Requiring "score" to use valor upgrades = poor system

I thought that’s what the roleplayers wanted? Meaningful choice and what not.

It’s not much of a meaningful choice when the person without a job is just going to roll up toons to nullify your choice.

Sure like back when i wasnt very good and noob like you i didnt enjoy failing over and over again in end game, getting no loot, and just being bad. It wasnt fun i was awful. But then I git gud and what a difference it made. Now i have fun. So maybe git gud is a good option for you


I can’t sink that low.

I think it M+ has a horrible and unfair reward system, so I will ignore that aspect of the game. As I have been. Until Blizzard fixes it - and they might.

The Shadowlands PvP reward system had similar complaints about rating and upgrades and Blizzard is changing the way that works.

Blizzard has changed M+ various times. The whole Valor system is new. They might change that if they get feedback. So, I am providing my feed back.

If Blizzard wants more M+ participation, remove the rating restrictions for upgrades. Tons more casuals would be doing lower keys if they actually could progress, instead of being locked out of using a currency they earned.


So git gud and get gear so simple

What’s unfair about m+?

Yea man pushing keyboard buttons and not standing in bad wow what a low place to sink to. Git gud

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look i see where youre coming from but that would make score a meaningless number. the only thing that makes score/ilvl somewhat relevant is that you cant grind it from mass+2 farming alone.

you’re basically advocating for no score at all.
sounds like a really bad idea to me lol

Also can’t casuals upgrade to 8/12 or something? And that’s probably 3-5 times if they just do a +2.

Cant they upgrade gear to normal raid level without having a score at all?

Yea, I thought that’s how it worked too. They aren’t literally locked out from using valor.

Being good at the game isn’t inherently glorious.

I am not that vain or shortsighted.

Ok so git gud then

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Dont the M+ people use that rating/score to gate keep each other? It would still have some meaning.

Making sure people are qualified isn’t the same as gatekeeping lol.

If you’re not interested in having a conversation then just say so.

Not exactly hiding your intent spamming with the replies.

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Git gud is the best and easiest option for all your complaints duder.

If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.

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Hammer is a extremely useful tool, i would probably make due if the only tool i was able to use was a hammer.