Reset peoples gold on TBC Release

& Remove all valuable resell-able items they have have stored in their bags/bank which people will no doubt launder their money via to avoid the money-squish.

A lot of aoe-cheater-classes have 10, 20, 30, 40,000gold already at the moment.
How much of a joke will that make TBC and The Epic Flying mount purchase which used to be a big sum to save up for.

Letting all these people (& there is so many of them now compared to Vanilla) steamroll all those purchases is not true to TBC.
For e.g. Mages have found ways to earn 10’s of thousands of gold in the time it takes other classes to earn even 1/20th of that.


HoW mUcH oF a JoKe WoUlD TbC Be iF SoMeBoDy ElSe GoT ThEIr EpIC FLyInG MouNT BeForE i Do


That would not only make people extremely angry, but it would also only delay them for maybe 2 days. People who are determined to ruin the economy. Will ruin the economy.


PuNisH pLaYeRs FoR pLaYiNg


Genuinely curious what items farmable in Classic would be valuable in BC.

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I’d rather they just make fresh servers for tbc if they are going to remove gold and items.


Dark rune is very useful for casters still as it doesn’t share potion CD.

Some consumable buffs are very useful as well.

Gold should be capped into TBC. This isn’t about being able to get an epic flying right away. This is about bringing the inflation problems that classic has and immediately transferring the problem to tbc. Mats/Elixirs/Flasks would all immediately start at crazy prices and if you’re one of those that hasn’t amassed 20-40k you’re going to struggle to get the pieces you need in the start.


Easy access to epic flight is only a symptom of inflated gold and the impact it makes for the broad playerbase. Everything will continue to become more and more expensive as time goes on as the snowball effect of people farming gold happened far earlier in Classic than it did on retail

Unfortunately there’s also not a lot I can see being done because even if we make TBC involve making fresh 60s with 100G to their name players are going to maximize the farms that existed in the game before and put us right back in the same place.

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In addition to stopping bots from being allowed to farm 24/7 (ok maybe now 6/7, no, they’ll just swap between 3 accounts and continue farming 24/7 duh), and in addition to removing all of the AOE farming mages can unfairly do,

I suggest an income tax,
The more gold you have/earn the more gold you lose in tax to the tax office(Blizzard).

It can be setup in brackets, if you’re earning 10,000 gold a month you should have to pay 80% of it back in Tax at a monthly tax return/audit that automatically happens. (for example), earning 8000gold a month, pay 70% of it back in tax, etc.

The people who are dedicated to making gold, this will not slow any of those people down. They could start TBC with 0 gold and have enough for epic-flying the second they’re level 70.

This does punish those people who play more casually though, who want to slowly save up and have enough gold eventually by farming up raw-materials to sell. Those raw materials will be worth substantially less gold with less gold in the economy and will make it that much harder for the casual player to ever see their flying mount.

You seem to want to punish the people who spend their time now making gold, but they’ll always be able to do that. Your misguided idea only hurts everyone else besides the intended target.


Fresh servers please

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That gold can stay in classic


That’s a dumb idea. Just because you are broke doesn’t mean others should have to pay a price for your laziness.


Okay then so can your entire character. Fresh 1’s for everyone.

Sigh… another one of these thread that don’t understand anything…

The only workable solution I’ve read in this thread is surprisely the OP. However, a scaling income tax simply won’t work and quite literally would have 93.7% of the community in a WTF outrage.

Simple matter of fact is that the only way to combat inflation is to add more gold sinks that players desire to get. However, this would only slow down that inflation. The only way to truly combat inflation is an infinite gold sink. The only way I can do that is instance player homes that you have to pay rent for (Gotta thank Tibia for this idea… you never forget your first dragon… shout outs to Julera server… anyway).

However, this is really close to the Garrison system from WoD if I’m understanding it correctly, and that didn’t turn out great and not many liked it I think… but that could just be a vocal minority.

What could be changed between Garrisons and this mythical player housing idea. I could imagine some thing, but I don’t know the Garrisons enough to really say anything.

Open a variety of server types for TBC Classic, such as fresh-start no-transfer, transfer-enabled (capped) & transfer-enabled (uncapped) & then watch almost all the toxics/exploiters go to the third type. Seems like a a great way to divide up player types who are clearly incompatible in Vanilla Classic.


Why wait? Go ahead and reset it and bank contents now

This forum is going to shoot this down in a heart beat tbh. People just want that free ride into tbc.

But this 100% needs to happen. Whether you want the fresh 1 or 58 option or the forced transition to tbc or the copy character to tbc, none of that really matters as long as the gold goes away.

Everyone here will paint you as a troll because they are sitting pretty with their farming 1k gold every 2 days and think as long as they get their epic flyer day one nothing else matters.


Imagine thinking that if Level 60 players were able to spend 6100G on epic flying on Day 1 of TBC that somehow your gaming experience will be directly negatively impacted. \o/ \o/ \o/