Can anyone tell me how to report /E chat that can’t be right clicked? Ran a key with a person thst had an addon that constantly emoted when an enemy was killed. Every single mob that died caused a “X pwned npc”
You should be able to right click their portrait and select “Report Player.”
That doesn’t allow me option to report the chat though
If Poctzarwaz’s suggestion of right clicking their portrait isn’t working (It should, one of the options should be for chat) you can also right click on their name in the chat log and report that way as well.
The portrait only showed to report for boosting,botting,cheating ect ect on that end. Will do a UI reset to rule that out. But you cannot right click an emoted chat to report it
You can, if it’s in /emote their name won’t be highlighted but you can still click on it to report.
If that fails, guess the last thing would be to manually file a ticket and give as much information as you can.
That is news to me as far as reporting an emote. As right clicking it did nothing in this instance (Was hoping you could) I will start with a UI reset as this is sounding more like the case