Reported. Reported! Gah

Lol, I’m literally looking at the list of comments that I was reported for, one was “I died 10 yards from the flag and nobody helped.” Yep, that comment right there is what I was reported for, that warranted a suspension?

Just because you were reported for that doesn’t mean you were suspended for that. You say it is a list, I’d go out on a limb and say something on that list warranted it and you know it.

Nope, here’s some more, “reported for toxic behavior” that was said to a person who was literally cussing and belittling the entire team, and another one, “this game is cancer when people have 30k more health than you.” Want me to continue? They’re all the same, didn’t say anything to anyone, didn’t call anybody names, not exaggerating.

you deserve a raise

your “cancel culture” was started in the 50’s by Senator Joe McCarthy. It isnt something new.

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Then appeal it.

I did, 24 hour wait for a response.

You’ve been living in a dream world OP.
This is the world as it exists today…

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It just seems to me to encourage an environment where people just clam up in their little gated guilds and communities, and the game gets alot more quiet and cold. I’ll be the first to admit Trade could be horrible, I have shut it off many times before. Just…

I don’t want WoW to be this cold, quiet, tense place where only people relax and be themselves when under the protection of their own area. And you might feel differently and say its overblown, but for me, it is quieter alot of the time, it is restrained. People make less jokes, give less opinions, use less sarcasm, it feels like the color got sapped a bit from it. It’s better in some ways yes, less horrible topics or insults, less obnoxious disruptions but its not all good.

You can say I am making it up or exaggerating, maybe for you its fine, heck maybe for you its worse somehow, I can’t speak for everyone, I only can say what I have noticed, and what a fair amount of people have noticed, and shared. I want everyone to be happy and to be safe and to avoid trouble and being hurt. I just think a balance has to be struck, between expression, and hardline enforcement of rules.

I feel like if people just used ignore, for its purpose, we would hardly even have this debate or issue. Reports should be for when blocking doesn’t work, or of course, when hate speech, threats, racism, harassment, things that are beyond the pale, essentially.

But thanks again for being nice and explaining your views, Mirasol. I do appreciate it.

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If you own a business or property or are the manager of such you can tell someone to leave. if they refuse you can have them arrested for criminal trespass. they dont get an excuse.

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All I know is I won’t ever be talking in the game again for any reason, you’ll get reported for saying anything, doesn’t matter what it’s about. I knew it was going to be bad, but I had no idea how bad.

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I think most peoples concern is phrased a bit differently, this senario, maybe…

If you went to a restaurant, sat down and ate, and its a busy restaurant, people of all kinds and all sorts frequent it. And you crack a few jokes, some have swears, your friends laugh, and some a couple tables away, don’t like you. Maybe its the way you are dressed or how you sound, maybe they don’t like you because you both were at a store or at the post office and you felt like they didn’t treat you right, and wanna get even. Maybe it’s cause they don’t like how you eat your food and think you are crude and poorly utilizing the tableware. Whatever the reason, its petty, and personal, disguised as a legitimate complaint.

And so they complain to the manager, and get their friends to do so as well, and most people swear, and no one cares, most are mindful to not go too far, but the rules do say, no disruptions, so they gotta ask you to leave, because even though most people in that restaurant don’t care, this one person and their friends, do.

The manager knows its bunk, they know you didn’t cause any issues, but they gotta do it, they gotta follow through, no matter what, else they could get in trouble.

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Was profanity involved?

I guessed I missed the part in the EULA and/or social contract that said profanity was only bad if it was targeted at another player.

Nope, no profanity, I knew people would abuse it which is why I played it safe, plus, this may be news to some people, but there’s a profanity filter. I know, shocker!

I’d say avoid any profanity, any IRL incident or person, and try to stick to personal friends, groups, guilds and communities, to really relax. Sorry I gotta say that but its the best thing you can do. And in the meantime, try to trust that GMs do their best, and the vast majority do, I have respect and admiration, for the GMs who really do their best. they have an impossible task to handle, so much work, and publicly criticized and mocked by really bad people. It’s really sad, that a couple GMs who make bad calls or have less then professional interaction, get lumped in with the 99.99% of good, honest people.

Maybe things will change, the system adapts and gets updated, maybe this works out and is straightened out, I dunno. But play it extra safe and leave nothing to chance, and yeah, there’s that nervous restrained feeling I mentioned.

Literally this!



Crunchy Carnitas Tacos!

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If you go out of your way to be obnoxious and break the rules, knowing full well the rules have been standing for 18 years… then you deserve what happens to you. The enforcement of this rule has 0 negative impact on those who do not try to circumvent an enforceable section of the Code of Conduct. If you get smacked by this rule, I do not feel sorry for you. Blizz will take the report, confirm any violations, and act accordingly. Just like real life… don’t do the crime knowing you can do the time. I have been overjoyed with the results and Trade Chat / LFG Chat are once again civilized places.