For those unaware, TBC saw the introduction of a rudimentary version of the “Looking for Dungeon” tool introduced in WotLK, and the “Looking for Group” tool found in today’s retail Shadowlands. By rudimentary, I mean entering in basic information into a window around your character, level, objective to complete, etc, and would then be listed for others to see within this panel. Think of it like retail’s “Looking for Group” interface, where you can see people listing groups for various activities.
During the Q&A session for TBC Classic, the engineering team mentioned they were exploring “refreshing” the TBC version of this tool, to match that of the retail version, as it is far more efficient.
As a player of this game for 16 years, one who has made many, and lost many friends through this journey, I ask you Blizzard, please do not do this.
The problem with retail WoW, for many, is the accessibility. Everybody has access to everything. Everyone has epic armor. Everyone can raid the current tier. And thus, the feeling of “epicness” is diminished. Now this is not about elitism or being a special snowflake. This is about looking at the state of the game in 2007/2008 compared to now. Objectively observing declining player-base and subscription numbers. Much of this can be attributed to a more casual-catered development model. For me, and for many, the aspects that made Vanilla/Classic and TBC so great, were the challenge involved, and the lack of accessibility in certain instances. This may sound counterintuitive… “why would we want to reduce accessibility to content?” The answer is simple… it drives player interaction and preserves the epic feeling of clearing content. This may have been an issue in Vanilla TBC, where a large portion of the playerbase did not experience BT/Sunwell. However, with Classic TBC, the audience is more hardcore, and wants an experience that feels epic. Not easier.
So how does this tie in to the dungeon finder tool? Many attribute the downfall of WoW to the introduction of “Looking for _____” systems. Systems that strip away player interaction, and player resourcefulness, in exchange for highly convenient and diminishing experiences. Want to find a group? Don’t worry - toss it in the dungeon finder tool and AFK until a group is filled. This philosophy may be the theme of Shadowlands, but it is not appropriate in Classic/TBC.
The aspects that make Classic/TBC so great largely revolve around player interaction and “challenge to accessibility”. By “refreshing” the Looking for Group tool to “modernize” it, Blizzard is essentially enabling the breakdown of player interaction through one of the laziest tools implemented in this game’s history. Please do not do this.
TL;DR - Addition of retail-version “Looking for Group” tool into TBC Classic will ruin the experience, by reducing player interaction and increasing accessibility.