g each to 10g each simply because there is more gold in the economy.

Which is BS because everyone knew from the get go that edgemasters isnt only for meme races as it pushes humans an orcs to 308. Which is everyone’s target. The idea that 1%/1%hit and 40ap can touch glancing reduction is why the weapon skill system is so damn stupid.

They were always going to be more valuable then something like cloudkeepers, which by your own admission would have a higher value for non meme races, alas no one cares about CK’s they are a luxury while Edgemasters are a necessity

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