Representation of Nightwarrior Tyrande

With regard to the new voicefiles of the Alpha, to be exact this one:

I wanted to address a topic which I - and probably many others who follow the Lore more attentively - have with these texts.

Blizzard, in my eyes you missed to really show that huge powerup really well. Tyrande already destroyed whole armies in WC3, like the Ghularmy, for example, in the battle of the bridge after she fell into the water and had to be rescued by Nagas.

You don’t get the feeling that this is a real mighty force, which is rightly so dangerous that it might kill the wearer. That’s partly because the Night Warrior hasn’t achieved anything really big that justifies it so far, and partly because even one Nathanos managed to stand up to them for a while, together with two Val’kyren, if that’s enough, it doesn’t feel powerful, especially in view of the fact that Tyrande has achieved similarly powerful things in ingame and novels without struggling or having problems with it.

The feeling that two Val’kyren can empower him and he can stand up to it is and remains inexpensive when it’s the Avatar of a god who might even kill you.

There is just a lack of representation, of SHOWING, not just saying, but SHOWING what the Night Warrior really has to offer, so that you can get a feeling for it. I mean, if it was so powerful and dangerous, a Night Warrior could cleanse Darkshore and Ashenvale much faster and easier than you have shown.

It just doesn’t feel right, these files in terms of the past representation of the ritual and the Night Warrior. Had you depicted him correctly, you would have depicted him as she should have been depicted, the great Night Warrior to justify this would be something else, but so it always remains a tel and not shown.


I agree. We just had Tyrande perform this forbidden ritual for power and we don’t even get to see her properly use it before she rids herself of it. 10/10. Vengeance for Teldrassil, right Blizz? :roll_eyes:


Nathanos is not a regular human being, at his base power he’s probably above Tyrande.

And God means nothing in this universe, Grom demolished both Cenarius and Mannoroth twice, and Grom isn’t a god or anything.



I mean Varian is above Tyrande in both strength and tactical prowess, even she herself admits it.

We’re not talking tactics or physical strength. We’re talking power. Raw, magical, power.

The writers writing these new stories are not the same guys who made Warcraft or most of the Classic - Wrath story.

And time and time again these writers have proved an arrogance of pretending their story bits and hints are more important than they actually end up being.

The god damn sword is still in the god damn planet and no one even references it anymore.


Look, we’re talking about someone well over 10k years old.


Doesn’t matter how much magic power you have, you got axe on your front or back, you’ll die.

Age doesn’t mean anything, Illidan destroyed million years being, Grom destroyed Cenarius.

There is no logical reasoning for why an Undead Dark Ranger was able to outlast the most powerful druid in the world, next to a forest.

Druids can be a moderately powerful class in their own right. But when you put them in a forest, their power goes up to levels beyond even Death Knights and Demon Hunters.


Druids were the first true Hero class :wink:

Is there any reason for why an orc could demolish a demigod like Cenarius other than his axe hit his head?

The problem is that not even the Night Warrior and Malfurion combined could stop Nathanos from achieving his goals. Getting Darkshore back was never shown or told to us, we got lucky that someone asked it at Blizzcon. Getting back Ashenvale is not happening at all or ?..

They told us that Tyrande and the Night Elves got their revenge in 8.1, but they’ve never shown or told us anything that would actually support that statement. Tyrande has achieved nothing with the Night Warriors besides killing 1 camp of Horde soldiers which she should’ve been able to do before that power up. The only thing that was achieved was killing that 1 Val’kyr after some massive struggle, but that doesn’t support the revenge statement at all since this had no consequences for Sylvanas, Nathanos or others.

Now instead of giving us the revenge/justice storyline everyone asked for, they are giving us a storyline where Tyrande is struggling with those powers and might either lose them or die with them - seems like they are doing this intentionally. I mean how could they think that this could be more satisfying than a justice storyline? They shouldn’t have ended the revenge plot in 8.1 and just continued it instead of giving us this nonsense…


Because that Orc was hopped up on crazy fel empowering magics, and just so happened to be one of the most powerful warriors ever known in Warcraft.

It is explicitly stated the demon blood grom drank once again from the fountain in Ashenvale is the only reason he could stand toe to toe with Cenarius.

Ok so the undead human dude is empowered by dark magic as well, and so happened to be one of the most powerful ranger.

Except no where is it stated he is. There’s nothing saying Nathanos is empowered, as far as we know from a readers stand point, he’s just Nathanos.

Now if information comes out saying otherwise, ill retract my statement, but until then, its bad writing.

He’s not, I don’t know where those idiotic rumours come from or how they make Tyrande so weak. Tyrande also never admitted that Varian is stronger, or was ever portrayed as being stronger, when you refer to the one scenario in MOP, Varian’s strategy was the better one, and you know what the joke is, the strategy Varian used there is the normal night elf strategy, and the biggest joke is, they did it just to push Varian, at the expense of Tyrande and the elves.

In terms of bow skills, Tyrande is even better than Sylvanas and the only one who can compete with Alleria, who was the best ranger Quel’Thalas ever, by the way.

thats NOT true deitys, blizz told you in the past about elune that she is the only treu deity, the only true god of the entire franchise.

wrong, she doesn´t admit such a thing, ever.

grom was pushed by demonblood and have sheer luck, it was not skill, it was luck, and demonfire, fel, is very effective on nature, but nathanos haven´t such things.

and it doesn’t change the fact that we have novels and in-game representations that made the Tyrande so powerful before without it needing anything like the Night Warrior to do what she did in Darkshore.

It simply wasn’t shown this great power, the danger that comes with having a power where you risk dying.

he is nothing like that, Nathanos is not this big Dude you’re about to build him up to, he was a normal Ranger, only Sylvanas always wanted him to be Ranger Lord because she LOVED him; no one else, not even her own King was for it.


Tyrande has never been strong, she’s in the same vein as Velen, he’s strong but not in terms of destructive power like KJ and Archimonde.

Even Varian schooled her and Malfurion shut her mouth.

wrong…she was allways strong, allways, read the lore

she fought an entiry giant sartyr army by herselve, she fought an entire scourge army solo and wins that fight, with thousands of thousands ghuls, she fought with xavius many times and fought on equal ground with nightmare ysera, (she tanks the dragon), even archimonde was not able to hurt her.

so, you´re wrong, you´re in fact wrong


She really didn’t, the bridge thinned the number of army that could pass, and she just destroyed the bridge with her.

Stop making a huge expectation of her and you wouldn’t dissapoint yourself.