Requested change for future remix like events

He’s mad that I suggested everyone in the dungeon gets a buff making them all run at the same speed.

oh, um yeah, I guess I dont see the issue with that solution actually

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Yeah, however it does reinforce my point that people will complain no matter what you do.

I can solo everything that does not MC or otherwise reset the boss somehow if you ignore mechanics, so for me I make my own groups because everyone I take with gets to come and get guaranteed loot, and a raid lead that will wait for you before pulling the boss.

Every time though I get a fresh 70 Leroy Jenkins styling the boss while people are catching up after they see me quickly delete the first boss without much help.

Honestly I should kick them but I just do not like to do it. No logic here, just feels bad.

Maybe I will make the slowest lowbie I take raid assist from here on out, and just whisper them “kick anyone who makes you mad”


It’ll feel better with practice.

The designers of the game don’t read these forums. I doubt that they twitter. We don’t have a voice on how the game is presented.

A less frustrating (though potentially more complicated and abusable) solution would be to just extend the range for loot eligibility in instances to the whole zone. Like, if you’re in a group with someone and inside the instance, it doesn’t matter where you are; you get a loot tag and can loot it.

I like this. Just have the bodies remain until the instance is reset/everyone leaves. This would definitely help out if the speed demons are killing everything in their path by allowing people to go back and loot after the last boss is killed. It wouldn’t work as well with those that are skipping trash, or pulling it with them to the last boss before they dip, but it would still help with some of the problems.


Where possible the lockout mechanics for bosses and raids should be disabled in remix and where it’s not possible, engaging that boss should work like clicking on the door in SoS that teleports the entire raid instantly to that next event.

This prevents anyone from being “locked out” from falling behind.

Then disable looting while inside raids and dungeons and instead have a chest that spawns at the end of the instance once the final boss is killed. Just like a mythic+ dungeon.

This negates the urge and need to loot every single body all around large rooms in a raid.

Raids and dungeons should be updated so that you respawn at the location of the last boss to die or last event that was completed.

This would allow players to just release after an event or boss and revive at the location where the raid is.

Entering a raid or dungeon after it is in progress should treat you as if you are releasing from a death. Bringing you to the last location that a boss or event was completed.

This solves the issue with players joining late and being behind.

Optionally, introduce a scroll that can only be used inside a dungeon or raid which will summon everyone in your party to your location. Rather than needing to summon each one individually. Ideally this should allow anyone to accept the summons even if they are in combat and should be usable in combat.

This would make it a lot more likely that someone could summon stragglers before bosses in PUGs.


I would settle for them making the summoning scroll into a toy you earn here, but could use in retail.

Pretty sure they would see participation rise, even if they locked it behind something annoying.

I do the same thing on my DH. I alway wait at the door or out of aggro range. I’ve noticed its always the DH that have to use both fel rushes n heroc leap or some other ability to stay ahead bc they’re undergrard n they either die at the boss or take 3+ minutes to kill it… Most the time I pass them just running. Like, being quick doesn’t make you good. But, they’re probably virgins (not that there’s anything wrong with that in n of it’s self) that haven’t learned that yet.