Rescue The White Pawn

Suffice to say, the Alliance would be long gone without their hard work and by extension, all of Azeroth.

by extension, all of Azeroth.

Press X to doubt.

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Blocked. I am done with your trolling.

Press X to doubt

Doubt as much as you want. Its canon lore that no SI:7=an destroyed Stormwind Cathedral=an entire population that would likely convert to the Twilight.

They spent the battle for UC playing “stab the random civilian” rather than doing anything useful (like sabotaging the Forsaken chemical weapons or even giving the Alliance a head up that it might be a concern)

It’s so funny that the time they spent playing ‘stab the random civilian’ could have been used to investigate the city for the big Blight trap Sylvanas had in store.

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Its canon lore that no SI:7=an destroyed Stormwind Cathedral=an entire population that would likely convert to the Twilight.

Its silly to think that Stormwind’s population would flock over to the Twilight if the Stormwind Cathedral was destroyed, it’s doubly silly to think that if they did all of Azeroth would be long gone.

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SI:7…soo good at their job they failed to notice the Dreadlord manipulating everything and everyone in Legion until it was too late. :dracthyr_nod: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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SI:7…soo good at their job they failed to notice the Dreadlord manipulating everything and everyone in Legion. :dracthyr_nod:

Detheroc manipulating everyone as Mathias Shaw? Huh? Never happened. :crazy_face:

  1. No Stormwind=no Skyfire or a coordinated Alliance offensive against the Twlight’s and various other threats.(it would be akin to the Horrific Vision event in BfA)
  2. That is the entire reason Deathwing even spared the people of Stormwind. He wanted them to fearful and in a state of panic. Blowing up the Cathedral, the literal symbol of light for the people of Stormwind, would have been the deathknell for the people’s hope and would have cause mass panic/mass conversion to the apocalypse cult.

Better then Sylvanas who let a dreadlord openly manipulate her people.

Raise the banner!

SI:7 isn’t quite as bad as someone being villainbatted into being an expansion foe. Woooooo~


And it SI:7 won every time and never failed it would be called a mary sue. There was never going to be any winning with people like you.

ummmm… You do know that the Alliance actually found Anduin first right?

It goes Alliance finding him → Anduin mind controlling sully to leave with his friends → Horde find and capture him → Anduin escapes and heads to the Temple of the Red Crane.


SOCKS!!! :sob:

SI:7 did indeed find Anduin first. It isn’t their fault that he chooses to run off on them. They may have been able to find him again if there wasn’t a war distracting them.

I thought that was just Anduin’s bodyguards.

Did the entire search party for Anduin really get mid-diffed by 2 horde ladies?

Anduin’s bodyguards were killed during the initial skirmish with the Horde that ended with his ship being sunk.

Sully and Amber were the members of the SI:7 team who found him first. They were by then the only SI:7 agents left still searching, as Rell Nightwind was gravely injured by a hozen attack and had to stay behind at Pearlfin Village, while Mishka as the team’s medic also stayed to tend to him.

When the Horde caught Anduin, it was after he’d mind-controlled Sully to “escape being rescued” because he was still exploring Pandaria and didn’t want to be brought in yet, as once he was, he figured he’d be locked down to keep him safe and thereby prevented from continuing to investigate the threat of the sha.


Did the SI:7 gnomes survive? I just remembered them.

The Deathstalkers are assassins not spies. Same for the Shattered Hand. We don’t see the Horde doing this stuff because they don’t have a similar organization YET.

Except that the SI:7 are both spies AND assassins.

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Sounds like a skill issue. :slight_smile:

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Which has nothing to do with my answer. Stop moving the goalpost.

Neither does yours, since at no point I mentioned Deathstalkers and Shattered Hand. Take your meds because you are reading things that are literally not there.