Reported. Reported! Gah

Not if he was in Trade chat. There is no Trade Chat in ZM. :

If you mean what I think you mean

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Wasn’t me. :eyes:

Do you have a stalker?

Honest question, I have had one before that would follow me to multiple threads and no matter what I said, the post would get flagged. It’d be unflagged later, but still

Someone is literally reporting everything I post

Where? How? Nothing in this thread is hidden.

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I don’t see it.

Dang man that’s bonkers

And rubber gloves, lol.

I keep getting a flag on my name saying “reply reported”

Probably the OP. Or someone from Fords cause you said you like Chevy. Us Detroiters take their cars seriously.


I’ve literally never seen that before and I get kicked out of this place on a regular basis lol

As far as I know you never see flags unless enough pile up to “hide” it - 3 or 4 I think.

I mean the thread should 404 soon enough because it’s talking about disciplinary action taken. But they’ll run out of flags soon if that’s what’s going on.

I think it’s fair to have a debate about the use of language.

But feel free to continue hiding behind ridiculous rules if it somehow makes you feel better about yourself.

I think it’s good to try to understand others’ points of view before degrading them. Some rules can be terrible, and sometimes they must be changed.

If I could post a ss I would. I’ve never seen it either and I’ve had a few vacations myself.

The OP was flagged. I pushed the “choose to see hidden content” option and grabbed a bag of popcorn.

Those “ridiculous rules” are the same in basically any polite company in real life. Some of y’all have some weird lives if you think dropping random f bombs in public is acceptable.

Was it? Doesn’t look like it is now, which means some mod removed it for some reason lol


You have no say in whether or not Blizzard’s rules for their own property need to be changed. Would you let a guest in your home say “I don’t like your house rules, you need to change them.” I am guessing not. This is Blizzard’s house.


:joy: Idk, maybe you’re right!

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Maybe it is gremlins.