Requested change for future remix like events

I am really enjoying the event with two small related issues. Because of how fast players can run a dungeon or raid, you can easily fall behind and get locked out of boss fights. Also, if you are added to an existing run versus a new run LFG/LFR, then there is the distinct possibility that you will lag far behind the group miss boss fights, not get loot, get stopped by trash the others didn’t clear, and/or get no credit for entring the dungeon.

I have a simple solution. When a boss fight starts, automatically move any players not in the fight into the room. They can better keep up and not miss out.


I can see the complaints now. From people who wanted to loot the trash.

It won’t matter that they got teleported to better loot.

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I hate mechanics like this. Just give everyone a buff that makes them as fast as the fastest person in the dungeon. They’ll still have the same complaints, just no excuses.

or just not close doors idk


This is an interesting situation that seems difficult to solve all the problems without causing other problems.
One could be to require a ready check to pull boss. That wouldn’t solve the trash problem but it would help allot.
There are distance mechanics in game that could be used to punish a player for being too far from the “center of gravity”.
Another good idea is for every boss to have an internal soak mechanic. If all in raid players aren’t within range of the flight, it’s instant death.

That’s not true. Because if you stop to loot or are stunned at the end of a fight or any other number of issues then you’ve still got problems. Nothing about remix was advertised as every instance is a literal race between bosses. Some people simply aren’t comfortable with that. Some class abilities mean that speed rating won’t matter.

They have every right to complain. I thought this wasn’t worth whining about in the beginning. And I still only rarely have any issues. However, it has gotten to where I feel bad how often I’m just barely getting to the loot behind the DH while nobody else makes it. Over the weekend I seen an entire raid minus the a DH get locked out of a fight. Luckily he got kicked and everybody laughed. I don’t condone kicking just because people are moving swiftly through an instance. But this is getting out of hand and I have no sympathy for kicks any more. The occasional ahole is one thing. Slow players costing time is one thing. But what this problem has evolved into is neither of those things.


I like this idea. Like when someone opens Blackfuse’s door, everyone is pulled there.

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So what happens to the trash and loot? Why not just make it a hall full of boss rooms?

Sounds like those folks need to form their own groups. Maybe make some friends/join a guild.

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We have summoning scrolls for a reason. Someone is lagging behind just summon them. If they don’t take it in time, that’s on them.

Just have it like other boss fights where they reset if not everyones there, sure it’ll piss some people off, but it’ll either teach others to keep up, so they don’t get kicked, or it’ll teach patients.

Had similar happen recently. I was on my main, who is pretty speedy. I kept on the DH’s heels. He had, maybe a third my thread count. He makes a beeline for the boss, I stopped at the door. My original intent was to try to lure the boss to me, so that those trapped on the other side might be close enough for it to count for them. (No clue if that would work, was just tired of his antics) Instead, better happened. He died. Then started up in chat about me being lazy and I could solo the boss, so why did I sit there. I said, “Yeah, I can solo it, but you can’t. Next time wait.” We finished without him just fine.


Nope. I like being faster than everyone else.

All terrible ideas that would lead to endless griefing, especially the first and last.

So you would rather see one of your easily-griefable “solutions” implemented over skipping trash loot? Are you sure you’re not just trolling here? People who want to spend the extra time can simply run back and loot it.

I’ve done this. People are generally quite appreciative.

Yup. If you pull something as an undergeared dps, while I’m waiting for others (and half the raid isn’t there already engaging) I’ll let you solo it.

Or it solo you.


Group finder is a tool for social cooperation not sabotage. If you’re going to intentionally run content that way, you should be the one to not only create a custom group but label it accordingly. LFG and LFR should not be a guessing game as to whether you’ll even see a boss with reasonable effort.

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Funny you have a problem with griefing when it could be done to you while you have no problems crapping on everybody else.

So it’s obvious from your very first comment that your goal is to get a thrill out of sabotaging others. So it’s also obvious you would hate anything that brings any kind of civility to the table.

I tried to defend some of these actions early on but the attitude and increasingly hostile nature such as yours is not defensible.

You do not deserve the power to cut your own time down by seconds or maybe a couple minutes at the expense of everybody else doubling or even completely wasting their time.

And you’re not faster than everyone else. You’re no faster than anybody else with the same class, gear, and gems. You’re only faster than newer weaker characters that have just as much right to que for appropriate content. Frankly you’re a garbage player who probably gets a kick out of this in place of having happiness irl.


Good for you. I had a paladin doing that last night. Was rushing ahead and near death at the boss several times in a row and I had to save him every time. Finally I stopped before the door, casted a summon portal to catch up the lowbies, and he died. He promptly quit group. He didn’t need to save a couple secs for anything important. He wanted to spit in people’s faces.

I don’t care if we go as fast as possible but I’m not going to be a part of that trash. I’ve started creating my own groups so when a boss gets pulled before everybody is even in the raid, adios.

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The complaint at the moment is that people are missing out on boss kills and loot from them. His suggestion would correct that.

Loot off the trash mobs could be corrected by extending the timer before they decay or disappear.


So now, making everyone the same speed is sabotage?

Are you referring to the people who absolutely refuse to keep up with the group?

Because I try hard to be nice, but obviously some people have no real interest in group activities, and are here just to stroll through these dungeons, then get mad at the clouds somehow.

Look, I know some people don’t run dungeons as ethically as me (Some of these people I play with frequently) but if you get in a run with them, just walk away from your computer for a minute.\

Go use the bathroom, make a snack, play with your dog.

It will all be over in 2 minutes, and you will get most of the loot still.

Just pretend you got a 90% bonus on the loot for your next queue, but a 2 minute longer queue time.