Rescue The White Pawn

Lorewalker Cho herbs is what found Anduin…

Cho and socks are the true mvps.


Don’t forget how the Alliance recognized the Hozen as an actual threat after the SI:7 finished their scouting reports which granted, they already were before considering it’s been quite consistent that the Hozen are the Jinyu’s superior in land-based combat, especially in areas with thick tree cover (guerilla warfare FTW). The only instance where the Jinyu have the advantage over the Hozen is if they’re on or near water.

So there you have it. We didn’t find the White Pawn, but we came back with intel that could be of even greater importance to the Alliance. The Horde have allied with the hozen, and are arming them as we speak. They and their monkey army now outnumber us thirty to one.

We are masters of the water, which is why we have been able to defend this village for so long. But on land, especially with thick tree cover, the hozen are vastly superior.


First of all. Gorilla warfare.

I’d say the big win for the Hozen is they seem to fall to the Sha far less than the Jinyu despite many mostly being driven by the base emotions of the Sha.

A Hozen running on nothing but base emotions will probably be perfectly fine while a Jinyu might go mad because someone peed in the kiddy pool he was talking to.


Hozen….too stupid to fall to corruption, but just smart and strong enough to ruin your entire life.

Scary indeed :dracthyr_nod:


Yeah but offer one beer and food and you might make a friend for life.

with the risk that one might want to be more than friends.


It was a calculated risk :dracthyr_nod:

But yeah, the hozin are pretty funny characters. Especially some of the more intelligent ones

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A joke, Yes? Literally all the Hozen do is fling excrement at people and make unga bunga noises.

You know what it’s actually funny? Silvermoon joining the Horde. Hilarious, even, I cannot stop laughing hahahaahha!!!

Sounds like you’re just dooker-hurt


A joke, Yes? Literally all the Hozen do is fling excrement at people and make unga bunga noises.

We are masters of the water, which is why we have been able to defend this village for so long. But on land, especially with thick tree cover, the hozen are vastly superior.

You know what it’s actually funny? Silvermoon joining the Horde. Hilarious, even, I cannot stop laughing hahahaahha!!!

A whataboutism fueled with anger because you know you’re wrong. Silvermoon joining the Horde made perfect sense. It still does make sense, even.


I would say the greatest achievement for the Hozen was knowing how to extract the sha out of a corrupted host without causing harm to them.

I mean no other race from Pandaria knew how to do it but the Hozen did.


Something to keep in mind is that at the time, both factions had only established limited footholds on opposite ends of the Jade Forest and weren’t fully committed to an invasion yet (plus both sides had already suffered losses during their initial engagements.) So a small group could search the region for Anduin without creating the impression that the Alliance was already invading the continent en masse, which would make the Horde think they needed to do the same thing immediately.

If they’d just unleashed hundreds or thousands of troops inland to look for Anduin (assuming they could even spare so many, as the bulk of the fleet hadn’t arrived yet, and the player from either faction is brought to Pandaria by what limited forces could be thrown together to get there quickly while everything else was still mobilizing at home), the Horde would have felt compelled to respond with their own larger-scale incursion, making it that much harder to find him amidst the resulting chaos as their forces clashed.


horde hating on SI:7’s accomplishments is so petty and typical

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No seriously what are their major accomplishments besides hiking down the Deeprun tram to coup the Dwarves?

They massively bungled things during Legion leading to the factions being ambushed and their king dying.

They poured gas on the faction conflict when Anduin was trying to calm it down.

They got baited like morons by Sylvanas leading to Tyrande leaving her lands exposed.

They spent the battle for UC playing “stab the random civilian” rather than doing anything useful (like sabotaging the Forsaken chemical weapons or even giving the Alliance a head up that it might be a concern)

They lost the race to find Anduin and his bodyguards to 2 horde members and a hozen.

They suck at what they do most of the time.

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Look, if Anduin doesn’t want to be found, he is capable enough of making sure he isn’t found with abit of help from the light. We have seen the short story, even with the entire Alliance now looking for him he is able to avoid being found.

Stopping a full on undead invasion for one thing. And as mentioned, they seemed to have taken up the mantle that the Blues/Dalaran should have with regards to making sure alot of powerful artifact remain locked/located.

Not to mention stopping the Stormwind Cathedral from being blow up, thus denying Deathwing a city of twilight fanatics.

Also, they are the reason the Alliance managed to get Vol’jin’s rebellion to aid the Alliance, thus lessening the deaths on the side of the Alliance.

Suffice to say, the Alliance would be long gone without their hard work and by extension, all of Azeroth.

The SI:7 are literally the most elite spy organization on the planet.

And they suck at their job.

Then Sylvanas sucks at her job more, since she trusted a revealed/full-form Dreadlord.

This isn’t about Sylvanas. It’s about the SI:7. Stay on topic

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And this thread is not about the SI:7, it’s about the White Pawn. :clown_face:

The SI:7 was involved. Again, stay on topic