Request for Cross-Realm Guild Master Promotion

Hello, fellow players and Blizzard team,

With the recent removal of guild transfer services, many of us are facing challenges in maintaining our guilds across different realms. Specifically, there is currently no way to promote someone from another realm to Guild Master, which leaves us in a difficult position.

For those of us who have moved to a new realm or returned to the game after a break, this has become a significant issue. I, like many others, have a guild filled with memories and history, but it’s now stuck on a realm where I no longer play. I don’t want to leave the leadership of this guild to a placeholder character on an inactive realm.

I respectfully request that Blizzard consider implementing a way to promote any player from any realm to Guild Master. This would allow us to preserve our guilds and continue our adventures with them on the realms where we are active.

Thank you for considering this, and I hope to see a solution that benefits all guild members and leaders.


Personally I think that if this doesn’t work this is a big disadvantage to cross realm guilds in general.

I too would like to promote my main to GM, but I can’t cause it’s on a different realm. I’m thinking what would happen if a GM decided to leave and needed to pass leadership to someone in a different realm.

Not a good situation.

So true. The system will come with a huge flaw in my eyes. Currently, there is no way to promote someone from another realm, along with other issues like not being able to access the Guild Bank for characters on different realms, even after assigning them the appropriate rank for Guild Bank rights.

Same issue. This is a bummer

I also would like this option.

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