Reset Echoes... Please

People who had established mains that weren’t able to earn echoes are walking into this hotfix way behind other players. There are people with literally over 40k echoes saved up. My alt has 8k echoes and I’ve only spent about 2500 on him, so by comparison I will need to have my main do 5x the things my alt did to catch up to their starting point of 40k echoes.

That means I’m literally WEEKS behind other players who will be stacking gushing wounds in PVP, literally dumpstering me because I couldn’t earn echoes during that down time. Sorry, but this implementation is without a doubt one of the worst thought out implementations of a currency system your team has done. It is screwing over players who played the game on their main character and unlocked everything already.

Reset the currency or make a new currency. If you’re worried that people want corruptions right now, mail just enough of the new currency to players so when it launches people will have a way purchase one or two immediately, but at least put us on an equal playing field.


I feel for those that are left out with these changes.

You’ll be okay.


I have no idea how people got such stupid high stacks of Echoes of Nya’nya’nya but since they were only intended to be used for buying essences, they should be wiped to zero.


You can get a ton if you constantly raid, run high keys, etc. My friend has around 20k and that’s because on her druid she only plays resto and balance, so she didn’t bother getting the tank essences.

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Yeah and i had every single essence at r3 before echoes launched so i got 0. Screw me for playing the game amirite?


I’m in the same boat, bunch of us are.

Meanwhile I just read a thread with some player has 75k ready to go.


You will also earn echoes at 5x the speed. You will get about 10k+ per week just knocking out your normal things.


So like I stated already… We will be literally weeks behind.


thats rough :,(

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Its cute you think the currency is whats going to gate you from the bis corruption and not the rotation schedule.


They’re compromising by increasing the cost of everything by 5 times. So all those echoes we accumulated on our mains are worth 5 times less than the ones we earn from now on.

In other words, 80% of the echoes we’ve accumulated before today have been taken away.

Seems unfair for those who earned those echoes, but also seems fair for people in the situation you described. Taking 100% instead of 80% would just make it more unfair.


Yup that rotation schedule is cancer.

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I say they let it be. This is the Nzoth patch. Might as well make everyone crazy

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I have no echos and I honestly don’t care.

In a few months the cloak and corruption will be used to plant grass and a lovely shrubbery around the sword in Silithus.


What sword?


Echoes were made as a currency for alt catch up on essences. Nobody had a reason to farm them. I don’t see how that is ‘unfair’.


Absolutely not. Echoes had a SINGULAR use until the announcement last night, no one was saving them up expecting to buy anything but R3 essences. The biggest question for anyone with 20k-75k of them is ‘why didnt you buy your essences?’

You got a lot of benefit out of that because all your alts were able to earn all those same essences easy mode.

I was crazy before it was cool. lol