Rescue The White Pawn

As I recall they survived. They just stayed back once Anduin’s wrecked ship was identified, nearer to the offshore expeditionary forces while the team of Rell, Amber, Sully and Mishka pushed farther inland with their search.

Which makes sense; leaving one or two agents with the army would allow for the field team to send coded reports of their progress back to the Admiral knowing there would be someone on hand to decipher them for her and encode her replies.

(Come to think of it, Mishka may have only rejoined the field team to treat Rell’s and Taylor’s injuries once the Alliance airship arrived at Pearlfin Village.)

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Speaking of the raccoons, why did that little bit with Gizmo even get included? If it was Shokia that got him, that just makes Sully and Amber look really bad because they apparently didn’t notice Kiryn and Anduin like 20 yards away. If Amber was the one that shot him, then she looks like a psychopath that just shoots small defenseless animals for no discernible reason.