Reporting Gold Buyers

Hi there,

what’s the best way to report gold buyers on classic wow and websites they use?

Is there a form that customer service uses that one can fill out?

Right-click and report for cheating is probably the best way. If they’re using chat to tell people that they’re buying gold, definitely that’s the way.

If they’re a gold seller, right-click report for spam.

If you just know the website, you can email that info to


If you suspect someone of buying gold you can report your suspicions by emailing


Thanks I will send the email.


When I send stuff to the, I like to include screenshots and possible video links too. Like some youtube videos have some TOS breaking things, so submitting it to hacks for review is good. Also if I actively see it in the game, recording it allows for a great way to notate the behavior and websites.

The most important things to include in a are a date, time, and location along with names.

Screen shots and ingame videos are nice, but action, other than for Yutube advertisement videos, will only be taken based upon evidence in the logs.

Anything that helps them locate an offense in the logs beats screenshots and videos that can be faked.

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