Representation of Nightwarrior Tyrande

Then read the mission description in WC3 again, by the way, that was the end of this battle, and chronicles tell you so by the way, she killed thousands of ghouls.

and the only one talking her down right now is you.


Also lore wise the horde champion was helping

so was the pc alliance champion too, so thats equal.

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I am, and im not being disappointed when she lose, because its to be expected.

The fact that a lot of the war was in war table text really soured some of the story telling in BfA.

Youā€™re supposed to show. Not tell.

I canā€™t help but roll my eyes in stories or games where a npc goes ā€œAs you knowā€¦ā€ well what if I DONT know mr / mrs npc? Why donā€™t you SHOW me instead of tell me? Ugh

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Thatā€™s the point, thereā€™s not going to be any epic feeling, any feeling that somehow justifies the danger as Blizzard wants to portray it, and thatā€™s too bad, because the story could have worked very well.

However. This is still an alpha and even blizz said to be a little wary of some of the stuff in the data mining.

If I were them, I would avoid putting too many big spoilers. Even back when I tested MoP some of the quest text was just ā€œand something cool happensā€ because the cutscenes werenā€™t implemented.

No real hype for lore if we find out every nook and cranny of story far before the expansions out

I hope with this thread - except for a draenei-hater - that Blizzard will just give in and really show us what the Night Warrior is capable of, what power this Avatar has, what itā€™s abilitys, so far the feeling right now is just too ā€¦meaningless, it was not good portrayed.

How am i the hater when i support their canon power scaling :rofl:

because itā€™s not their canon power scaling, and many sources simply contradict you, so you just had and talk her down, even though the lore doesnā€™t support that at all.

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Being made officially by Blizzard makes it canon, what you think should happen is called headcanon, this is how it works.

There are none, Tyrande drowned a bunch of ghouls congrats.

If Blizzard said Khadgar could froze 100 Shattered hand orcs or destroy a whole dam by himself, and Blizzard put him in a 3v1 where Khadgar, Cordana, and the player is to fight Garona, who would win?

waandromik, If thatā€™s how you feel, then so be it, I just know better, but Iā€™m tired of discussing with you here, I even gave you the sources:

WOTA, Stormrage, Tyrande Shortstory, and WC3, so pls, leave the thread if you feel that way, for the simple reason that you will and want to cause trouble all the time.

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Nah, their writer know better.

but youĀ“re not one :wink:

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Never said i was, you ok bud?

i have enough, fine, have fun trolling. Iā€™m just not gonna respond to you anymore.

Pulled the troll card, ok i win.

Part of the weakness of characters who should be strong, like the new Tyrande, is that we have to play along with them in game. This game is a movie now, but weā€™re playing it instead, which is breaking up a lot of the story into stupid bits that donā€™t make any sense.
Being limited to a cinematic would have made them much stronger, like the Terror of Darkshore cinematic did for Malfurion.

As I said, I would accept the whole thing with the disadvantages of the night warrior and its danger, and I would also find it coherent if we were really shown the advantages, but that has not happened so far. and thats is a big problem, if you want to build a story arround that.

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