Reporting Conversion Results

Continuing the discussion from Feedback: Warband Conversion – June 18:

  • Flight paths did not transfer. Df - valdrakken only; eastern kingdom’s on alliance toon shows points in only Elwood Forest.

  • Collections:
    —Toys: showing 8 pages instead of 40
    —Pets: Missing almost all of my pets.
    —Received mail on each logged on character that contain a pet, toy or mount that were character specific but now account bound
    —Missing transmog. Can’t begin to count but sets are only showing a couple per armor type. It should be at least in the double digits for each.
    —Mounts look good
    —Heirlooms are all missing

  • Reputations
    — Reps Current: Valdrakken Renown only. (All are maxed live).
    — Reps Old: List is incomplete and values are incorrect.
    —Honor has been reset

—I noticed Achievement points went up as I logged on to some characters. Assuming profession and possibly others were being added on first log on. I see there is a new section for Legacy achievements. I have not checked all but one that stood out was Fashionista: Shirts. I have the achievement live and 6 pages of shirts made it to collections. However the achievement is showing as only 5 collected. Just double checked the count is now up to 7 so apparently Achievements is still doing some background updating.

  • WarBank:
    — Bought two bank tabs. Clicked “Deposit All” with Reagent Included button checked. Items from reagent bag went in. Items from my personal reagent bank did not as I had hoped.
    — I was not able to remove items from the bank. Most gave internal bag error but an account bound weapon box told me I could not use a soul bound item. It was a weapon that my class could equip normally. All toons that logged on - same results when trying to withdraw an item.

—After the initial log on, every subsequent character received some or all of the following:
— Mail with an achievement item attached. Guessing these were once personal and now account wide.
— Harrison Jones as a follower and the achievement “Don’t Call Me Junior”
-The auto-quest “The Warfront Looms” or horde equivalent
-The auto-quest to tour the trading post.

When logging back on to the initial character I found a mailbox full of “Echoed Ephemera” mail from the postmaster. The mailbox was full. Deleted everything (at least 3 separate “your mailbox is full” notices). Logged on today and she had a new mailbox items related to achievements completed on other characters.


This is pretty much my experience exactly… no heirlooms, very few pets (maybe 15 out of 1200), appearances are missing in large volume, DF rep only shows Valdrakken at level 1, Glimmerog appears to be accurate, as do the Furbolg, but everything else is missing. Mounts appear to be up to date as of character copy.

I copied over 4 characters, but most of what is missing was earned on the first character I logged in to test.

Wait why did you not reply all this in the thread about it :thinking:

For those missing a ton of pets/transmogs/etc., were you able to use the “Copy Account Data” button on the Copy Character screen? It’s been available seemingly randomly (it’s greyed out for me currently), but if you aren’t able to utilize the service then that’s likely the reason for the missing items.

The button wasn’t available for me on beta, so I currently have 42 battle pets and missing transmog, whereas on the PTR - where the button was available last week - I have almost everything I do on live servers.

Just tried to copy another character over and it was greyed out. The only active button besides okay is the “copy keybindings” one.

Yeah, the account data button is grayed for me. I’m one of the ones missing all of my stuff.