Reported. Reported! Gah

daily freeze peach post

Also I don’t think any rational debate is possible with some jabroni who starts off ranting about “free speech” without understanding what it means. That’s only worth making fun of.

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I’ll log out and in to see if it’s gremlins

I mean
 it’s always technically after midnight. So makes sense.

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If you’re going to use the “Muh free speech” argument, then you need to learn the basic rule that follows after it. Yes you’re entitled to free speech and you’re also entitle to the consequences that come with your use of free speech.

Is that Chef Boyardee’s brother? What does he make?

General Discussion :poop:posts, in my experience

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Wasn’t gremlins. :man_shrugging: If I stop posting for a week or 2 you’ll know what happened :joy:

Hey, do you know where Blizzard tells you to go to give suggestions? On the forums. So yes. This person is entirely within his rights to write down his suggestion here. Quit pretending to be a GM.

It would be best if you edited your text’s “bomb” section, as you can be reported for that. But I think this isn’t as factual as you believe it is. At work, my boss and all my colleagues use colourful language. My parents also do, and my friends do. And I do in front of customers too. Who cares?

We’re all unique individuals, and if it fits your style, go for it.

hmm ive not had to alter my behaviour at all due to them, and im pretty vulgar most of the time. Maybe its a you thing.


Ummm people seriously need to stop bringing up “Freedom of Speech” in video games. You do realize the Amendments don’t apply to to customers renting a character from a company right? Not only that, not everyone who plays is even from the US so Amendments mean squat to them.

Please stop feeling you have Amendment rights playing on a companies privately owned (privately meaning this is THEIR stuff we are playing on) game where they can do whatever they want.

Are you allowed to start swearing at work etc. and using words that offend people or swear at your boss etc.? Nope. What happens? You get fired. WAHHH? You get fired? But
 Freedom of speech?

If you are having a party at your house and someone is using words that are making all your guests complain and even some leave. Are you allowed to ask them to leave and if they don’t can you call the cops? Yep. WAHHH? You can’t tell me to leave and the cops can’t do anything because of freedom of speech.


Free speech doesn’t mean free from consequences. You can’t go stomping around a retail store screaming obscenities at the top of your lungs or you’ll get kicked out. Same principle, here.

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I will hold a memorial in your honor
 assuming I don’t get a timeout in the meantime as well. I get them not infrequently.

Great, sounds like you have a community of people who understand what language is acceptable.

You can do that in WoW too: cuss all you want in guild chat as long as you know everyone there is okay with it.

But if you seriously think you can go throw a string of expletives at a bank teller or waiter or something then I don’t think there’s any conversation that can be had with you.

None of us are stopping him? We’re just mocking him. That’s well within our rights too :wink:


Rat’s, (polite word) I was being entertained here. Now I have to pull Mom duty and make dinner and miss all the fun. :angry:

Lock em in a closet with a box of Cheerios, worked for me.

(Don’t report me, I was joking.)


Don’t ever give up your job.

I’m a small business owner in the trades. Even I can’t use colorful language to my customers.


 I haven’t changed who I am because of these “new” rules. I’ve even had several butthurt snowflakes say they’ve “reported” me, and nothing has happened.

All these people having problems with the contract are either really, really unlucky, or flat out lying for attention.


im gonna go with this option.


Given he liked his post on his alts, this is probably more true than not.