REQUEST Fresh servers, No boosting, No Transfers

Heh. “You think you do, but you don’t…”

“We don’t need to release any Oceanic servers for WoW Classic as there is no market there…” (They later released two, one PvP and one PvE…)

“We only need one of each server ruleset for the Oceanic servers. We won’t need any more than that…” (They had to create two more servers due to the huge amount of players in the Oceanic region)

“We don’t need any RP-PvP servers created for WoW Classic. Just Pve and PvP servers will do…” (They later created two RP-PvP servers)

I am noticing a trend here…

Can I guarantee that new fresh TBC Classic servers with no cash shop conveniences will be wildly successful? No, I cannot. I unfortunately do not have that magic-eight-ball that many other folks here on the forums have that can accurately predict the future otherwise I would have my lottery numbers picked out for next week!! :smiley:

What I can say is that there appears to be more than a few people who are keen for servers with that ruleset. They may be quite successful and populous or they might just be a ghost town, I really cannot say with any validity. But they do appear to be in high demand judging from the number of likes our formal request thread has: A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers - #2043 by Piper-shadowsong

All the naysayers remind me of everyone who originally did not think that WoW Classic would work, or that they needed any Oceanic servers, or that people didn’t really want RP-PvP servers. They say they don’t, but they really don’t know that many do. :slight_smile:
