Reporting people that offend you is toxic

What’s that? Someone told the truth, that you’re not following the rules, and you have a problem with that? What a curious problem you’re having, stranger.

Also posting a thread demanding people do what you say and then complaining about other people wanting to control you. Love that classic doublethink.

You seem like you need a vacation to me, buddy. Maybe it’ll give you some time to look inward and take responsibility for your own behavior. The report function seems to be working as intended.


then that goes back to what I’m saying, you have players that cannot accept the fact that there are players out there wanting to play differently. Even if it isn’t the most damaging spec or the best healing spec or optimized tanking spec or the best pvp class/spec.

To accept people criticizing me? “You’re trash at your class” is bullying. Bullying in any way is not acceptable and those that participate in it should be held accountable.

When you have Anti-LFDers and Pro-LFDers agreeing on something, it’s usually correct.


I dont really view it as bullying. If someone were to tell me Im trash at my class Id either laugh it off or look into what Im doing wrong on that class. Thats about as far as that would go, wouldn’t even give it a second thought after that.

Actually its NOT constructive. Constructive would be explaining what they are doing wrong and then explaining how to improve…


It is bullying. You’re effectively making fun of someone, which is bullying.

Yeah i think thats a pretty wide standard for bullying lol

To each their own.

I agree with OP 100%. He has made some very valid points.

OK I am retired US Navy… I have seen lots of constructive feedback over my days.

Telling someone they are trash at their class isnt being constructive as it does not explain to said moron what they are doing wrong.

Now for example. Saying “Hey Idiot, dont stand in that crap (fire its fire obviously) during 2nd phase.” That is constructive…
Telling said player “Your DPS sucks! Keep flame shock up and your Lava Burts will always crit.” That is constructive…
But “get gud nub”, “your bad player”, “you should quit” type of comments are NOT constructive. If thats all the feedback you got to give, then your simply being a troll or to much of an idiot yourself to actually give good feedback.


What on earth are you talking about? Calling someone trash in any capacity is NOT designed to be constructive. You don’t actually believe this, do you?


its simple, dont open your mouth around the redditors and twitters.

Because that violates forum rules.
Yes, it’s really that simple.


You are always in charge of what you type in the game.

Take responsibility for your actions and grow a thicker skin.


Because the OP’s ilk are learning that Blizzard is, in fact, taking their rules seriously. And they can’t accept that.


“Calling someone racist is just as bad as actually being racist”

Please go away

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you promised to follow the EULA. You failed to keep that promise. That makes you an oath breaker. and we all know what happens to oath breakers!

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There is a way to offer some advice without coming off as elitist. Some people you’re calling trash are new players. Makes sense to nurture them instead of push them away from the game. Or are you too shortsighted to see that?

I am ex military. I know that all these people have the ability to figure out proper interactions. They just dont want to. Ive dealt with a few of these and they came to understand real quick how to address people. There are consequences for doing otherwise. There are consequences for just about every decision you make, good or bad, you have to decide if you belong in that situation. You can decide to abide by the TOS or you can live with the results. Your choice. Its blizzards platform and 100% their house.

Talk -ish get hit (with the ban hammer here anyway). You and everyone else that acts like you deserve your bans, 100%. :kissing_heart: :tipping_hand_woman: