REQUEST: "unique" KSM mount for patch 9.2

Can we not have just another boring recolor of the Maw/death-elemental thing?

Give us something nice/unique to close out the expansion, something different.


Yeah give a mount with a voice line that says “This group is trash lets leave”



You’ll take your recolor and you’ll like it!

Those are for the in-game shop; have your credit card ready.


Not sure why you’d expect the seasonal M+ mount to be a different model each season. Gladiator mounts work the exact same way and have since TBC - one model per expansion with recolors. They are clearly just following that pattern, the same way the new M+ title is just the M+ version of r1 titles from PvP.


Idm the recolour for each ksm too much personally. What I dislike is people claiming that 9. 1 came with however many mounts when they are just recolours. At least call it how it is and say recolours.

What I would like though is armour sets like pvp has. The elite plate set looks awesome but there is no way I will get it. I have a pretty decent io score though and will not get any mog for it.

The title coming to mirror glad is cool but Imo a set should come next. Even if its purely cosmetic.

Swap pvp and m+

95% probability to get a Gold and Black colored Stygian Elemental.


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I think a 1500 M+ rating should have a transmog set that you can purchase with currency. Maybe not Valor since it wouldn’t be anything but cosmetic, but something would be nice. Give people something besides an achievement for the different levels. A pet for 500 rating, a token to buy a random piece of gear with the highest item level for that patch for 1k*, a transmog set for 1500, and a mount and title for 2k.

*Could be a weapon or trinket. One of the more difficult slots to fill. 1k isn’t difficult to reach, but it’s far enough along where a single capped item wouldn’t break anything. Conversely, it could be a weapon transmog if people thought getting a token for a capped weapon was a bad thing.

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I wish I could even so KSM lol
But not against a unique mount for those that do get KSM.

They just usually have recolors for them iirc.
But good luck!

The mount was already datamined long ago. And it is a blue recolored version.

Note that it resembles the Famished Darkness mob color. The add farmed to gain rep with the Archivist Codex.

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That’s for this current season dude. Or is it just a slightly brighter blue? Maybe I’m wrong

For this current season is the green one. It is not the same.

Yeah you’re right. They’re just so similar I could only tell the difference looking at them side by side.

Yeah they are really similar.

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Yeah if you look on WoW mounts or whatever the site is you can see the unused third recolor which will be our ksm s3 reward

Lol @ the idea of blizz doing anything but recolors. You know it will be a recolor after looking at the “class sets” that look like leveling greens.

It’s best you just accept reality. I hate it too but blizz ain’t going to change.


Blue? Aff is very similar to 9.1 Should come a Red, White or Green

It seems they’ve really set the trend for how things are colored now.

PvP Elite set- White
Mythic Raid- Red and black

LFR/Normal/Heroic- Gray, gold, red. Seems they might interchange who gets what within those.

Having an amazing mount makes people play said content. I don’t give a :duck: about those current mounts as they are icky… but man… if they add something new like the Uncorrupted Voidwing. OOF. I worked my buns off learning to raid to get that baby.

That’s the sad thing, tbh. We have come to expect recolors. Now, they might be more reasonably accepted IF blizz came at the sets in a new light with new, unique visuals. However, they don’t, just the same old copy/paste models with little variation.

I’m cool with colors and glow bc I’ve come to expect extremely poor and lazy details in the base sets. Without the glow and colors the sets are so ugly that people would rather not wear armor at all than to be seen in them.