Reserve Your Name in WoW Classic on August 12 at 3:00 p.m. PDT

Unknown. But there is strong reason to believe it will be open until game startup in two weeks. There is simply no reason to shut it down, and it gives Blizzard some good detail on how many Classic players to expect.


Can anyone get in? I’m still seeing stress test realms.

The test realms are open until sometime tomorrow. They will shut down, then the official production realms will become available for character creation.


My mistake, looks like it’s in 24 hours, not now. Lol.

Lol I made the same mistake, I’m an American in Sydney so time zones and dates for me are so jacked up. I even set an alarm so I would be awake >.<

How do we actually reserve it though? Haven’t seen anything on that. Don’t want to be searching for how to reserve names when the time comes. Only thing i’ve seen is you need a sub and the times it opens and closes.


You just create the character with that name !

Will it be possible to reserve a name without having the client? Reason being is that I do not currently have access to my PC, as I am on a business trip.

As of my last message I haven’t been paying too much attention to anything WoW related for months and didn’t know classic is open for download in the battlenet client so i’m assuming name reservation will be done through that and not the website. Have to go into the client and choose WoW and change the version to classic. For anyone wondering. Of course I still don’t know if that’s how they plan to do it but still thought i’d mention it.

Nope. You need to be able to go through the whole character config screen and then give it a name.

[ date=2019-08-12 time=15:00:00 timezone=“America/Los_Angeles”]


cool it shows my time, remove the space :O)

Can I reserve a name for my friend if i delete character on release or will the name stay on my account for a while like it does on retail?

I don’t think you used that word in the proper context. A luddite is used to describe someone who doesn’t like technology and usually avoids using any aspect of it as much as possible. In your case, you are describing yourself as not being very tech savvy which isn’t really the same thing. I’m glad you were able to resolve your issue however :wink:

They have said once it is deleted it is up for grabs for anyone.

Not everyone is as tech savvy as you are. I’d be willing to bet that the vast majority of people here complaining about this weren’t even aware that logging into your computer remotely was even possible, or that there was software in existence that simplifies the process. Kudos to you though for curing their ignorance with this knowledge and doing it in a humorous way rather than being a condescending a-hole about it like so many other toxic players in the WoW community :+1::ok_hand:

Do you drive? Or… do you know how?

What time do you propose?

You can reserve it for your friend

I would be prepared - Work out in the existing client exactly what you want, write it down and be ready!

What name do you plan on reserving tonight??

I plan on getting the name “Totalrube”

Nobody please take it! I want it really bad!

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