Reset Echoes... Please

This is the problem with the game these days. Casuals ranting everything handed to them on a silver platter. This is why we have LFR and heirlooms …

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better cry a river.


Whats the difference? If you’re sitting on 50k echoes you obviously weren’t buying you rank 3 essences until you had them all. That’s all they were used for. What’s the difference in making a new currency and having everyone on the same footing or just resetting them? If you make a new currency someone with 50k echoes still isn’t using them to buy r3 essences so why not just wipe them.

Answer? People don’t want their echoes wiped because they want all their BiS corruptions as this new implementation works in their favor massively.

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Because people have echoes that they went out and earned on fresh 120s for the purpose of getting essences and guess what those people are probably a lot more than the few people who are in some kind of race.

A fresh 120 isn’t going to have 50k something echoes.

so this demon hunter used to be my alt and is now my main. For a while i was getting the currency and just noticed i havent been getting them, does anyone know why? Is it because i have all the rank 3 essences already?

I don’t understand how someone who just does mythic plus dungeons and/or mythic raiding at this point in the expansion are in a race to win anything.

Yes, PvP I can see there is a legitimate competition there.


No they aren’t but they shouldn’t lose the ones they went out and earned.

No, no one is racing to world first but people are still clearing mythic raids and trying to push higher and higher keys.

If you’re making a group for M+ this coming week do you take the 470ilvl lock with weak corruptions who has no echoes or the 465ilvl lock who now has all BiS corruptions since he was sitting on 60k echoes.

How about NO.

There’s no reason I should be placed in the same situation as you because you feel bad about the changes.

I would go with the person with the most experience myself. A person who hasn’t done those dungeons at that level is fairly useless no matter what corrupted gear they have in my opinion.

Also, I am not big on people doing those at higher level in pug groups anyway so I am not going to have too much sympathy for the people who put themselves in that situation regardless.

I say quit, that’ll show 'em. Catch up mechanics are the most important thing I can think of right now.

Yes listen to this guy quit!.. For the love of god please quit!

I am in the same boat with my main. I like the changes but it doesn’t seem fair for the people that actually keep up with everything.

They reset other currencies with other major changes, they should do the same with this change as well.

It’s funny that you are mocking people and yet here you were a few days ago whining about how hard LFR N’zoth was and how you deserve normal std raid gear for the inconvenience. Pretty embarrassing from you really.


And they both have good raid io scores but you know one is going to have higher DPS sheerly through corruptions?

Ummm, this also goes both ways. My 2 mains have 400k+ coalescing visions on them due to not needing to do many visions compared to my alts. That’s 40 vision runs at what will now be what 2k or more per run? I might be at zero today but I’ll be over 80k (or more who knows) in a week or two.

It’s okay, it wasn’t my intention to put myself ahead of you. I honestly couldn’t care less about echoes( I don’t even know how much I have), so yeah let blizzard reset it so that you don’t live in a world where casual like me unknowingly get an advantage over a serious gamer like you. I agree with you, let blizzard reset it because it’s not the end of the world for me, but please calm down.

lol, I have never done LFR N’zoth so are you sure I was saying that.